Let go of the witch > Chapter 1 391 Blocking miracles

Chapter 1 391 Blocking miracles

    Dawn, Cangshan Command Post.

    There is a huge strategic map in the center of the conference room to mark the current movement of "floating land". Every day, there are staff from the staff and intelligence departments to update the data, which has become the most concerned information of the top military.

    The thick red path on the map indicates that the land does not go down the mountain in the spine, straight into the kingdom of the winter, but in the middle of the road The course headed into the fertile plain. Its height is also declining, and now it is less than a kilometer away from the ground.

    Going on this trajectory, it will cross the desolate mountains four days later and break into the wolf heart.

    Because the goal is too large, now you can see the gray shadow of this scorpion on the top of the mountain - it is like a thick black cloud, Adding a haze to the mainland that just ended the evil month.

    The pre-war meeting for the devil "God of God" was also held.

    Although the high-level has reached a consensus, with the existing strength of the First Army, it is almost impossible to prevent the movement of floating land, but it is obviously not the style of the army. No matter how much, it is necessary to test its strength and try to block it. In the face of an enemy with insufficient intelligence, it is the most effective way to understand.

    Before the final solution of His Majesty, it is the first priority for the military to prepare for it as much as possible.

    Under the circumstances, the enemy just gave them this opportunity.

     "According to the latest surveillance data, the height of the Devil's Fortress has dropped more than 2,000 meters, which is almost the height of the half of the continental spine." Slap the report in his hand, "This decline is somewhat unusual compared to the previous flight altitude. The staff speculated that the suspension of the fortress is likely to consume magic and is proportional to height. This height depends on The relative position on the ground will therefore cause this phenomenon."

    Although in the information provided by the Majesty, the devil calls the floating continent as the god of God. But the North Pearl is more inclined to call it a fortress and move the castle - at least when setting up the mission, it will not give the illusion that one is fighting against God.

     Most of the first-ranked military executives have completed secondary education courses. This is the case, and it took some time to understand the inferences of the staff.

    "In other words, when you cross the desolate mountains, will this thing rise again?" Brian asked.

     "If we didn't guess wrong." Itis shrugged.

     "The reason is not important." The iron axe said, "The important thing is that it is only a hundred meters high difference with the desolate mountains. Fanna, you "What's the situation there."

    "The measurement team has already determined," Fanna got up and walked to the map, "the distance from Jinshiling to Cage Mountain." There are two platforms for guns to shoot. As long as the game doesn't change direction, we can hit the shells. With the latest fortress guns, I can't touch the city of the devil."

    In the war of rapid replacement of weapons, the 152mm fortress gun naturally also ushered in some improvements, such as the tube body for mass production, and the more suitable for the trailer, the most central The changes were the increase in the drug room and the arrival of new dispensing ammunition.

    Since the new gun barrel was replaced by Anna, the final precision machining, after the entire factory production, the overall quality has declined, specifically in the accuracy of shooting and Durability. However, with the new charge and the more recent gunpowder formula, the new gun nearly doubled into the 18-kilometer mark. Moreover, the production of witchcraft has also been improved, and the loss of two or three artillery pieces is no longer worth mentioning.

    "I think the devil is in the palm of my hand. Although the floating land can produce red fog, once it is removed, the red fog will Dissipated, so the enemy wants to truly occupy a piece of land, and it is essential to build a large number of storage towers." Iron Axe said, "This time with the support of the mobile obelisk, their tower construction plan will not be hindered. Yongdong and Wolf Heart will also be connected as a whole, so the success rate of blocking on the enemy's scheduled route is not low. The only thing worth discussing is the effect."