Historical dust > Chapter 46—Temporary Peace

Chapter 46—Temporary Peace

    No matter how heavy it is, under the white magic of the Cardinal, there seems to be no cure. But the exquisite white magic can't restore the power of the paladin that has dried up. In the final blow, the Holy Light Cross Sword, which was no longer usable, used all of Lancelot's vindictiveness and magic and even more than half of the life. Now, even though he still can barely stand, he is no different from ordinary people for the time being.

    The splendid armor scattered into a piece of land makes everyone in the church stunned. Glorious armor is not a glass wine glass. It is not hard to touch it. It will not only be tough but also can automatically recover from the damage of white magic. In fact, the Knights of the Templar and the Templars do not believe that there is any power in this world. Can destroy this treasure of Celeste. But now they have seen it with their own eyes.

     "I don't think you are stronger. It's a pity that the task that Her Majesty the Pope gave me seems to be impossible." Lancelot wiped the blood of his mouth. Said to Gru faint. His expressions and voices are not as wrathful as the losers, and the brown eyes are still so calm and calm. Just a little faint regret.

    "You are my good opponent." There was a black flame burning in Gru's eyes. His injuries were also restored under the treatment of Cedros and Asa. His situation is a little better than Lancelot, but it is only a little bit. Maybe a templar can now confront him.

    But this situation is obviously not born. Even if there are no elves around, there is no other person's hindrance. This person is still full of blood and there is absolutely no one to pull him a sword. Not dare.

    "I rarely remember the enemies that I killed, but I will always remember you." Grew reached out and pointed his long fingers at Lancelot. Specifically pointed out. He sighed again. "Unfortunately, in the future, we probably have no chance to play such a painful and fast one. There is not much time for such a rare one-on-one."

    Lance Luo features nodding. The identity of both of them is too special. It is unlikely that there will be external forces to suppress the surrounding helpers.

     "Well, everyone has nothing to hurt. It’s just too good. Tonight, Tula Leone will never welcome any unnecessary struggle. Mr. Delos and Mr. Asa are our friends. Friends from Shining Castle are definitely not our enemies. Today everyone will reconcile."

    Elves The elders' tone was very harmonious, but the bows and arrows of so many elves around them were always stretched so that the persuasive power in his words was much heavier.

    "Friends?" Adela turned back and said coldly. "Take the thief's head that can still talk." Immediately there was a templar who flew away and soon took Ace, who had become a scorpion.

    Adela thought Elder Lloyd asked: "The elder elders of the dear. The thieves of a group of cockroaches and thieves can break your enchantment repeatedly. Don't you feel strange? ""

    "In fact, I don't know, but I can probably guess." Adela smiled. I looked at Sedros with a deep look. "We don't know if we come to verify it now. How do you say Mr. Sedros?"

    Elder Lloyd looked strangely at Adra’s gaze Cedros looked puzzled. Cedrus is also full of doubts. Frowning to Lloyd shrugged and said it was unknown. Then he nodded to the cardinal and made a gesture of asking. "Of course, the bishop is an adult." Adela's gaze looked at Sedros's expression. The black and white eyes are full of ten doubts. The white brows of the doubts are so frowning that the thin face is full of doubts and doubts. Even the most subtle wrinkles are in the city of Tancheng. No matter who is suspicious and observant, you can't find the slightest flaw in such a face.

    Adela sighs in fact, he also understands that this is not likely to make the other party against each other. Even behind the thieves, it is true that Cedrus is manipulating him. There is absolutely no way to show his flaws.

    But the matter is still asking this question. Adra looked down at Aisi, who was thrown on the floor. Q: "If you don't want to mourn on the stake, you will tell why you can attack the enchantment of the forest."

     "Death Master?" Adela frowned and asked, "Are you sure?"

    "Yes, yes... I am sure in the name of my Lord's holy glory The Supreme Wisdom of the Lord can reveal everything.” Aisisi felt that the importance of the bishop’s adult thought that he had a living life was too busy to use the vows he had practiced at the School of Magic many years ago. "The wizard is wearing a silver skull mask. I can see that it is a lot of magic that has been solidified in the production of the silver. It is what the Necromancer has..."

     "The scroll is also what he gave us... I said everything. Dear Bishop, I have a radiance and warmth in your glory that can be compared with God. I swear to return to the Lord’s embrace from now on. It’s not your feet. I used to be a person who loves the Enfence School of Magic. I will definitely be useful...” Aisi said all he could say and began a long-awaited petition.

     Adela frowns a gesture to a templar. The sacred warrior swept the head of Aisisi's mouse, and the head of the scorpion rolled down on the twisted limbs and then twisted as much as possible to stop the movement.

     "It turned out to be the guys in Deva Valley... No wonder they can have such a scroll." Elder Lloyd nodded.

    Cedrus sighed and said to the elder elders: "The Necromancers have always been omnipotent. The whispering sen is perfect." Since the examples have been made by them, you have to be careful. This time I heard that there are thieves who are trying to figure out that there are people behind the scenes in the forests of Tula, so let Mr. Asa first mix in and see. But I can’t think of the last. By chance, it made such a big misunderstanding."

    Cedros’s expression is still so sincere. Performance is near perfect. Even Adela has some doubts about whether this is really the case.

     "The one who can use the magic of the Necromancer must be the person of Deya Valley." The Cardinal looked at Asa and said. Although his current mood is extremely depressed, he has been mentally prepared for the Cedrus guys. But the thief’s leader is so convinced that he is behind the Necromancer.

     "What you said is really right." The elf elder immediately nodded. "Magic is just that the door skill is not proof of identity. But the necromancer of Deya Valley has been coveting the gods of our family for a long time. Mr. Asa has given up his life to escort our holy things here so no matter who he is outside. How is the country at least here we want to ensure his safety."

    Adra's eyes jumped. Did not speak. He understands that today he can only be empty-handed and returned.

    These people in front of them are all the ones whose dreams are to be killed. One of the magical powers left is almost exhausted. These two people, whether they are standing cardinals or standing on another stand, are ill-conceived. If on other occasions, he has full confidence to take it down. Unfortunately, now he also has full control of himself. It must also be impossible to watch.

    There are ten unharmed Templars and a Knights of the Temple plus a few top magic scrolls on their own. Actually, there is no possibility of being in the Elf. The two men were solved under obstruction. But that grasp is not big. More crucially, he was sure that at least half of the arrows around him were aimed at him. It is not necessary to consider the importance of the opponent's life or the importance of his own life.

    Adela’s eyes were swept one by one on the face of Grused de los Asa. His eyes are not fierce. The soft face can't be filled with a sly look, but everyone can feel the flame burning under the eyes. Finally, Luya, who was next to Elder Lloyd, looked at the green leaves and sighed.

    Elder Lloyd also sighed but he was looking at Adela. He had already noticed the first sight of the cardinal from the appearance of the cardinal.

    Asa did not care about the conversation in the field. He was watching a templar. The church is also looking at him with a strange smile on his lips.

    Asa feels very strange that this person is not looking at him for the first time. Every time the eyes meet, he can't feel the hostility that should be. The blue eyes like the sea give him a strange and familiar feeling. Although he can definitely feel that this samurai smile is not a fake, but a sense of disgust and hostility unconsciously began to rise from the mind. It seems that the stones that have been deposited in the mind for many years are suddenly thrown into the rocks. But he can be sure that this person is the first time he sees the face of handsome sunshine, as long as he has seen it once, he will never forget it.