Xemma Empire > Chapter VII, I am often misunderstood

Chapter VII, I am often misunderstood

    Many people think that the industry in which people like Jeff are engaged must be related to the gang. In fact, this is a very wrong view.

    This wrong view often comes from people’s first impression of things. Many people know that women who are skilled are often behind a gang. Taking care of them, letting them do very technical work on the gang's site, and extracting certain health management fees or security fees from them, it is wrong to think that Mr. Jeff may also have a gang background.

    This is not the case. Mr. Jeff is just a very ordinary, but commercially successful businessman. He makes the goods and sells them to those who need them to make enough profits. These things have nothing to do with the gang. There may have been gangs who have been looking for Mr. Jeff, but as his tax credits increase step by step, the official Irian government officials will never allow those social wastes to damage Mr. Jeff’s interests and damage the City Hall’s interest.

    This also makes Mr. Jeff very frightened now, he looks at the three young people coming towards him, and one of them’s hands are wrapped in his arms. Covered, he felt an unprecedented panic, Du Lin really will kill him!

    He rushed in front of Dooling with the speed and precision that a two-pound fat man couldn’t show, because the fear made him start to tremble, both sides of the cheeks because There was a layer of waves in the shudder. "Mr. Du Lin, Mr. Doolin, listen to me, this is a misunderstanding. You open a condition, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse. This is a misunderstanding... ..."

    "You...what are you doing?", Kinsale walked in with the tray, the juice on the tray, she didn't like it Bitter things, so he thinks that little Doolin will not like it, and Mr. Jeff will not like it either. It’s just that she didn’t think that she had to go for a long time. There were some changes in the living room that she didn’t know. Mr. Jeff’s crying lingering is not far from Doolin, it looks like a male dog that has been violated. The same, a terrible cry.

    Du Lin took a sip of the juice, the taste was a bit sour, the cyan fruit was put more, but most of the fruits of this class have a little count, have to wait until eight The fruit will become sweet after the month. He pointed at the cup while pointing at Jeff. "Mr. Jeff said that he was very good at swimming, but I don't believe it, so I gave him a chance to prove it to me."

  ;   Kinsale smiled and sat next to Du Lin. "Is it? Can I visit it? You know that there is no decent river in our place."

     Du Lin took the opportunity to stand up, "Of course there is no problem, I believe that Mr. Jeff must be very happy."

    Just soon Jeff was not Unwilling to put on a yacht, Du Lin they were on another one, two boats left the port, probably stopped about twenty nautical miles from the coastline. At this time, the East Coast has entered the standard summer mode, although this time there is a little cold in the water, but within the limits of people's tolerance. Those people put a swim ring directly to Mr. Jeff, then kicked him off the sea, and then some fish blood into a bucket into the sea, the calm sea around it became horrible.

    In another boat, Kinsale and Du Lin sat together, looking at Mr. Jeff’s struggle in the water, and Kinsale couldn’t bear it. No.

    "What benefits do you want from him?" At this time, Kinsale was not as "stupid" as before, and his words became clean and straightforward. The key.

    This is the normal Kinsale, Du Lin knows this sister very well, as the biggest girl in her generation, she plays many times at home. Half the role of the mother, to help Mrs. Especially when the farm was busy, Mr. Kesma and Mrs. Kesma went out to work with Mason Merlin, and all the things at home were handed over to Kinsale. She has a keen eye for observation and a good grasp of the details, and of course has a very violent side.

    After all, so many younger siblings can't make people happy, and once the guys are noisy, they will soon be transmitted to others. Everyone is upset. When necessary, Kinsale will use his fists to teach his brothers and sisters what is a harmonious family life. Of course, there are also foreign wars. In addition to the Warriors and Three Warriors, the Xema family also has a heroine.

    In this environment, Kinsale, if she is a fool, has long been tortured by her younger siblings. She is not crazy, it means she is not stupid. The stupidity she performed was a kind of self-protection that was almost instinctive. I left the familiar environment and came to the outside world. Although I was full of curiosity everywhere, it was full of danger everywhere. In the description of Mr. Kesma, the city is a cannibal monster, convinced of this golden game. I disguised myself as an idiot.

