Lamb > Chapter 214 Sage 2

Chapter 214 Sage 2

    "Where is Elder Stefan?"

    "Adult in the Relics Room, John Elder." The maid replied reverently and bent down.

    John Elder looked at her, the maid’s age is almost three times that of other young girls who are traveling in this huge home – she is It is now the only sister of Stefan and Heyman who is living in the world. When Stefan was still a haw, their relationship was very close. When Harbin was expelled, she tried it. It was given to him a biscuit - it was because of this particularity that she was brought back from the exiled farm after Stefan returned.

    The sacred room of Stronge is much smaller than the one in which White Sand City, Sasha has been, but the value of the items and materials. But the latter is far from reachable,

    For five centuries, Stronge has been searching for various sacred objects - they don't care about money And time, unscrupulous - the fragments of the original cross, the thorns on the crown of the thorns, the little bit of fiber on the Savior's childhood, the belt of Saint Paul, the hair of the Virgin Mary and Zeria... They are all piled up in a room, and then in a room... So far, the elders still need to take a long time in the year to sort out and select these precious treasures. - In doubt, there is no value in being abandoned in the basement, most of which is collected by the Sanctuary of Baiyancheng, and the best is attributed to the saint Jared.

    The sage Jared’s room is stuffed with these things, and there are even three beautiful sandalwood rafters on the little altar. There is gold, agarwood, and myrrh in it; it is said that when the Son was born in Bethlehem, there were several doctors who went to worship the gifts of the Holy Baby. These three holy things have a copy in Cologne Cathedral, but the Saint Jerry Dejian believes that what he owns is the real thing.

    He opens the dice every night and sniffs the smell inside. Only then can sleep peacefully in the embrace of the clouds.

    The current saint Jared is once majestic, cold and intelligent, and John Elder still remembers that he is so fearful of this person, oh, maybe he is not a Man, and as he and the previous "sages" said, he, and they are true, the blessing of the Lord and the spokesperson appointed by the will, is the shadow of the light of heaven projected into the human world. The living saint. An angel that can be touched.

    But he is still old after all. His feet finally fell to the ground, like a devil who was desperately smashing him into hell, except Hayman. Almost all elders are looking forward to the emergence of a new "Jerald".

    John Elder can't say that he didn't have that idea, after all, he is also a Strang Jacob.

    When walking into the sacred room, the idea was still spinning in the mind of Elder John, and he almost forgot to bow to the sacred object.

    Stefan sits on a simple, simple bench, with no tables in the sacred room.

    "Good afternoon, brother." Elder John said: "According to the intent of the saint Jared, I will tell you a crime. Please listen carefully. Make a fair judgment."

    "Good afternoon, brother." Stefan said, referring to the other end of the bench. "Please sit down, I will hear every word you say."

    Elder John is a poor person in people’s minds, but he can also When you need to say something clearly and clearly, it is not complicated.

    Remember the person who was borrowed by the ghoul for a night in the attic? It is unfortunate that this family of three people, father and mother are extremely devout believers. Their firmness and purity even if they are even moved by Strangya, their children have been determined to participate in the conviction of next year. This is a special honor, because even in the supervision sect, the children have to wait until they are seven years old to hold a conviction.

    Hopkins barely left any traces, and if the boy knows how to close his mouth, his parents will not notice anything. It is a pity that he said, at the breakfast table. His mother wanted to hide this, and his father said everything in the confession room. The priests searched all the rooms (nothing) and then imprisoned them.

    How to judge? It's easy for any one of Stronge - generally exile, but because of the ghoul relationship, they are very heavy, so these three unlucky guys will probably be angered - in Baiyancheng, there are Two cemeteries, one of which is a cemetery, understands more clearly that the abandoned salt wells are specially designed for these sinners.

    Stefan reason here is that in order to curb the change Yancheng and white people Sitelangya each, if the death penalty command from his mouth issued to make informed ludicrous. But he also can not show weakness, say "imprisonment" or "exile", who was killed son, nephew and brother's Presbyterian am very unhappy - father, mother and children are like ordinary street On the surface of Xiaoshizi, there is no trace of the future development and interests of Baiyancheng. If there is any best goal in the world that allows them to vent their anger and frustration, this is a small and poor family. .

    Stefan thought about it, took out a Bible from his pocket, very common black leather face, hot stamping title, adult man can easily hold it In my hand, I looked around and stood up and picked up a white feather. It was said that the angel came to Sodom and warned Rhodes to leave his feathers as a token when he left with his wife and children as soon as possible - as a bookmark. Sandwiched in the Bible.

