Butterfly in the storm > Chapter 1 The person who ignited the flag of freedom 2

Chapter 1 The person who ignited the flag of freedom 2


    ***-***-***-** *-***

    August 6th, 1666 (mday+127)

     Jena Front, Empire Side


    Everyone of the Emperor’s Narrow Army has seen an unexpected scene: in the face of more than 10,000 people on both sides of the battlefield, the Freedom Army’s trap defeats The Minister of Security.

    Everyone saw the rainbow light falling from the sky like a rainstorm, and the commanders with telescopes could even see the curve of Sid flying in the air.

    It’s hard to say how much this incident has caused the Emperor’s people, but the entire front has been silent. Almost no one speaks and no one acts.

     Even Silver Dragon Mara repeated with her cold voice: "Nonica. We are in trouble."

    "I know," Renee looked around and looked at the troublesome color. "I know."

    Absolute color Full.

    A dozen shots lay flat on the ground, more than 30 muzzles obliquely inserted in the soil. Dozens of horses have lost their master control and are walking aimlessly. This is nothing, even a guy with a sergeant rank kneeling down to pray to God and take all his subordinates!

     "This is the most elite superintendent brigade of the empire, clearly a squadron!"

     This complaint was swept away at the lips of Renee, but she did not say anything.

    Before the opponent’s counter-attack begins, she must first resolve the morale problem. With this force, it is impossible for her to stop the enemy battalion.

    The girl in the dress of the lavender dresses her hand to the side of the telescope, her chief adjutant "Fog Eagle" Major Isis Margnan Busy pick up the past.

    "Itis, now convene the officer!"

    After long-term cooperation, these two There has been an indescribable tacit understanding between individuals; "Fog Eagle" Itis has been lurking as a spy in the South for a long time, and she can understand the loneliness that Chanika has experienced at all times.

     "Follow, Your Highness!"

    The officers gathered quickly. These military uniforms and the blood-stained guys on the armor were surrounded by a rounded semicircle, and were naturally divided into two small squares by the army: the military brigade and the military brigade of the seventh brigade occupied the left and right wings respectively. .

    The speed of the collection is so fast for a reason: after the last attack, the commanders of the Royal Warlord Brigade, the Imperial Seventh Brigade and the Figota Brigade They all rushed to the front line, and the distance between them was no more than one hundred meters.

     "His Lord Nasser has lost contact with us for a while." Yanika cleared her throat and said loudly in a voice that everyone could hear. "As the commander of the Fegota Brigade, I took over the command of the commander, and the Brigadier of the 7th Brigade received the second command--"

     An officer of the Superintendent Brigade raised his hand: "Reporting His Highness, the Brigadier of the Seventh Brigade has been derelict. The Deputy Brigadier is in command."

    黛妮卡Biting his lip and accepting this unexpected news: "--So, Princess Olia, who is the royal overseer, won the second command in order. There is no opinion."

  ;   "His Royal Fegota!"

    There were several officers who oversaw the brigade and interrupted her at the same time. The Royal Warlord Brigade is one of the few non-deputy brigades in the emperor's **, because the brigade of the brigade is nominally his own, and even Sid Naser is only acting as the brigade commander. These people looked at each other and quickly reached a consensus in this contact. They elected the highest-ranking colonel as the representative of the whole brigade: "The urgent task now is to take the trapped lord from the enemy. Save in the encirclement and re-lead us to destroy the enemy! We should attack the whole army!"

    However, she did not expect that the remaining leaders of this unit would choose this extreme tactic!

    "They don't know if this might all pay for all the chips?"

    This sentence The words were just a turn in the heart of Renee, she still did not dare to say it. Her gaze subconsciously turned to other officers, secretly wishing that the opinion just mentioned was only the opinion of the colonel.

    However, the staff officers who were in a panic suddenly burst into spirit. Seneca was surprised to see that these guys who had lost their souls in the past moment suddenly had a heart and began to whisper in excitement - not discussing the implications of this order, but discussing how to execute this order!

    "You are a senior magician who masters absolute defensive magic. It is impossible for all magic and foreign objects to pass the barrier of his absolute defense ball."

     "The quickest way is to rescue you. We can't avoid adversity and it's better to tell the current situation directly."

  ;    Listening to these conversations, 黛妮卡 gradually realized a serious problem. She has always felt vaguely that Sid has a fearsome, monster-like organization that still functions as usual after losing the head. And none of the members of this monster organization suspected that Sid-Nasser's life and death - no one. All the staff of the Ministry of Security are convinced that in any case, their chiefs must be alive; these people only need a reasonable explanation and do not need to be questioned. Fortunately, the officers present at the scene belonged to more than one headquarters, and the deputy brigade of the Seventh Brigade clearly did not support the advocacy plan of the Superintendent.

