Xemma Empire > Chapter 453 Chapter Crash [1]

Chapter 453 Chapter Crash [1]

    "What do you do now?" Alex has a bit of a headache. The importance of this letter is self-evident, if they are just "ordinary people", no If an official is a part-time job or just a businessman, then this letter is not threatening to them at all. One of them is an official and the other is a soldier. No matter who they are, they belong to one of the members of the official system of the empire. They need not only a hard-working attitude, but also a more positive personal image.

    Either polity will only promote positive things, because it is in line with the needs of the general public and everyone is yearning for something. The scandal may not accept legal troubles, but they will encounter obstacles in their official career. This kind of scandal will become a long-term negative impact, and it is very likely that it will limit the channels that they could rise, and face the desperation that it will be difficult to get promoted in their lifetime.

    So Alexton had a headache when he was a government official. It was more complicated than the military situation, and he would be taken down by accident.

    Aide’s eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes, and he feels trouble for the same. Can he become a major general before the age of 50, the future ten? Year is his crucial period. He needs to do a lot of work to give the army's top management confidence in himself. He also needs to invest a lot of money to let the generals know that he is a "self". For this reason, he not only needs a positive image, but also needs sufficient funds.

     Once he became a major general, his investment will be able to recover and generate more returns, power, money, at your fingertips.

    A fist squatted on the table and let the table jump. The girl in the distance was shaken by the sudden loud noise. She glanced at the beginning. Reassure other guests and apologize to these guests for not being at fault.

    Alex was also shocked. "Brother, calm down, what do we do now?"

      Aide took a few breaths to calm down the violent flames of his heart. He calmed down and forced himself to think, thinking is the way human progress, this is what the Governor told him. Although he didn't like the old man, he still remembered some of the old man's words.

    "Maybe, we should kill the lawyer named Kevin and the person who betrayed us." After thinking for a while, Eide felt that his idea was no problem. If Kevin suddenly broke his foot, there would be no such Many things, Vivian will definitely lose, they will be able to get amazing art, and then Alex to pursue his promotion, and continue to manage his own affairs in the Army.

    But there is more of this lawyer called Kevin, everything is starting to make them a bit stunned, and the constant accidents and losses are unbearable. Although this game lost, but he does not intend to silently swallow, he wants "vengeance."

    "Damn Kevin?", Alex ridiculously laughed. "Are you sure what you are talking about? He is a very famous lawyer." If you kill him, people will guess that this is what we do."

    "But they have no evidence!", Aite pulled his tie, Standing up, "The old man is dead, but he still left us something we can't see. The uncles and uncles will see us in the face of the old man. Before there is no solid evidence, no one I can move us, no!"

    The court debate on the next day ended because the plaintiff voluntarily withdrew the case, and the court sentenced the final result of the trial, Ed and Alex. The Knicks only had access to the artwork in the storeroom, and the artwork hanging on the walls and in the room belonged to Vivienne.

    Kevin smiled and left the court with Vivienne. At the moment he stood on the steps outside the court, many reporters flocked to people. I want to hear what this barrister wants to say.

    In the face of so many reporters Kevin did not have the slightest market, he has long been used to such a scene, which seems to be part of his life. Constantly winning the lawsuit, constantly being boasted by reporters, constantly becoming a news person, constantly gaining more benefits.

     "I don't have anything to say, this is not the first time I win a lawsuit, nor is it my last time to win a lawsuit. Myths will always be Continue. What? You said the luxury lawyers hired by the other party?” Kevin showed a scornful smile. He raised his chin slightly and said with a ribbon of arrogance: “Humans can’t beat the gods, just like they beat. No, thank you, thank you!"

    With Kevin's "Declaration" on the second day, all the newspapers in Cannes used similar titles to state the high-profile lawsuit and Kevin - "The Insurmountable Peak."

    A whole lawyer team almost recruited the best lawyers in Cannes, but they eventually lost to Kevin, and journalists did not care outside the courtroom. What kind of competition the two sides have done, all they need is the result.

    A group of people, lost to a person, other topics are never personal heroism more attractive to people's attention, not to mention behind the lawsuit There is Vivienne, the pioneer and leader of the affirmative movement.

    As an administrative official, Alex naturally knew the terrorist power of public opinion, so he also found several reporters, followed by some articles. Carefully "explain" the reason why Vivian's two brothers withdrew their complaints because they were inspired by Vivienne's behavior and persuasion, recognizing that it is more important for a family to be together than to fight for power, so they gave up the legacy of the Governor. , choose to continue to be a family.

    The unparalleled correct political views and positions have indeed added a lot to them.

    Kevin and Vivian delivered the last document and called from the bank to confirm that the two million amount had been credited, and he immediately stood up With Vivienne and Dudu, he said that this time is very tired, but he feels that it is all worthwhile, because of his fatigue, his bank deposits more than two million.

    Do not be too much, this is still a friendship price, if the case is calculated according to Kevin’s current market price, their controversial artwork is under 20 million. He won the lawsuit for Vivienne, he should get the winning commission, about 4 million. Because this is a friend of Doolin, he only received a cost price of two million.

     Sometimes this guy is not a bastard who only recognizes money, at least it has a bit of human touch.

    All Buddha said that he would send him, but he declined the goodwill of the Buddha, only three kilometers from the Governor’s Office to the station, and there were fewer vehicles at night. Not as crowded as during the day. Moreover, he did not intend to return to the emperor immediately, and finally went back to his hometown. He did not experience the enthusiasm of a hometown girl here. He always felt a little lost.

    The excitement brought about by two million makes him need to vent, and tonight he will find at least three girls, or four!

    The car left by the Governor’s departure left the Governor’s Office. He just parked the car tomorrow at the hotel next to the station. Let people retrieve the vehicle.

    Kevin from the Governor’s Office did not notice that he had followed a small tail behind himself, and his attention was completely placed around the nights. Bars and entertainment venues.

    Orodor has developed quite well over the years. As the capital of Cannes, the state government has given a certain policy inclination to the policy. Tattered, that is detrimental to the image of Cannes.

     stopped at a traffic lighted intersection and watched the flashing red light Kevin pulled out a cigarette. He had found a place to have fun at night. Not far from a magnificent bar, the style of decoration is a bit like the entertainment venue of the Imperial Capital. I can see what the store is doing when I see it.

    The flashing of the red light gradually dimmed. After a second of extinction, the green light illuminates. He starts the car to step on the pedal of the power cabin, and the vehicle passes through the intersection. For a moment, a glare of light illuminates his face from his right intersection. He hadn't had time to skunk the car with the headlights in the middle of the night, the truck had already hit his car.

    The harsh sound produced by the friction between the rubber tire and the ground could not cover the bang of the impact. Kevin’s car was hit and flew out and rolled in the air. After a few laps, he turned to the ground and stuck between the street lamp and the wall that was knocked down.

    The truck that was in trouble quickly turned off the headlights and disappeared into the streets of Orodo in the middle of the night.

    After more than ten minutes, the hospital’s ambulances and police cars were late, they only saw the unrecognizable car, but did not see the perpetrators. . There is no doubt that this must be done by big trucks, only they can make such a serious car accident, and only they will flee the scene for the first time.

    This is like a law of inhumanity. There are always many car accidents caused by large trucks every year, and then these big trucks will escape.