Lamb > Chapter 50 Children Eight

Chapter 50 Children Eight

     Mr. Humbert has not been able to do anything lately.

    He tried to intimidate Sasha Streif, and the result was not to be self-sufficient; he wanted to make some small means to catch Stellaf’s father and son. Out of school, on the other hand, proves that Streif’s purity is innocent; this is not the worst. He recalled it over and over again, and analyzed it again and again, and found himself in this matter without frustration. It’s too urgent, too calm, although there are no traces or evidence to be captured... but he knows that Mrs. Borrow is already suspicious – she must wonder why she is targeting a new colleague. I know that just a week ago, he was still full of praise for the same person.

    If Stellaf said something, would she listen? If she listens, will she believe it? There is a great possibility that Streif is a man who is very fascinated by women. Mr. Humbert noticed and affirmed this when he met for the first time. He was so diligent, so generous, but only for the sake of I wish Mrs. Boluo, one of the main donors of the St. Thomas Church Primary School, who donated 50,000 yuan to the school last year. She is also an executive member of the National Parent Teacher Association’s 19th Division and is expected to This year became the executive chairman of the New York City School District.

    He is just a principal. I can't touch the money, and I don't have the right to move people (Note 1). I can only regulate food service and transportation all day long; maintain and repair school buildings, school production, and supervise the work of school logistics staff, etc. I can't breathe... I talked to the children and revealed that their little scars were his only small hobby, but they had to temporarily stop because of Strath's relationship.

    Well, after the summer vacation, Mr. Humbert felt that his bad luck should come to an end, but unfortunately he got it on the first day of bidding farewell to the campus. A bad sign: Every summer National Teacher Parents Association will mobilize all teachers and volunteers, visit every family that they are allowed to enter, and make a questionnaire focusing on alcoholism, drug abuse, abuse, mental illness, sex, suicide, Participate in crimes, etc... Those housing prices are far below average, and cheap and dirty neighborhoods (that is, slums) are naturally included. Such communities rarely send female teachers, and women appear there to be a piece of life. Fresh bread covered with cream. Male teachers use lottery to decide who will act as a dragon warrior and no one will volunteer. Imagine you have to go through that row of four- or five-story houses, surrounded by shops and grocery shops controlled by gangsters. The idle young people are in groups on the streets that are sheltered by the buildings. Wandering around, aiming at your eyes makes people feel? If you are fortunate enough to walk into the black hole, you will see the crooked corridors, the overflowing garbage passages and the slick cement stairs, all Everything is overwhelmed... The people living here far exceed the number allowed by law. A family with a weekly income of 50 and a maximum of 100 yuan may live in two rooms, sleeping in each room. Three or four people, children and women are mixed together for a long time in their teens. The corridor is always dark and unclear. The iron door is chained. Every time you knock on the door, you can only get a gap of less than three inches. You may be greeted by a drunkard, drug dealer or a young pimp.

     Mr. Hembert got the farthest and most chaotic area, he was only going to take two apartments on the outskirts of the community, looking neat Kind of, the rest of the questionnaire spends a small amount of money to hire the little gangsters there to do, as long as the name and phone number, other people can fill it casually, anyway, he can push to the respondent, these bad guys love to panic from an early age - Mr. President swayed down the stairs, the third door on the second floor, he recited, and when he left the building that should be white (now it is full of colorful graffiti), don't forget to look at it again. Some of the surrounding environment and the number of the apartment building, 203, he reminisced, this trip is not without gains, there are two very cute little girls in Room 203, no more than twelve years old, with men Shirts, bare thighs in the room in front of a game console, their caregivers thought he was introduced by others - they said they can trade at any motel outside - - Cargo door.

    The phone number written by the pimp on a piece of paper is like a living heart beating in the pocket of Mr. Humbert’s shirt. He feels fluttering. He forgets Mrs. Boro and forgets that he is participating in the weight loss tour. Wife, forgot to have a quarrel to participate in a sex/love party that has not returned to the daughter all night, he decided to go back in advance, change the more inconspicuous clothes, rent a car, find a remote hotel, oh, but also to buy some help drug.

    He hesitated, and he circled the parking lot a lot, just to avoid the straight but dim alley, but That is very time-consuming.

     Mr. Humbert stared at the alley for a while, inside the hollow, no one, the end is a box full of sunshine, Inside the box is the parking lot.

    He walked in, the pace was fast, the cool wind whispered from the ear: "I~ is Peter Pan~" He screamed Singing eloquently, daring for himself: "Who~ also ~ chasing ~ not me!"

     "Don't be stupid," said a man's voice.

    Before Hebbot used his brain to distinguish the meaning of this sentence, he was knocked down, and the man hidden in the shadow used a flat The baton baton is the kind of Sicilian mob that was prepared to deal with Anthony Hopkins many years ago. It hit the back of the headmaster of the St. Thomas Church. He rushed forward and fell on the pitted road. His The tooth fell and the nose was cut. A foot came up and used a clever force to turn over the man who weighed more than 150 pounds. Hembert’s head was hit again, and he shouted in pain. With a sigh of relief, he saw a man leaning down towards him. He quickly closed his eyes. "Don't kill me, don't kill me," he pleaded. "I have fifty dollars in my pocket, in my trouser pocket." There are two hundred dollars. Please, take them away, but don't hurt me."

    "It's okay." The voice said softly, Hengbo I felt that the other hand had reached into my pocket according to his instructions.

    He is relieved.

    The darkness shrouded.


    Himbot is dizzy, he seems to be back to his mother In the **, the surroundings were dark and hot, but soon the sound and temperature disappeared.

    A cold cloth wrapped him in, he could feel his own glare, what happened? He tried to think back... shit! He was robbed and beaten...all because of those damn questionnaires! Damn Boro, the old man (son! Damn Robert, Tom, William! They are younger and stronger than themselves, these things should have been done for them - not to have a principal! A principal! Maybe this position Not worthy of the glory, but at least it should not be as pitiful as a phone book salesman in the dangerous alleys all day long!

    ...... He was moved... Well, the bed, they are pushing him away, he is there now? Hospital?

    It's getting colder, Humbert I want to make a sound, I want to move my fingers, but I can't do it myself. He is creepy, don't be embarrassed, God, bless me, don't be jealous!

    ; The move is aborted.