Let go of the witch > The first thousand two hundred and fifty-eight chapters

The first thousand two hundred and fifty-eight chapters

    On the other side, the flight field of the Grey Knights Cavaliers College is also a busy scene.

    All trainers were pulled out of the hangar and lined up at the end of the runway. Thirty official students calmed down and listened to the training of His Royal Highness Princess. Words. Further, in those places that have not passed the assessment or new elections, they sit around the runway and wait for a new round of flight.

    "Starting today, your training will enter a whole new phase!" Tilly stood in front of a group of people far higher than her, shouting "Remember, what you have learned in this more than a month, and then tell me loudly! Pat, start with you!"

    "Lift, Your Highness!" The student who was ordered went back excitedly.



  ;   "魔影!"


    "No ......" The respondent quickly changed his way. "I mean... anti-stun training, Your Highness!"

    "Strange..." Finkin whispered Sentence, "The temper of His Royal Highness, seems to be much better than in the past?"

    "Is there?" Heinz also lowered his voice, "First Say that as long as you make a mistake, the punishment is absolutely inevitable. You just forgot the toilet for one month. Have you forgotten it now?"

    "I am not talking about that," Fen Jin looked to Goode, "What do you think?"

    Goode nodded slightly, "I also have this feeling." He always felt that His Royal Highness Princess It seems to be always in an inexplicable anxiety and eagerness, probably this is bad with the empty knight students. Performance related. After the enrollment expansion of the team of two hundred people, the results of the assessment only stood here more than 30.

    If only the pass rate is low, there will be flights from outside, but only six are available in the hangar. There was a damage during the test flight. Listening to the instructor's eagle, the price of an airplane is even more expensive than that of a sea-going ship. Thousands of gold dragons say no, I am afraid that no one will be in a good mood.

    But the situation seems to have changed recently, and the teachings of His Royal Highness are still severe, but the eyebrows are less heavy and breathless.

    The planes they have recently crashed... obviously not reduced?

    "Finkin, it’s up to you." Someone around me reminded.

    Finkin quickly stood up straight, "discipline! Your Highness, I learned discipline!"

     "There are duties!" Heinz then shouted.

    The crowd sounded a slight sneer.

     "Hey, I have already suggested it, I should first put these guys into military camp education for a month or two."

    "The civilian population is like this, bear it."

    Obviously these words are from the mouth of the students selected by the military - - A month after being punished for cleaning the toilet, their deeds have become typical of the entire college. However, the students who are from the civilian population will only make fun of the last two sentences. They will sneer at their behavior and hate to rush to the North Slope Mine, and only the First Army.

    Tilly did not say much, "Next."

    Goode puts aside distracting thoughts , the color road, "love."

    There was another whisper in the lineup.

    "Does this also be learned?"

    He had thought that His Royal Highness Princess would express dissatisfaction or further inquiry, but the other's eyes only stayed for a while and moved to the next students.

     After all the people answered, Tilly nodded. "You didn't fly for a long time. You can learn nothing. Now! Combine them and use them in the next training – both technical and will!”

    “Follow, Your Highness!” Get up.

    "You will be divided into two groups, three teams on each side, to simulate confrontation! The rules are very simple, as long as the opponent is put into the crosshair for ten seconds without being Open, even if it is successfully shot down. In the past you only practiced fixed target shooting on the ground, and this time, you will experience what the real air duel looks like!"

    ;  Everyone was excited.

    "The temple, Your Highness!" A student can't wait to raise his hand.


     "In the gun...and no bullets?"

    "Stupid." Finchem sneered.

     "Of course not," Tilly shook her head. "Accurately, there are no guns... just a model on the nose and the fuselage." You don't have to worry about pulling the trigger when you are nervous. You really beat your teammates.

    All people laugh.

      "Moreover, the shooting in flight is far more complicated than the simulation on the ground. It is not necessarily a hit in the striker, so even if there are bullets, you are estimated to be a shot. She shrugged. "Is there any problem?" "

    There was a slight change in His Highness, and Goode thought, if it was the former long princess, it would not be possible to reveal such a relaxed expression.

    "I, I, and I--" Finkin raised his hand. After getting permission, he took a look at the first military students. "His Highness, since it is confrontation, how do you separate it?" Winning or losing? Even if I bite the other party, I can't even get a hand, and it doesn't mean that the other person is willing to admit defeat. "

    Although the formal students have never been exposed to air combat, the basic philosophy has been taught in the classroom - the empty knight wants to defeat the enemy, it should be as close as possible to the nose Aiming at the target, this process is called “biting.” The rear seat is also organic, but the angle of the shot is limited, and more is used to assist and tame the enemy's pursuit.

      "This is up to me." Tilly pulled up the hands of the two women around me - "They are the guests I specially invited, and every movement you will be seen in my eyes, don't think about getting away with it." "

    "...is the Sylvia. "

    "The other seems to be the management of the sleeping spell..." Goode heard the whispers of the First Army students behind him.
< Br />    "And the trainee matrix there, is not simply sitting. "The princess continued," "Is there a two-color flag in their hands?" Looking down from the sky, their formations are arranged in six numbers. After you take off, the green flag stands for normal. The red flag is shot down. After you notice that your number has turned red, you have to exit the battle area and return to the airport. do you understand? "

    "Understand! "

    " Very good, I am now a team. "

    Unexpectedly, the team did not order in order, but had a special list. Finally Goode and Finchem were assigned to the same team. The number is two.

     "This is the first choice for boarding training, who drives who decides to shoot. After fifteen minutes, one to three teams will be lifted off and cannot stay in the airport. The last three teams took off after five minutes, and the training officially began! "Tilly clapped her hands and said, "Show me everything you have learned!" "

    Goode can't help but clench his fists.