Let go of the witch > Chapter 536, Dreams (I)

Chapter 536, Dreams (I)

    "Annie, I am tired."

     "After holding it for a while, we are almost there." "

    There is a hard gravel at the foot. Every step will feel the pain of the heart. Effi wants to stop, but Annie holds her hand tightly, one Struggling forward. Whether it is through the bushes covered with thorns or the icy stream, Anne's pace is not slow. From behind, her back is as strong as a mountain.

     "Annie, I am really tired..."

    Iife once again begged.

    The sole of the foot is like a fire, and it hurts all the time. No matter how inhaled, I feel that my chest is stuffy. She feels that she is going to die.

    Annie made a sigh, squatted on the floor and listened for a while, then pointed to a raised stone not far away. "Let's go there to rest."

    Hearing can rest, the last trace of strength rises from the bottom of my heart, she gritted her teeth and walked down to the boulders, then softened down - this moment, she even wanted to be here Stay on forever.

    Annie did not sit down immediately, she found a few broken crowns from all around, and surrounded the sides of the stone, so that it could block part of the line of sight. The rock that rises is like a natural ceiling. Now there are branches on both sides, more like a nest. Unfortunately, the ground is still rugged stones, and the buttocks are sore, and the narrow gaps are not enough for the two to lie down.

     "The church will not catch up, we have escaped so far."

    " You can't relax your vigilance. This distance is not safe for us."

    Annie is like a wild cat, always with his ears up and watching Everything around you. But she is much stronger than the wild cat, and her pain is accustomed to her. Compared to the ferocious judges, Anne is more like a silent predator if she has weapons.

    "Blood teeth will...do you really exist?"

    Seeking a witch in a bloody meeting It wasn't only the two of them. However, after leaving the Graystone Fortress, the pedestrians were intercepted by the church. The five witches had to move separately. She went to the east for three days and three nights before meeting Anne, while others were completely No news.

     "Of course," Annie said on her toes. "I heard that they are on the island of Sponge on the other side of the sea."

     "How can we cross the sea?"

    "Just go to the beach and find a ferry," Anne comforted. "Reassured, give it to me."

    "Well," Effie whispered.

    She took out a piece of dried skin from the parcel and rubbed it with both hands. Soon the skin was white, and it became hot and soft. Eat something, eat and we will hurry."

    This is Anne’s ability to light branches and sticks, or to bake food. Effie gobbled up and swallowed the skin, and looked at the skin in the other hand. Annie smiled and gave her a half-cut. "You have to eat more, I am not too hungry." Br />
    Take this piece too, and even suck your fingers again, and it’s time to go on the road again.

    Iphie struggled to climb from the ground, not yet drilling the rock, and the dead leaves on the branches suddenly trembled.

    It’s not the swing of the autumn wind, but a slight and rapid tremor, as if something is approaching here.

    Annie’s pupil is instantly enlarged, “It’s a horse! They are riding on a horse! Run!”

    ; She looked back and saw that there were ten horses running at the end of the rocky beach. It was probably afraid of riding a folding hoof. The speed of chasing the soldiers was not fast, but it was enough for the two who escaped barefoot.

    They can't run away.

    Or, she can’t run away.

    Ifei broke away from Annie’s hand, "Let's go first."

    "I am carrying you back ""

    "That doesn't run fast!"

    "Be obedient, come up quickly."

    Hesitant, the trial army riding the high horse is getting closer and closer, and Iphi has seen someone raise their handcuffs and spears.

    At this moment, the pitted gravel ground suddenly collapsed, and the enemy riding in front screamed and fell into the deep pit. The team hurriedly spread to the sides, but the horses fell to the ground, and a group of people wearing blood-red robes appeared in front of the church in pursuit of the soldiers, as if they were from the ground. The close-range strong shots made the trial army unable to guard against it. Fortunately, the enemy who had escaped from the enemy did not escape the ambush's pursuit. In a short while, more than a dozen church chasing soldiers died on the rocky beach.

    Then they quickly stripped the armor, dry food, and parcels of these people, and even the stone of the penalty was not let go.

    One of them walked up to them.

    "You are looking for a bloody meeting?"

    "How do you know?" Iphie was surprised Road.

     "Yes, adult," Annie screamed at her hand eagerly. "We are all witches, and three more people are on the road, you Can you help them?"

    "We don't have as many people to look at other witches," the fainted hooded, revealing a red-hot short hair. If your partner can't rely on his own strength to get here, he is not eligible to join the bloody meeting." She paused for a moment, "Of course, not everyone who arrives here will be able to join the bloody meeting."
< Br />    Ifeh feels that Anne’s hand is tight.

    "What is your ability, show it to me again."

    Two people show After the ability, the red-haired woman nodded to Effie. "You can go to Dagong Island," then said to Annie. "And you can't."


    "Adult, I-"

    "I will send someone to send you Going to other witch organizations, but not bloody," the tone of the other party is beyond doubt. "You can't be a fighting witch, and you don't need a cook in your blood."

   ;  ......

    "What's so good to cry?" The red-haired woman yelled impatiently, "I will still look like this when I see the owner." She will definitely make you look good."

    "I...want to be with Annie..."

    ;  "The undying little devil, she is just a burden."

     "She is not, she saved me!" Iphie swallowed her nose. "Annie is the fighting witch you need..."

    "Hey, is it a battle witch who depends on the ability to wake up, not the thick limbs," the other party dismissed. "You think she is amazing, but because she is better than you." When you are five or six years old, in fact, your potential is much greater than her."

     "Where do you... where will Anne be sent?"