Historical dust > Chapter VI Chapter 20

Chapter VI Chapter 20

    He will definitely come back and break the iceberg. I must have had a chance to kill him. I am attacking behind. The biggest chance of my sneak attack is that he absolutely never thought that I would attack. I must kill him.

    Use a boiling kill to fry this cold thinking. Talis took the sword and cut the head of the stunned Templar, dragged the body to the distance, and then came back carefully and lurked, waiting for the Tamek Knight.

    Unbeat is a latent or sneak attack, she is not only clear about the essentials, but also through the training of Lancelot. Before these skills, she didn't even allow herself to think in her mind, which was contrary to her beliefs. But now she has no faith in her heart, no faith, and some is the only simple kill.

    Sure enough, everything is as good as she expected. The Tamik Knight did not even look for himself and the sacred warrior, so he rushed to the iceberg. She noticed the body and vindictiveness that would be completely relaxed after a full blow. She almost shot reflexively, and then she succeeded.

    but in the end, the dying part of the Tamek Knight made her heart chilly and resolute as rocky, and she had the urge. Asa did not die, which made her feel relaxed and relaxed, and she realized that she had already betrayed Celeste. No matter what the Tamika Knight did, he was the crone of His Majesty. And Talis is faintly aware that these bloody means, the Tamek Knights, are by no means the first use, which means that these are also the acquiescence of the Pope. The trial that I have said is nothing more than a wishful remark.

    The rumbling and confusing strange noise came. Talis looked up and a huge twisted thing was moving over the trees in front. It’s a huge torso that combines the twists and turns of the insects. Several huge green sickles are waving and cutting the trees in front of them like straw, and the three weird heads recombine each other. More than a dozen slender The feet are moving in the air and moving around.

    If it’s not watching this nightmare monster standing on Asa, Talis will immediately I have to turn around and run. Although she knows that Asa is not dead, from the situation of the Tamek Knight's rush at the time, he may have gained the upper hand, but he did not expect that he would ride such a huge monster.

    Asa is also awkward. The combination of these three cockroaches is really inconvenient to move. It’s inconvenient to mix them indiscriminately. Asa’s effort can be controlled freely, but the body of this thing is too large. Only when the trees in front are cut down can they move. Just when he almost thinks he is too late, he will come to see It’s Talis’s bloody The sword, standing next to the body of the Knight of Tamik.

    Talis did not die, he was relieved. And that sadness was almost enough to be able to Slot's opponent, who was always thought to have performed poorly, killed her, which surprised him. Asa stunned and suddenly did not even say hello to the tower. When Lisi hit a combo zombie that jumped down, she ran towards the forest. In that direction, the darkness of the darkness came out of the direction. He knew that this thing must not be exposed for too long, and it must be reclaimed with the sun. The well water soaked in the pocket.

    but now it’s a bit late, it’s not the same as yesterday’s flashy, the black heavy smell has already appeared too For a long time, this breath is only filled with the whisper of the whole whisper, and continues to spread out. Only with the distance, the breath is slowly not so noticeable. For example, there are only some people with sensitive feelings in the city of Airy. I noticed something wrong with the direction of the whispering forest. For these peculiar feelings, the distance does not seem to be a problem.

    Einfast Kings. In the library of the School of Magic.

    In the early morning, the magic apprentices and trainee pastors who came to borrow books saw that the old priest Tom was as restless as the ants on the hot pot. There was a word in his mouth, looking from the window from time to time. Going out to see the direction to the south, the side talks are completely unreasonable. I have a trainee pastor who thought that this old man was suffering from a disease, went up to treat him with white magic, but was kicked off by a few punches.

    After a while, the old pastor suddenly looked at it again, looking south to look at it. He let out a sigh of relief and heard a few words and sat down again. What seems like? Nothing happened. Let other people in the library face each other. Some people suggest to go to the big priest to show him if he is dementia.

    The huge Shadow Mountain Range rises sharply not far from the Deva Valley, and towers into the sky. The mountain peaks in a strange arc, from the square to the tens of miles directly to the cloud, which looks like a little peak. See below The peak is like a needle. The humming sound from the needle-like peaks can be directly penetrated into the souls of the three Necromancers. They can also feel the same. The breath from the far northeast is also closely related to them.

    The three necromancers are very heavy. This sound and breath are with them. The mark imprinted in the depths of the soul resonates. It seems to show their destiny that cannot be evaded as a necromancer.

    撝沼诨故怯怯Hey?... I went to the Far East for more than a decade, and I couldn’t think of it when I came back. "Stephen smiled a bit.

    "You don't have to worry too much. Now it doesn't mean anything, maybe it's just that the respected Sandru is not careful. . . . "The Necromancer said with a voice.

    "I didn't worry about it. The coming will come. Accepting the fate, it was originally the noble duty of our noble and graceful wizard. We are not going to do anything. "Stephen shrugged." The fear is other bad guys. "

    The chapters are not separated, the humming sounds from the summit disappeared. The three necromancers looked at each other strangely. They also felt The wave that came from afar disappeared.

    "Is it really Sandy careless? "Stephen muttered, he looked down and tried to drink a cup of tea, but found that the art-like woodcarving cup on his hand had been squeezed by himself, and even the tea was steamed out under the unconscious magic.

     A crying cry came from a cave not far away. The cave was originally a meditation room in Deya Valley, and was temporarily changed to a prison. Any sound is emitted from the inside, and almost everyone has forgotten it, but now it suddenly makes this sound to remind everyone of its existence.

    This sound It was already very difficult to listen to. It was even more strange after the resonance of the hundreds of meters of caves. It seems that all the ghosts of the Shadow Mountain are gathering in it to have a carnival feast. But the three necromancers know that this is a laugh. I’m afraid, I know who sent it.

    "This crazy woman. It’s all the things she made. "A Necromancer frowns, and spits very sparingly.

    Celeister, Glorious Castle, in the Pope's study.
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    Lancelot's face behind the Pope is a little better than the two. He also looked out the window and then took it back to see the Pope and the Cardinal. A moment, I sighed secretly.

    Elassia, the new cardinal because of Hamm’s room, the order of the servant’s report: "Bishop, Catherine Her Majesty has been waiting for you for a long time in the palace. "

    "You know, go back first, I will wait. "The voice of the Cardinal came from the room. It seemed to be just a casual answer. Some were absent-minded.

    The insider glared at the door in front of him, as if I don’t want to use this door to stab the absent-minded bishop. Even the predecessor’s old-fashioned Bishop Esshir did not care about Her Majesty’s invitation. But he has a lot of anger. Only 乖乖 退.

    How does Her Majesty now seem to be better at the church? The Cardinal has just come.... Looks like a clergyman, the Lord has a good point to see it... Is it necessary for Her Majesty the Queen... for this reason...?

    The servant who quits can’t help himself He slaps his own slap in the face, and the disrespectful god is not the key to disrespect the Queen’s thoughts. The two or three pastors look at the cheeks and cheeks with strange eyes. He rushes to trotting.

  &nbs p;  At this time, the bishop did not know these tidbits about him. He didn’t even think about going to the palace. He is now staring at the east, his expression is flickering, and he is happy when he is worried.