Let go of the witch > Chapter 464 The Heavenly Behemoth

Chapter 464 The Heavenly Behemoth

    The Long Song Fortress is located on the tributary of the Chishui River. The whole city is divided into two by the river. Most of the residents live in the West Bank, while the East Coast is a compact farmland. .

    And other big cities have different farmland in the suburbs. The towering walls of the fortress wrap the residential area and part of the farmland, not to resist the evil beast. It is better to say that it is for the protection of similar attacks. Even if the city is surrounded by enemies, the fortress will not be cut off.

    Because of this, the outer wall of the Changge Fortress formed a fracture at the river into the city, and several obstructing ropes were suspended between the two walls. The enemy intends to rely on the Chishui River to attack the fortress. As long as the hemp rope is broken, the iron rope will slide into the river.

    However, there are very few cases in the West inland that have been attacked by the fleet, so several rails have almost never been used, this time is no exception. Roland's fleet was rushing all the way, and by the time of the day it had already seen the outline of the fortress wall. The smoke still floated above the city, adding a bit of ink to the gradually darkening sky.

     "The enemy is mainly concentrated in the lord's castle area. There is still a small number of militia in the north gate wall fighting the guards in the city, but it seems that they can't last long. "Lightning has already detected the situation in the city clearly, and reported to the Prince in detail. "The number of people besieging the castle is about two hundred people. The first floor has already lost hands. The other side does have weapons like firearms, but we use it again. It’s totally different.”

    “Peo is okay?” Roland’s current concern is the safety of the agent.

    "He is okay, just a little scared, but..."

    "but nothing ""

    "His family was stunned," Lightning whispered. "Probably Pedro had received the wind beforehand and recruited his father into the castle. The relatives who stayed in the territory...including the countess, were executed by the nobles as the hostages who forced him to surrender." The little girl paused. "I am looking for a chance to fly into the castle and he meets and tells the other side." The message you rushed to, he only said a request to me."

    Roland nodded, "You said."

    "Blood debts are paid."

    There is an unwritten rule between nobles, that is, few people who have titles Hands, as relatives of the Earl of Honeysuckle, mostly have jazz titles. But now the four major homes dare to completely tear the skin, in addition to the hatred of honeysuckle to rely on Roland to earn a lot of benefits, another point is probably the power behind it.

    Roland is now basically able to confirm that the other side of the other side should be the new king Tiefko. Wimbledon - assisting the church in killing the nobility and helping the king to execute the rebellion The nature of the person is completely different. He looked in the direction of the fortress, and whispered, "Call me to order, the whole army goes straight into the city, occupying the pier!"

    ********** *********

     Aite heard another footstep under the wall.

    He raised his rifle and pointed his gun at the black hole of the foot - this is the only passage from the inside of the wall to the wall, the enemy seized the gate After launching several waves of attacks, but failed to win the northern section of the city wall.

    The battle lasted from noon yesterday to the present. He never thought that he could persist in such a long time in the cold wind, just to see the support. When teammates fall down in a pool of blood, they can no longer think about other things in his head.

     "Are they coming again?" There was a long shot next to him. Aite looked sideways and found that the person was his own captain, Tongshan.

     "I heard the news," he said with a weak voice. "But now it’s so dark, I can’t see how many people are there."

     "They also don't know how many people we have," Tongshan comforted.

     "That... how much?"