    "Take this Bible to the father," said Stefan: "Tell him, I can't convict him, because I am also guilty, able to The one who convicted of his sin was only the one who was acquitted and was punished for us."

    Elder John took the Bible, bowed respectfully to him, and withdrew from St. Room.

    He wants to open the Bible to see, but ultimately decided to keep it as it is.

    The owner of the house is a driller in the salt well. The skin is white and rough, and the muscles of the arms, shoulders and chest are very thick. When walking, it is like breeding in a chicken farm. The cock, when he saw John Elder in a black robe. The expression and movements are like a sick chicken that has been discarded.

    Elder John gave the Bible to him, then watched him turn to the page with the bookmark.

    He patiently waited for a while: "Do you need me to read it for you?"

     "No..." The man said, showing a stunned look that could even be said to be rude: "...thank you... I mean, thank you. I understand." He turned and walked into the house and took away. The Bible, but it doesn't matter. This version of the Bible is the most widely distributed in White Salt City. Of course, John Elder is very familiar. He is familiar with the fact that he can see the first page of the page with the feather bookmark. What is the word.

    —Lev. 5:17: If anyone sins and does what the Lord has commanded, it is not feasible. Although he does not know, he still has sin and will bear his sins.


    " Then?"

     " Then the man killed his wife and son, small caliber shotguns, against his head, did not let them suffer too much sin - the region where Baiyancheng is located is a few that did not abolish the death penalty One of the big districts. I think his judgment will come down soon."

    "Stefan has always been a wonderful person." Anthony Hopkin Said.

    The second half of the twenty-first century. The critique of criticism that swept the entire Western continent through lovely children (invasion of boy cases and child abuse cases) made the pope and bishops of the time 'into a huge pain'...but compared to the clergy They are thus forcibly deprived of criminal immunity. The former is really nothing. Will a criminal standing on the bench still receive respect and trust from people? Of course not, there are even believers who are no longer attending the mass every week because he (she) does not want to have too much contact with his children and priests... this almost directly shakes the foundation of the church. Since then, the Vatican has been particularly cautious about matters involving minors.

    When Stefan is still a "priest", there are more than half a dozen cases of missing persons related to him, and the missing persons are minors. Most of them are boys. The ability of the "Father" is very good, but if he only has this weight, it is not enough for the Holy See to reach out. Now there are still people in the Holy See who regard the power as a bait for the devil, and more people stand in the neutral zone. For example, the Roman bishops headed by the Pope.

    So it is related to his last name. Strang Jacobs, the supervisory sect they founded, is, in one respect, a representative of the believers – their followers are still willing to fight all their fearless struggles for their firm beliefs, so even if the number is small This sect can still have a small impact on the entire Western Continent - the bishops have noticed this very early, but the only one who can stand at the top of the supervising sect is the one surnamed Strange.

    "So, the elders of Stefan will be a little busy in the next period."

    "Very busy." Chekal Bissan said, miraculously, he was thinner than before, and the situation of binge eating was no longer as frequent as it used to be, but when he was sitting in a chair, The meat will still overflow from the armrests of the chair and the cushion. "Let the priests do the work they should do!" He paused: "What are the boys doing now?"

    "Besib is in his room, Sasha is in the kitchen," Hopkins said.

    Celegal made a grimace agilely: "I think we should act, dear Hopkins, the sun outside is so good, and male Children... God, one in the room, one in the kitchen, they are not the little girl.”

    The two fathers went out in tandem (It’s not that they don’t want to stand side by side, but only Chegal can block the entire two doors.) The previous topic seems to have been thrown into the clouds, but we all know that whether it’s more than Sangdi or Hopkins, Have a very good memory and a small mind.


    Old Andreas stood in the kitchen and raised a fresh and full The lobster meat was carefully observed. The lobster in the early winter was filled with food for the big migration. It was fat and strong, but it was cheaper in the human mouth and stomach. The shrimp was added with salt and red pepper. Dip the cider for a few minutes, wrap it with thick cheese and breadcrumbs, fry it in the grape seed oil, and pour the sautéed leaves and tomato juice.

    Sasha was busy on the side, and after the oven was turned on, the kitchen was immediately occupied by a sweet and mellow fragrance.

     "What is this?" Old Andriana took a deep breath: "It smells like a chocolate chip cookie, but it seems to be something else."

    "Central South-style chocolate chip cookies," Sasha took heavy kitchen gloves, changed the shovel, and made them into small monster shapes. The biscuits are shoveled from the hot, smooth iron plate.

    Old Andriana tasted a piece and her expression was weird.

    "Is there a chili in it?"