Let go of the witch > Chapter 610 The Hunter

Chapter 610 The Hunter

    When waiting, another little man ran along the trench.

    "Captain, you come so early," he gasped, taking off the bag that slanted across his body and placed it at Danny’s feet. "I The ammunition is here."

     "If it is going up the mountain, I should have returned with my prey at this time," Danny said. " How much is it for me?"

    "Thirty rounds."

    "It's really enough Less..." He muttered, "damn machine gunner."

    The young man is the youngest soldier in the team, named Malt, this year. Only sixteen years old, he served as his "protector."

    Every precise shooter will be equipped with a protector who can quickly suppress the target as the enemy approaches, in order to gain time to transfer or bayonet.

    Danny does not need human protection, especially a child who is underage. The reason why I chose malt as a protector was simply because I couldn't stand Carl Baubert's pleading. He and the construction minister counted as neighbors for many years. They used to live in the streets of the new district. They naturally knew that the other party regarded all the children who graduated from the college as their own children.

    Because accurate shooters are usually positioned later, the protectors are actually safer for those who are assigned to the line. Danny knows that Roland is very disgusted with the relationship or mutual shelter, which is one of the few things he can do.

    Looking at the appearance of the malt licking the bullet on the ground, he couldn’t help but ask, "Have you ever thought about changing jobs?"

    "Leaving the First Army?" Maltese said without saying, "No, I like it very much."

    "This is not a game of a family," Danny picked an eyebrow. "We are likely to die on the battlefield at any time. You don't have to take this risk at all. Those who can graduate from Carl College can do it. Going to the City Hall, where the salary is not lower than that of the First Army, and it is very decent."

    "But I don't like to ran the legs to the officials all day long - I want to pick up a long gun to defend my majesty," the small man piled up the eight-mm bullet in front of the trench. "And..." He suddenly paused and his face became a little red.

    "Because Miss Nana?"

    The malt didn't answer, but the cheeks were redder.

    Danny couldn’t help but laugh out, "At least half of the first army is admiring Miss Angel, even if you are waiting in line, you will not be able to." Moreover, her father is still a baron, even if he has not sealed the land, it is not that you can climb high."

     "I, I didn't think so," The malt stalked the neck. "As long as I can see her every day, I am very satisfied."

    Danny shook his head, no longer persuaded, he knew to invest How strong a person will become after the relationship – or paranoia, because he is also true.

    Whenever you are in your free time, just close your eyes, the green-haired woman’s figure will be reflected in his mind.

    If it wasn’t for her rescue, I’m afraid he’s already lost in the forest.

    At that time she was still the devil's claw, the evil incarnation, Danny buried all of this in my heart, did not dare to tell anyone. Unexpectedly, when she wanted to meet again, the witch had already lost her grievances and became a sinless person. She also lived in the Witch Building in the Castle District and opened up various experimental fields in the fascinating forest.

    He is not free to enter the castle area, so on the day of his vacation, he will always pick up the bow and go hunting in the forest. Danny even thought about it. If he no longer served as a soldier, he would apply to the City Hall for a forester's job and treat the lost forest as his new home.

    Just then, the number rang.

    This is the signal that the enemy will arrive.

    Danny suppressed his thoughts and re-stabilized the butt.

    In any case, he is still a warrior, fighting to protect his majesty and overthrow the church that hunts the witch.


    A group of people wearing shiny armor as the sun gradually rises to the top of the head Appeared at the foot of the mountain.

    In order to surround this only mountaineering road, the line of defense is less than one kilometer from the Hermes Mountains, and from the moment they descended, they entered The scope of the artillery attack.

    Danny knows that the Iron Axe will not let go of any chance to fight the enemy.

     As if to confirm his conjecture, there was a dull roar behind the scenes - just like the thunder in the sky came from far away, he could even see one The blurred black shadow crossed the head and flew in the direction of the enemy.

    The battle started without warning.

     Due to the distance, Danny can clearly capture the placement of the shells. The mud that stirred up when it touched the ground was like a cluster of wildflowers, and the ant-like long queue suddenly fell into a panic. For the first time, in the face of even the hits that people can't see, panic is a normal thing. If it is a general mercenary or militia, several rounds of bombardment can completely destroy morale.

    But the army of the church did not retreat, they began to accelerate, and the lineup became loose.

    When Danny can clearly see the other’s wearing and weapons, the group has already eaten at least three rounds of shelling - fifty field guns The formation of the position is enough to make the bombardment endless, which is definitely a difficult experience for the enemy. They have no war horses and can only walk through this path of hell on both feet.

    The rumored infinite force of the gods of the penalty force set up a giant shield, top in front of the team, from the first sulcus five or six hundred meters or so A gray iron wall.

    But it doesn’t make much sense for the shells. As long as it hits the giant shield, the shield will be torn apart, and the enemy behind it will be turned to the ground.

     "This doesn't work," Danny shook his head. "I'm afraid they won't get to the first trench and they will be completely defeated." He knows the firepower of the position. Arrange, first use the artillery to greet the enemy between 1,000 and 500 meters, wait for the opponent to gather before the barbed wire, and then use the machine gun fire to clean the battlefield, and the runner rifle is only used for close combat after the opponent's charge, less than two hundred Mine will not fire.

     "Isn't it bad to be defeated?" Malt padded his ankles and looked out at the edge of the trench.

     "Of course, then I have no gains." Danny swept the bullets into his pocket and lifted the gun to leave.

    "Where are you going?" The little man hurriedly pulled him.

    "The more advanced trench," he opened the latter's hand. "You can stay here."

  ;   "I will go with you!"

    "Don't come over, this is the command of the captain!"

    Danny dropped the sentence and aimed at the waist to touch the longitudinal groove.

    The sound of the shells is getting thicker and thicker, and even every dull crash sounds, some shards will slip off the sides of the tunnel and fill his clothes. In the collar.

    He knows he is getting closer to the front of the battlefield.

    After crossing the three horizontal grooves, regardless of the strange eyes cast by other team members, Danny looked at the probe while the new round of artillery shells landed. - The shield of the gods of the penalty army is clear and arguable. He can even hear the screams and screams of the enemy.