Lamb > Chapter 74—Salmon 8

Chapter 74—Salmon 8

    The sky is getting darker and darker.

    Out of the sullen command post that was temporarily transformed into a fishing village bar, the men who can breathe can feel the power of the wind - just like the invisible brawny Trying to push you like that, they have to stand on their feet and they won’t go downhill. There are only a few strong adults walking around the street. They have net pockets on their hands, food and water in the net pocket, a big belly. The man mentioned two, one of which was full of video cassettes. The head of the swat with turmeric eyes was squinting at the eyes. They were all small-scale limited-edition video tapes. The women on the cover were exaggerated to unreasonable. Chest, they are unstoppable to the typhoon hanging on the observatory.

    The small sandstone slammed on their faces, occasionally mixed with water droplets, the body’s former "head" licked the corner of the mouth and found that the water droplets were salty. - The wind blows up the sea from the sea, and wanders here all the way - the end of the road is a gray-white breakwater, and the towering water walls are as rumbled as the Titan's army, and people think they will be in a few seconds. When the town collapsed in the town, they collapsed from the highest point. Thousands of tons of seawater poured down from the air and smashed on muddy shoals. The kinetic energy transformed into potential energy went deep into the ground and along the soil and rocks. The passages that open up with the groundwater are heading inland—the result is that people who are miles away can clearly feel the slight vibrations that come from the ground.

    "The wind of the sea...there will be more intense." The person in charge of swat said that his voice was broken by the wind.

    "Is there a problem?" The HRsf team’s chief is squatting with a pair of glasses, guarding against the fragile stuff on the bridge of the nose at the next moment. The wind swept away, smashed into pieces or simply plunged into a sewer.

    "We? No," the head of the swat slammed his head toward the "head". Compared with ordinary people, the latter is difficult to be classified into a small one. In the slender ranks, but there are exactly two swat special personnel around him. They are as armed and well-equipped as their bosses. The head caught in it is a bit thin, and the wind passes through his neck and ribs. Next, the suit clung to the shirt, and the hair swayed irregularly in the air like crazy. "Maybe we should find a place to keep the wind from staying. I don't want to send people for a few days at this time." The car is searched everywhere to find the prophet who was unfortunately blown away by the hurricane."

    "I said that it is not a joke now." The sergeant said: "Reassure, they are not your subordinates, nor your partners. They are responsible for themselves. We are also. When you act, you only need to look at your boys. - No one will ask you for trouble."

    swat the thick lips of the person in charge quickly moved, or twice, he may be able to tolerate hrsf But what do those guys who know about the so-called training in the Scout camp at the first sight? "They will act with us?"

    "Yes," the chief paused for a moment: "This time... there are likely to be some unexplained Things, very likely, will be difficult to solve - for us."

    swat the person in charge wrinkled his nose as if he smelled something stinking The taste, "swat and hrsf?"

    "swat and hrsf." The chief confirmed: "Make them, captain, this is the order."

    "...Follow, sir." Turquoise's bleak eyes stared at the gray coat, he was very dissatisfied, and he did not intend to cover it.

    The head of the hrsf group hesitated, pushing others, he knew that nothing could be worse than this - you have to complete a task, you have responsibility, and Obligation, but you have no rights, you have to bring a bunch of inexplicable laymen - but swat belongs to the local bureaus, their minds are not enough to set the secret authority set above, if he said something now, and These things were leaked to the Internet or newspaper by someone in the swat, and as a result of some disturbing whirlpools or storms, as the real person in charge of this mission, he will be moved all the way to the front line of the Cold War.

    The last officer to save was a message - the intelligence analyst at hrsf came out of the bar: "They made new requests!"

    "What do they want?"

    "Boat, they want a boat."

    "Do you want money?"

    "No, not what you think," the intelligence analyst said. "They are not prepared to escape. In fact, they are continuing to act. They are asking for big ships, fishing boats, ships returning to the harbor, 40 tons to 100. Tons of drift-net fishing boats, fishing boats, longline fishing boats and whaling ships."