    This is a very clever skill, at least better than Doolin's initial decoration, people are really afraid of a mob, but as long as there is a suitable opportunity, they will kill the mob. But people don't have any precautions against a fool, anyway, that is a fool, a good-looking fool.

    No one else at this time, Kinsale can take off his disguise and reveal his true color. "I don't think you want to kill him at all, otherwise A bullet can solve him."

    Under the eyes and ears, Kinsale already knew what Du Lin was doing outside, and also guessed the Sigma family. They are all abnormal people. No father heard that his son was killing people outside, but he could laugh and say that this is the stupidity of his good son. They also added Horton to the bastard whose father is said to be a dragon. Delivered to Doolin's side.

    "I think his company is good and can play a complementary role in my next development, so let him feel the fear first, then talk about cooperation. It’s much easier.” Du Lin made a little more explanation. “I can’t stare at this piece every day. I don’t have so much time to do such boring things, so fear is more useful than respect at this time, as long as He thinks of things that might harm my interests, and I think of today's fears."

    "So, I made a fortune for you. ""

    Du Lin looked at Kinsale with great vigilance, "What do you want?"

     Kinsale licked his lips. "Would I also have a share?"


  ;    Mr. Jeff, who showed his superb skills in the sea, struggled to step on the water. He wanted to put his body on the lifebuoy and float on the water. On. The squid's fish blood mixed with fish pieces was sprinkled in the nearby waters, so you don't have to guess that sharks will feed soon. It was really an old life. For the first time, Mr. Jeff felt that the fat on his body was cumbersome. He vowed that he would go to the gym to lose weight as soon as he could go back alive.

     Just when he was thinking about it, suddenly a fishbone shot from a heavy fish gun hit him in the sea, and there were some loose steel. Sushun was tightened, and he looked back and suddenly the soul that was scared had to fly out. There are some shark fins in the back of him. At the same time, the fish gun that was shot just shot a shark. The shark is struggling with pain. The large blood is reddened by the nearby sea.

    Glanced at another leisurely boat on the boat, it seemed to be the same as Du Lin's brother and sister. Jeff felt his brain kicked. He shouted for help and was willing to agree to any request from Du Linti. He is still young, he still doesn't want to die, he has not spent so much money, how can he die here so easily?

    It’s been dragged for a while, and there have been two very thrilling dangers. The sailors on the deck decisively used hot weapons to hit the sharks. Mr. Fu was not injured. Even so, Mr. Jeff has been scared enough.

    Du Lin nodded. He was smashed by the sailors and leaned over.

    "My sister told me that you are a good person, so I thought about giving you a chance...", Doolin gave Jeff the first thing. A towel, the wind on the sea is not small, it is easy to catch a cold. "I use a 5 percent stake in my new company and exchange 45 percent of your company's shares. Do you have any opinions?"
< Br />    This time I said that I have opinions that I don’t think I’m too long. Du Lin’s one will get him’s forty-five percent of his income, even if Jeff’s heart is wide and fat. Time can't be accepted. At this time, the situation is placed here. What choices can he have in addition to his consent? Just in Jeff's heart, there were other considerations. After waiting for a while, he secretly left the empire and went to the east of the federation. The environment inside the empire was terrible, and honest businessmen like him could not survive.

    It seems that Jeff’s inner displeasure is seen, and Du Lin sighed a little. “I know that you may be dissatisfied with my disposal, but here is In this way, if you don’t have a tough backstage in the empire, anyone can step on you. Mr. Jeff, please don’t regard our cross-shareholding as a financial plunder for you, in fact, you should thank I, because of me, what you didn't have before, now!"

    He also said with certainty, "And I also believe that when you know me When the new company is doing something, you will find that you are actually taking advantage of me. I am like this person, often misunderstood, but after the misunderstanding, people will appreciate everything I have done, I believe you It’s the next one!”

     After returning to the manor, Du Lin asked the lawyer to draw up two contracts. In the process, Du Lin explained something about cable TV. This made Mr. Jeff suddenly look golden. If he can send his small movies to the tens of thousands of households by wire transmission, he will save a lot of expenses, such as filling tape and transportation. It seems that he really seems to be Doolin. Take advantage of it, but the actual income will be higher than before!