    "Do you really want to follow this presumption of war? This is crazy! Our mission is to build an outpost here to meet the follow-up forces! We should Avoid the enemy's edge and withdraw the troops!"

    "Are you going to retreat? Our responsibility is to shoot every coward." The colonel did not show weakness.

     "But, Rasta has failed once! We can't afford the loss of the second set-up base failure!"

    "After the withdrawal can avoid failure?"

    The two men’s tits quickly evolved into two officers The team’s comprehensive confrontation. The well-dressed officers yelled and named each other as widowers and cowards, trolls and goblins, slugs and slimes. Jenny looked at these people with horror: Where did their demeanor go?

     "You can't see it, the knights on these guys add up to more than twenty." Olia explained with a wry smile, "Nonica, you Which tactic is better?"

    "I am thinking," Renee answered.

    Olia waited patiently for a moment. She saw that Yanika’s fingers were gently twitching, her eyes kept tweeting, and there was no meaning to continue to explain. She had to pull the sleeves of Nika: "You don’t think you should analyze the situation to stop it. "Do they?"

     "Not yet," Renee shook her head. She can read the suspicions in the eyes of the officers in both sides. "The Warlord Brigade advocates a desperate attempt. The enemy should have already invested in the final reserve team. If they can beat them, they will have the opportunity to take Jena directly. It is very tempting."

    ;  "There should be one but then?"

    Senior picks up, "But, as the Seventh Brigade said, this is not our mission. Our mission is to lay a solid position and wait for the follow-up troops to arrive. Even if the itinerary is delayed, we can still win if the main force arrives within three days. Rasta’s aggressiveness is a bad precedent.”

     "But, the other party chooses to be desperate? Do they need to wait for follow-up troops?"

    "also needs But they are enemies in the back, time is our friend..."

    黛妮卡 suddenly stopped, she felt her teeth tremble slightly. There seems to be something wrong with my own plan.

    "If... I am Conti? Fox. I am in the paint. I have the same strength as the front enemy. This is my position. But I chose to fight back and fight the last reserve team."

    Location. A flash of light flashed.


    The map expands in her mind, connecting all the positions into one line. From the far north, all the positions that started south were: the Fegota Department - Lopez Department - Fox Division - her narrow army - Free Army Delayed Force - the main force of the Emperor.

    The encirclement network of the emperor, the free army in the paint, has the ability to choose their opponents for a while.

    "If...I am Clade Lopez. I am the sandwich of dessert, I control the position inside. I am fighting in the north, but I know The enemy in the South is the biggest threat. I can't let the other side get the foothold. But I am entangled by the enemy in front of me."

     Another flash of light flashed.

    "If...I am now defeating the enemies of the North? Then I will order the slow-moving troops in the South to attack all the way, not to give the enemy avant-garde to retreat. Opportunity - "

    Answer. Jenny began to tremble, tremble and tremble.

    Seeing her face whitish, Olia shakes her arm and calls her back to the real world from reasoning: "Nonica? You are fine." "?

    "This is not the case. Clade will appear at any time. We have to leave a guard and then join the main force, right away!"

    This sentence she almost shouted out. All the officers in the quarrel turned their heads and stared at Seneca with a look that couldn’t tell what it meant.

    "The illegitimate daughter in the country will also fight, ridiculous." Yanika heard someone whispering. The magician’s hearing is very good, but this person did deliberately say it to her.

    The true identity of Seneca is a secret. In the eyes of the general officer, she is just a smug woman who is a big brainless aristocrat, and inexplicably received the emperor's favor, and named the most elite public. No regular military officer is willing to accept this unidentified country girl command.

    "I think that you need to reconsider this decision," said the Colonel, a single character that emphasized in a single word, "What tactics are best for our army?" "

    黛妮卡 began to realize that this is not just a mess, but a mess full of distrust.

    Nonica doesn't know who will accept his order. Can she trust the Governor's brigade? Can she trust the Seventh Brigade? Even, can she trust her own Figota tour?

    She wants to save these troops, but it seems so difficult. Here she is not the "General's daughter", where she is "suspicious commander." She suddenly began to miss the identity of the fake princess she had used - when she used that identity, people would be surprised by her decisive decision and would praise her every outstanding performance.

    but not now. The first Princess of Oria stood behind her.

    "Crad will come." Her genetic strategy of inheritance is calculated, "maximum protection has the power to retreat, rebuild the line of defense."

     "Can't do it," her subconscious mind said. "I can't let this unit execute my orders. They don't believe me."
< Br />    Quiver, trembling, trembling. The body can't stop shaking.

    黛妮卡 knows what this emotion is. This is the emotion that people in front of these are arguing, who are thinking about wishful thinking.

    This emotion is called fear.

    If the other party’s commander sees this scene, he should be happy to laugh out.

    She doesn't know what to do. She even felt that she didn't want to know what to do. She does not know how to get out of this situation. The magical genius seems to be helpless.