    "What do they want?"

    "They asked us to take those boats out of the port and drive to the ... position." The laser pointer placed a red spot on the projection screen.

    "They are crazy, here is the only way for the hurricane!"

    "That just as As they wish, the hurricane will help them completely destroy these ships - they allow the crew to leave with other ships after the ship is in place."

    "This is not a good What offers – how much time do they give us?”


     "The sherf team's chief shouted.

    "It’s right." The person in charge of swat muttered that he was a native. He knew that these ships were not shark's fin bird's nest and were not worthy of attention. Partial things, they are uncompromising cash cows, and every hour they can give their powerful masters hundreds of dollars or even thousands of dollars in real profits - at least three large fishing companies will not be able to The loss of recovery, in addition to the value of the vessel itself, plus a whole two or more fishing window - the marine fishing boat is not a small seesaw, not a gadget that can be ordered to enter Hong Kong tomorrow.

    The last request affected only a seventh district, and this requirement spread beyond the entire New York district, those real big men, not Colored people or ethnic minorities - this is not easy to do.

    The intelligence analyst looked at the negotiating team, and the two negotiating team members looked helplessly: "This is really difficult," one of them replied: They are almost, no, they should say that they are not willing to talk to us at all - but we are working hard and hope to get some time." He looks at the computer screen - they are using instant call software to contact.

    The blank dialog box is jumping out of letters one by one.

    "Like the last time," the negotiator said that his face was blue and white by the illumination of the computer screen: "Two hours, I can't see the first When a ship is in place, they kill a hostage, and then one per hour."

    "Impossible." The chief gently said desperately: "We do Not enough."


    "They said they couldn't do it." One recount: "It takes a lot of time to contact the owner."

    "They all belong to large-scale fishing companies." Somitre from The voice behind the mask: "The right person makes a decision in just one second, so there is no need to give them too much time to think. Soup," he snapped a finger: "Bring a child out," he said without a word: "I have a hunch that they will not be too simple this time. We must give them a profound and sharp reminder."

    The man called soup stood up "Child?" He hesitated: "We still have workers. Otherwise there is that member."

    "Child." Somitre uses that kind of The voice that can't give birth to the will is ruthlessly said, his blue eyes shining under the yellow light: "Children have no privilege in us, but others have it, they always say 'my little angel' 'My careful liver' 'My little baby'... flowers, hope, seeds - whatever it is, now is the time to let them show their sincerity - wait," he raised his hand and prevented the soup from going out of the room. "You have doubts about this task, my friend, this thing can't be handed over to you - Jamie, go find a child, remember to bring a mask."

     Jamie, the short-skinned, violently beaten old man, opened his lips happily, his mask was taken while eating, and the white belt hung on one ear, he The soup casts a provocative look, and opens the door quickly, and the wind blows from the door. Rushed in, almost did not put down, which makes him excitedly shouting loudly.

    "Small Bobby lost her little sheep," the wind outside is really great, even with a mask, it can fill his mouth all at once. But this did not affect his mood. He held the wall, but walked tenaciously toward the workers' dormitory. The chaotic and sticky tone popped out of his nose: "...nowhere to talk about finding them. The direction; leave it alone, they will return home, leaving their tail behind.” The fat fingers are holding the wall, the weathered cement is embedded in the nails, the road has accumulated water, his shoes tide It’s a bit cold. “The wavelet is going to sleep faster, dreaming of hearing the sound of the flock; after the dream wakes up, it’s just a illusory one. Hey, Somitre asked me to bring someone, a lamb. "He shouted, and greeted his companion who was outside the dormitory with a vigilant saying: "Because the flock is all in an unknown place, it will converge on its unfortunate thoughts. Bobby is determined to find those small ones." Sheep." The closed door was opened, and the sea breeze rushed into the room with fresh air. To the small cheers.