Let go of the witch > Chapter 247 Graduation Ceremony

Chapter 247 Graduation Ceremony

     "Look, that's the book's adult," Piper sneaked over Gill with his elbow. "I heard that she is the minister of the Ministry of Education."

    "Education... Minister?" The latter wondered, "What is that?"

    " It’s the person who manages the teacher. You don’t like the teacher most, and you hate the big guy, Haben.” Pipep explained, “Whether it’s film or Haben, they are all managed by the book.”

    "Where did you hear this?" Gilly blinked. "Is that the big man in your mouth?"

    "Oh, of course," he smiled smugly. "And I know more than that. Today, more than just the officials of the City Hall will come to the graduation ceremony, and even the Lord of the Lord will come to the Academy, Prince of the House!"

     "Really?" The little girl’s eyes lit up. "Does the Highness speak with us?"

     "呃... I don't know," Piper touched the back of his head. "Probably."

     After all, he was also heard from Brother Fanna - talking about Fanna, can be regarded as a great figure, originally an ordinary gravel in the old street, since joining the militia team, immediately became the captain of several people. Now, he is the officer of the First Artillery Corps. He pays up to 25 silver wolves every month, and he has also shook hands with His Royal Highness and talked!

    Although he spends most of his time in the camp, he occasionally brings back many interesting and interesting stories and stories. At this time, Piper will find the door to ask him to ask the West. As a former neighbor and admirer of Fanna's older brother, Piper can often get a lot of news from his mouth.

    For example, the Lord’s attendance at the graduation ceremony is what Fanna told himself – as early as a week ago, the First Army received orders for protection and vigilance. An exercise was held near the college building.

    Sure enough, it didn’t take long for a team to be full of energy, and the uniformed soldiers walked over and the two men in the middle of the team were His Royal Highness and his Chief knight.

    The crowd could not help but set off a commotion.

    The soldiers surrounded the entrance to the college building, and Roland walked into the hall and waved to the students who lined up in a row. "My people." Hello, I am the lord of Bianbu Town, and I am in charge of Roland Wimbledon in the West. Congratulations on completing all the contents of primary education and becoming the first batch of graduates in the town."

   ;  The crowd is dumb, not indifferent, but most people are so excited that they don’t know what to say.

    Geely grabbed Piper's arm and shouted, "His Highness is talking to us!"

     Pip is equally excited, so that he, like the big brother, is in close contact with His Royal Highness.

    "The ability to pass the assessment so quickly, ushered in graduation, because most of you have been students of Carl Vabert, who have led many others from the beginning. So don't be complacent, there is still a lot of knowledge in the world waiting for you to explore and discover.” Roland went on to say, “Of course, this day is still worth celebrating. You have already embarked on a different scene from others. The road. No matter what kind of work, I can get a good return. I am here to congratulate you!"

    "His Royal Highness... Long live!" I don't know who shouted first, then everyone shouted excitedly, "Long live your Highness! I am willing to work for His Royal Highness!"

    Waiting for cheers, Roland Laughing: "Next, I will issue the diploma to you as a certificate of honor to complete my studies." He opened a booklet, "Pop."

     Pip only felt a tremble, he looked at the prince, Zhang I opened my mouth but didn't know what to say. Or Mr. Film. Sirte waved to him, "Don't be afraid, come under the temple."

    He walked out of the team stiffly, his heart fluttering The voice can be heard by himself. Suddenly, in his head, he remembered the military ritual that Fanner often mentioned - much simpler than the aristocratic knight's ceremony, and also expressed his loyalty, or the manner in which he was invented by His Highness. Although he did not know the specific posture, he still had the courage to force his hand in front of his forehead according to the appearance of his memory.