    At this moment, a voice came from behind them and transferred the topic for Renee.

    "Let's go! I brought the sir's last order!"

    Include Silver Dragon Everyone inside turned their heads and stared at the man who was coming to the horse.

    The man is a red military uniform wearing a free army, but outside is a woman wearing a cloak of the black officer of the Inspector. Her cap was pressed low, but it also could not cover the green hair and seductive style.

     Her right hand is still dripping with blood and looks like a gunshot wound. This hand represents the "most urgent" gesture in the Air Security Code. Not every guard knows this gesture, but every school official in the Governor’s brigade knows that they immediately released the person.

    "Your name, class?" Istis stepped forward, blocking her mistress. She did not know that her chief knew this person.

    Green-haired woman, a horse, jumped off the horse, and did not hesitate to answer: "Southern General Administration Kengal, secret liaison officer, Maggie? Major Verry."

    The officers of the Superintendent Brigade clearly revealed doubts from their eyes because no one knew this person. Everyone focused on Seneca's body.

    黛妮卡 strongly suppressed his emotions and looked at the people in front of him. All the appearances and characteristics indicate that this woman is Maggie, Veri, Sid's ghost slave. She is certainly not a major, but why is she here? Shouldn't she be by her side?

    She didn’t consciously go back and naturally did not see the illusion of Maggie. This finally allowed her to confirm the fact that Sid had an accident, so that the enslaved Maggie had the right to physically and freely move. Smart shadow politicians run much faster than Sid.

    But there are still many details that have not been answered. Yanika temporarily suppressed her doubts and reluctantly proved: "Maki is one of the closest magic officers of His Excellency, she is the secret liaison officer of the Ministry of Security in the South, I am in Kengler. I have seen her."

    The words "secret liaison officer" seem to explain everything, no one has questioned. No one believes that he knows all of Sid’s informants and inspectors, not to mention that many members of the Security Department are simply single-line contacts. The chief director of the Royal Security Department responsible for the work of the Southern Intelligence is not here, and these officers are even more afraid to speak.

    The green-haired woman got her identity and walked to Yanikaka: "Please forgive my rudeness, His Royal Highness von Fegota, The situation is urgent. Because the opponent's magical attack is too fierce, the minister has now used absolute defensive magic to cut off all his connections with the outside world."

    "Sure enough "This fact coincides with the judgment of the officers, and they immediately accepted this."

    "He passed a message to the nearest me in the last time. This message is like this-"

      After using this sentence to attract everyone’s attention, Maggie slammed her mouth and played the role of Sidney’s Iron Man.

    "I have a way to protect myself. Let the troops retreat and reorganize. Conducted by 黛妮卡."

      These short words are indeed the style of Sid's order. The officers of the Superintendent's brigade face each other, but in the end they are still reluctant to take the spot. Maggie squinted and closed up the cold look and continued to add: "The above is the last order of the sergeant."

    I wonder if it is an illusion I don’t think she seems to be blinking at herself. There are many facts that can be verified in Maggie's words, which sounds really authentic and persuasive. This sentence is also very beneficial to Yanika. Her position in the chain of command is inherently high. The testimony of Maggie is aggravating the weight of command...

    ; This is a good show, this is a deliberate political investment. Maggie's ability is amazing, she saw the dilemma faced by 黛nica in the first place, and conceived an implementation plan that can solve this problem. Now even if someone is blatantly violating the orders of Renee, she can also fight back -

    "I question! Lord Sid does not know the plan of this woman, We can't retreat!"

    The colonel of the Governor's brigade also tried to resist, but it has become a lot weaker. There was a hesitant look on the faces of the officers -

    "It is now," there was a voice repeated in the mind of 黛尼卡, "is now "

    She no longer feels fear.

    There are so many people standing behind her: the peerless politician Maggie Vaughan. The first Princess of the Empire, Olia Hugh Coleman. The best spy of the security department, Istis Magnum. Of course, there is Silver Dragon Mara.

    The best women on the continent are gathered by her side.

     "If I am a man, is this called the harem?"

    She doesn't care about these What motivation do people have? Even if no one really trusts her, she doesn't care.

    This is where she always wanted: a place where no one else can rely. She abandoned her loved ones, abandoned her friends, and abandoned the childhood, just to get such a sky that belongs to her own.

    Like the blood of the Lopez family cursed. Although he hates that father the most, his behavior is really similar to him.

     "Thank you all, anyway."

    Sonyka blinked. She has not lost her mind, and her eyes are clear.

     "Tell me, according to the Emperor's Law, what is the crime of refusing the chief order on the battlefield? Article 11."

    "11..." The colonel’s actions froze.

    "Jun Judge! Royal Military Law Article 11!" Renee did not miss this moment, immediately asked.

