Let go of the witch > Chapter 1107 Chapter Yes!RPG

Chapter 1107 Chapter Yes!RPG

    "Hey... it looks like it’s like a thick bamboo pole," the nightingale came over. "What is it called?"

  ;   "RPG-"Roland raises his lips, "-the ancestors."

    "R-P-G..." Nightingale The recount of the pass is repeated, "A very strange name. Is this someone's code name? In order to commemorate the ancestors invented this weapon?"

    Roland laughs and shakes Shaking his head, "It has many names in the dream world, and countless kinds of forms, but the most widely spread is this name. Because it is too popular, there have been a group of believers who believe in it, and even evolved a Religion - pan-RPG theology."

    "Like a legendary weapon like the Savior and the Sword?" The night owl suddenly came to interest, "It has Is it so powerful?”

    The so-called savior and the world’s swords are the saints described in an epic biography passed down from the ancient witches. Providence seems to have once existed before the war of trying to find its fanatical organization. Although it is only a story, there is a similarity between the two.

     "If you reach the level of the general RPG, you can really think so," after all, the ass spurt belongs to this category, and there is no doubt that it maintains world peace. Contribute, "But its ancestors are going to be a lot worse."

    "But you can't jump directly to the RPG and the general RPG level, so you can only RPG's ancestors started, and slowly improved, right?" The nightingale revealed a look of ignorance.

    "Completely correct." Roland couldn't help but feel relieved. After years of deafness, someone finally could keep up with his rhythm. "Your insight is not bad." ""

     "Of course, the development of things is always progressive, isn't it?" The night smugly threw a slice of dried fish in his mouth, "like you Sometimes it’s the black ribbon, the wife’s... It’s not the progressive form of the glider and the stone boat. I’ve learned a lot with you for so long.”

   ;  "呃..." Roland coughed twice. "Or forget those."

    Whether it’s the North Point Sentinel War, or There is a common problem with the No. 1 night attack, that is, it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to pose a large enough threat to the high-level devil. Although according to the intelligence of the federation, there are more than one type of high-level devils, and there are no obvious rules, but for now, using the barriers created by magic to resist damage seems to be their inherent ability.

     Perhaps this is only an accident, and it may be the best solution that the enemy has gained in a long battle. The devil who does not have this ability has already turned into a fly ash. In any case, it is always right to deal with the worst.

    This kind of barrier is similar to the ability of Sawyer, but it can only protect the body surface, and has limited capacity. If you stand in the same place for a class, you can also have more points. Hit, probably also a few seconds.

    The problem is that the enemy is not the target.

    Assume that the First Infantry Squadron first attacked the high-level devil, and the target will react at most after one or two shots, followed by hiding. Still waiting for an opportunity to launch a counterattack, it is not good for the former.

    The original responsible for filling this ring is the god witch, they are born to suppress the high-level devil, the power of the superior is not to say, but also The ability to ban absolute hands can be said to be tit-for-tat. However, the war has been carried out until now, the high-order devil, who should have been the commander of the army, has repeatedly appeared in the front line of the war. According to this trend, more than 300 gods are not enough.

    He needs a weapon that can effectively improve the firepower of individual soldiers.

    RPG looks great, but the name of the rocket-propelled grenades is destined to be impossible to mass-produce this legendary weapon in a short period of time - - Even a simple rocket engine is a power system that contains fuel and combustion chambers. The technical content is not low. If it is to be produced and debugged by Anna, it will lose its original intention.