Xemma Empire > Chapter XXII Meeting [1]

Chapter XXII Meeting [1]

    There are two long tables on the empty lawn, both sides of the table are filled with people, Sophia sits on the left side of Doolin, and the right side gives A guy called Barto.

     Among Du Lin’s agents, only Sophia and Barto are doing very well. Sophia relied on the violent violence to surrender, while Barto used some other means, such as the joint local city hall. These two people are typical of agents. They are taken out separately to give other agents an example and a template.

    You can get down to your heart and act decisively. You can refer to the way Sofia expands its business.

    If you don't want to be so violent, you can learn Barto, collude with the city hall and those officials and capitalists to become a "businessman."

    They represent the darkness, one represents the light, and even the limited light is at least bright.

    The chefs have placed the dishes on the table, only these people in the entire open space, as well as Dufo and Dove, and other entourages are in Alexandria. The hotel dine, only a few people, stayed. For example, Buddy’s son, Batu’s daughter and other “successors”. They really need to see it, because this meeting represents a business that cannot be said on the table, has its own rules of the game, and standards.

    Du Lin stood in the middle of the table on both sides, people looked at him, his face filled with a smile, precisely because of the seal that Du Lin wrote to them. Letter, only have them today. They need to thank Doolin, whether they like this guy or not.

     "I have thought about what he should do when he is rich?" Du Lin’s voice stopped the sound of the lawn on his head. Even a few teenagers sitting next to me watched Du Lin. "My idea was that I had to have a big house, countless maids, and plates made of gold to hold the steaks, even A silver knives and forks are set with a row of gems."

     "Whenever I go out, someone bends over to me and yells Mr. Doolin. I will let the Buddha give me a hundred dollars, and then tell him that this is what Mr. Doolin has given him. I want to be the focus of everyone’s attention. Whenever I speak, people will listen carefully. Every time I am happy, I will also infect them..."

    “I have too many interesting ideas, but when I become a rich person... I think I used to be naive!”

    Doolin’s The words caused a lot of people to laugh lightly, because what Du Lin said was that they had fantasized about half a year ago. Every poor person has imagined that if one day he becomes a rich man, he will do something. This is not a shame, especially after they become rich, the ideas they once became in their view. Remembering a kind of past thoughts.

    Du Lin raised his hand and pressed the button, and the laughter subsided. He continued: "When I have money, my first thought is to buy a Big house, so you sat here. After that, I was faced with the money that I could never count. I should still do something? After I thought for a long time, I felt that I should be worthy of myself and I could afford it. Others are worthy of the whole nation."

    "Someone said that I am a conspiracy, because I used the interests to seduce everyone here and make you money. Slaves, let the compatriots around you live a better life, so that more Guarts can walk straight on the streets, even when they face unfair treatment, they can find what they are doing. They are arrogant! If I am a conspirators, these are my plots, then I hope that I will always be a conspiracy."

    "One person Rich, not really rich, only the wealth of a nation, It is truly rich. Revitalizing the Guardian nation is not just my dream, but the common dream of many gualts. Those people...", Doolin pointed to the direction of the city hall, and all of them are also present. I know that he is talking about other ethnic citizens headed by the Ogdin people. "Those people have blocked the road of rejuvenation, then I will find one. Can't find what to do? Then use money, use your fists, and give it a shot." "A road is coming!"

    "Let, please remember that we are not doing business, we are doing a great cause, a shout of national rejuvenation. It is a struggle for the pursuit of justice. I believe that there will always be a day when one of us, or one of us will stand on the hill of Parliament and look down on the entire empire!"

   ;  Du Lin raised the glass, "Keep the future!"

    People lifted the glass and held it high, shouting "King the future", everyone The interest was exceptionally high, and some even stood up and made an exaggerated impassion Move.

    Several girls from Tener came from one side, and they took the bottle to the VIPs who were present and refilled the wine. After a brief embarrassment, people were quiet again because Du Lin did not do it.

    The bottle in Du Lin’s hand is empty, and while the Buddha is pouring wine for him, Du Lin also begins the next paragraph, with content about the wine. .

    He played with his glass of wine, pouting and laughing: "I know that in order to race against time, so our product content is currently poor. It does not matter, Starting next month, in addition to the six kinds of wines provided before, we will add ten different flavors, different degrees of wine, and the content of the product library will continue to increase, I have a dream...," he Pointing to the ground under the feet, "That is one day all the wine suppliers of the entire empire, just sit here!"

    He went to the table and put his own glass Putting it down, turning his hands and pressing it on the table, he said with a leisurely smile: "After half a year of baptism, everyone has already owned their own territory, but at the same time there are some minor problems." Du Lin said At the time of this incident, several people were slightly unnatural on their faces, and some people also showed signs of gloating.

    This problem is a bunch of goods.

    In fact, Du Lin has already guessed from the first day, and this problem will definitely occur. He never speculates on others with the greatest goodwill. Everyone is a bad person in his eyes. He has labeled "bad" for everyone. In the next phase, he will tear the label a little bit off at the discretion, let others prove that he is actually a "good guy."

    It makes sense to do this. From the third month onwards, some people and Du Lin talked about this, some of the cities where agents are located are very Nearly, this gave them the possibility of selling goods. One party lowered the price and attracted private wine dealers from the neighboring cities to buy them here, and then attacked the market of “allies”. This approach is disgusting. It seems that Du Lin's wine tyrants account for more market share in one place, but it hurts the interests of agents.

    The huge profits can really make people crazy, especially if this group of people has just got rid of poverty and gets rich. The mentality does not have a good transition process, and it is inevitable that it will be too radical in doing things. Dooling can understand them, but he must also ban such behavior, so he must say it here.

    "I don't want to go with anyone. I just stand in a fair angle and look at these things." He looked at the people, who immediately shifted their sights and looked at other places. Du Lin walked a few steps forward and stood in the middle of the two tables and continued: "I said, the purpose of my doing these things is not to make more money. If I really just want to make money, I think about me. I will not cooperate with all of you here, because the profits generated by working with you are far from the profits generated by cooperation with others."

    "So, I I feel that we are sitting together today and we have just decided to make this happen."

    "First, starting from next month, the shipment of wine in your hands The price must be unified, unified within the entire empire. How much money to buy in the east, how much to buy from the west, I want all goods to implement this standard, unified pricing, unified sales. This is not for my personal Purpose, but to protect the interests of everyone in the room, you need to know this."

    "Second, I will give wine bottles to each region. Will be tagged with special tags, such as selling such words only in certain places. If anyone's wine has left his area and is sold to someone else's site, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance, when there is a problem, I will break the goods."


    Du Lin was interrupted before he finished speaking, the guy who spoke looked Very honest, the people who sit here are not bad at all. After all, the environment in which they live has shaped their simple, loyal and honest appearance. This person is called Sibak, and the number of purchases declared in the past few months has been rising steadily, from the initial six hundred boxes to the current one thousand three hundred boxes, which has more than doubled.

    At first, Du Lin really thought that this guy was very good at business. Later, he realized that he sold the wine to other places. Today, Du Lin said that he also has him. Said the meaning.

    Westbuck stood up with his hand up, he succumbed to the ceremony, "Mr. Doolin, please forgive me for being rude, how can I tell those from my hands? The guy who bought the wine, do you really want to sell wine locally, or intend to go elsewhere to sell? After the goods are out of my hands, I have no way to restrain these people’s behavior, and there is no way for them to Selling wine on my site, isn't it?"