     Even 黛 卡 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 也The most hated southern separatists were established. It is the sacred law shared by both the Emperor and the Freedom Army. Her biological father once said that it is not only the military law of the Free Army, but also the true strength of the Free Army.

    "Royal Military Law Article 11. All members of the military must follow and immediately execute the orders of their superiors, higher officers or alternate officers, offenders... ... offenders..."

    The Emperor ** faithfully inherited the design intent of this military law, in order to fight the old-age feudal army and the system of hiring troops Smash. The brigade is dead and there is a deputy brigade. The deputy brigade died and the chief of staff. No army on this battlefield will collapse because one or two officers lose their fighting power.

    All soldiers and officers are not only driven by honor, but are also bound by severe military laws.

    The colonel swallowed and replied with difficulty: "...the offender will be executed."

    ; This is the new army. Although the empire is reluctant to admit, although the name of their military establishment and command system is still full of the remains of the old era, the words "the Knights", "the priests", "court guards" and the like are used to try to pretend a "sealing". The system is still being executed, but in fact they are no different from the opposing Freedom Army. War is a cruel goddess of fate. It will eliminate all unsuitable tactics and impose the death penalty on all incompetent figures and systems. The feudal military system is already a story of a hundred years ago.


    黛妮卡 did not hesitate to take two steps, lift From the right hand, the muzzle of the silver revolver gun is against the chest of the first school magistrate. Not waiting for the man's face to turn white, she pulled the trigger with a raised hand.

    "This is in the sentiment of Lord Naser. The guards, take him down and leave it to the emperor to judge, the next is not an example!"

    "You...you this ..." The colonel seemed to want to say something to reverse the situation.

     "I know that my judgment is cruel." Renee did not give him the opportunity to continue. "Because I deprived you of the glorious right to participate in the battle." I want all of you to know that our retreat is not out of reckless judgment, nor out of fear, but because it is the only way to change the future of the empire."

  ;   There is only one way. There is only one way to convince these people.

    "I will not retreat with the main force. I will inherit the wishes of His Excellency Hed. Nasser. He has not been able to remove the free flag, by me, Jenny Card? Weilun von Fegota came to take it down!"

    黛妮卡 waved and called her maid and extended her to her. hand.

    "Give me the weapon. That can suppress the other's magic."

    The maids Face to face: "The weapon that suppresses magic... Are you saying 'that'? It is now used by the Marquis of Atlas, and he is afraid of this sword on his side."

     黛妮卡 nodded: "But he must understand the urgency of the situation."

     Like most large families, the Figota family The treasure is actually a pocket with magic protection, which can be used by anyone with a family license. Of course, as a foster daughter, Monica can also use the most famous weapon of the Figota family.

    "In the name of von Fegota, I levy humility!"

    She will Stretched into the pocket of the maid sent by the maid, and grabbed the "humble".

    The sword that was once kept by the Southern Grand Aristocrats and the Medical Knights. Created by the humble Saint Damilla, and then enchanted by the bald priests of the far east, the sword of the "broken magic" concept is implemented, and is known for its excellent magical defense and range anti-magic ability. The position of this sword in the field of anti-magic weapons is equivalent to the position of "justice" in stimulating weapons or "covenant arbiters" in the field of deformation weapons.

    The sword is very light and seems to be able to dance with one hand; the blade is very long, and it is no problem to grow as a two-handed sword. This is a big sword, a sword that represents the modern metallurgical achievements. This kind of sword made by mixing the advantages of various swords is scorned by the traditional swordsmen who use big swords and long swords as "hybrid swords". In the early days of the Freedom of War, this weapon became popular. In the villages of the South and the junction, the royalists and Liberals used these weapons to fight each other. The Protestant "Desires" armed with hybrid swords ran between the castles in the southern territories and used their skillful skills to assassinate the royalists of the royalists. Many of them later became members of the Southern Government. This is a rare romantic era of swordsman in history. Firearms and new magic have re-emerged the old-fashioned heavy armor, and the blade has once again surpassed the warhammer and the rifle.

    黛妮卡拔剑出剑,看刃刃刃. There are fresh blood stains on the blade, and the eight oriental characters are engraved on the sword.

    "Missy, these eight words are the starting words, read--"

    Maid Just want to explain, Yanika shook his head and said that he didn't need it. She read the eight words one word at a time.

     "All the law is without me, Nirvana is silent."

    The magic is concentrated on the wrist, no The stop was attracted forward. When Seneca’s wrist trembled, the sword fluttered in her hand, and she felt the range of anti-magic areas that the sword wind swept.

    "You give me a shot line."

    She steps forward, Jian Fengyao Refers to the free flag in the distance, and the silver pure energy flame on the left hand gathers. The magic officers couldn't help but start whispering: even in the Masters Association, not many people can release this level of magic. In contrast, the number of the other party's organ beam is large, and the power of a single beam is much weaker.