Butterfly in the storm > Chapter 4 Ending the war of all wars 2

Chapter 4 Ending the war of all wars 2


    August 4, 2006 (mday+125) early morning


    Farmota position on the north bank of the Metz River, It is organized around two small agricultural villages. The owners of Russell Russell and Russell Russell are responsible for the food supply of Blenheim, and their food is also supplied to Jena, which is rich in wine.

    Before the arrival of the Emperor, the food here was almost evacuated; until the Free Army went north, the villagers re-exported the grain to supply the army, the Free Army. The collectors acted even faster than their attacking forces. For the Figotas, it can be said that this is a land full of malicious.

    However, for Atlasvonf, the eldest son of the Fegota family, this does not seem to be a threat. He The command is set around the mill outside the village of Russell, under a huge windmill.

    "I want to say that this scene is too peaceful! This is true The charm of the battle!"

    Atlas looked at the other side of the river through two polished telescopes. The southern shore of the night was asleep, only the Free Army The recruiters of the logistics force occasionally escorted the big car to pass quietly past the river.

    One hour ago, the 1,500 people he left on the South Bank were It was a devastating blow to the Luther Department. The fire coverage network consisting of more than forty self-propelled guns, one hundred and sixty fixed guns and two hundred strategic mages was extremely powerful, and the farthest attack even extended to the north of the Metz River. The poisonous and acid-filled magic shells blast directly in front of his command...

   &n Bsp; but he is still full of fighting spirit. With 32,000 people against 50,000 people, such a large strength and disadvantage, did not let him fall into despair.

    " From the common sense, should we retreat in the organization? If we are in the past, we will naturally choose to refuse the battle and lead the enemy away, so as to eventually form a pinch on the battlefield of our choice...so, we will launch a surprise attack. Suddenly! This is really a Confucius? Fox will be surprised by the surprise attack! Wait, are you listening, Cavendish?"

    Atlas's exaggerated aria version of the speech suddenly stopped. His brother, Cavendish von Figueta (cavendishvonf pushed the glasses, continued to read the book in his hand. Shining on his chest It is not a mage badge or a priest badge, but a badge of the Royal Society of Science. Cavendish's troops are completely insulated from things like "standard" or "military law". His troops are all operating independently from weapons to magic. Method.

    ;  "The third army of Fegota is all ready. I know that the commander-in-chief will definitely choose to fight in front, and the third army will start to lure the enemy from the afternoon. The second army of Blücher The attack should have already begun in preparation for the attack."

    The eldest son of the three brothers of Fegota was aphasia. "When are you two..."

     "Of course it’s time for you to be busy fighting on the front line. Even if you are the third in the history of medical knights. People, can't rush to the South Bank with the whole army? Do you know how many Southerners are there?"

    This time I just spoke with two The handsome young man who came into the door. All the officers around him are women, and they all wear uniforms of the same family - maid uniforms. Rather than forcing him to wear uniforms for these female officers, it is better to say that he is trying to make his maid an outstanding officer. From the results, his troops cannot say how efficient they are, but they are no worse than others. Many emperors believe that Blucher von Figota (bluchervonf is really a big strategist who has been delayed by his own hobbies - if he is willing to manage his army in the ordinary way, using ordinary officers The second army of Figota was a strong soldier who could be compared with the Guards.

    "So, presumably the Second Army has crossed the Metz River. "Atlas hastily transferred the topic.

    "Catelia, prepare black tea, add two spoonfuls of sugar." Blucher said to himself The maid's adjutant made a tea and sat down in a comfortable armchair. "Not yet, but the leader has already crossed the Metz River east of Russell. It is expected that in the fog, it should be able to compete with the enemy. The left wing is playing. I transferred his science team from Cavendish."

    "Is it pretending to be a retreat? Speaking of it, you have all done it, have you left something for me to do?" Atlas stood up angrily.

    "Stay in the North Shore," Cavendish replied.

     "In addition, don't forget the gunfire preparation. The military artillery brigade is in your hands, big brother." Blucher added, "Of course, I have Pavilera had informed them in the past. The firing time was set at 4:45, using twenty bases."

    Hearing this number, Atla Si's facial muscles are paralyzed. "Twenty? Don't make a joke, we have all the shells burned out, what supplies the Emperor's Majesty...?!"

    "Well, if we If you are defeated here, you don't have to worry about this problem... Moreover, we should believe that our Majesty can completely solve the South issue before the confluence."

    Atlas Ignore the ridicule of the third child, took a look at the pocket watch, rushed out of the camp to find a commander to stop - but it was too late.

    The firepower network consisting of forty-three artillery shells and fifty magical lights gradually appeared in the air, and slammed into the south bank of the Metz River. The enemy's right wing camp. Even from such a distant place, you can see the sea of ​​torches that suddenly ignited there, and the artificial white enamel produced by lighting.

    "Enemy! Queue of the Guards!"

    " Relining yourself to judge, the company of the second-level vigilance is unfolding!"

     "The third-level garrison has an enemy report!"

    The screams mixed with the Ruhrlock and the Intra language spread along the front of the light, and the Freedom Service’s sentry was all alarmed. The sleepy veteran officers braved the guns and picked up their subordinates from the bed, and let these yawning men put on their military uniforms and rushed out of the barracks.

    The last time the change was made before sunrise, the outposts of the Lenny Army were not small, but they lacked enough vigilance. Under the fierce impact of the second Fygota army, the six camps at the far right end of the Freedom Army directly ignited the fire, and the screams and guns sounded one after another. The fluctuations that provoked in the crowd swept past the farm, the watermill mill and the market outside the city, pointing directly to Blenheim’s Freedom Command itself.

    "General! General! Enemy!! No action, the right wing will collapse!"

     The door of the wooden house was kicked open, and the soldiers rushed into the door.

    In the bed of General Bruto Luther, the quilt looks unusually fluffy and wide. The quilt squirmed softly on the bed, rolled over and complained with a spoiled voice. The commander hesitated and didn't know what to do - but his chief gave him the answer with decisive action. Luther sat up in the darkness, and his left hand did not hesitate to push the woman's head into the pillow, turning those complaints and wheezing into an inaudible squeak. The woman’s body struggled, but it did not affect Luther’s order.

    "I will immediately inform Governor Lopez. The right-wing troops will delay their enemies at their own discretion, at least until sunrise. The various units of the backbone organize elite forces as reserve teams, sunrise When the whole line counterattacks. Let everyone move!"

    "Follow, sir!" The commander glanced at the quilt and panicked and respected a military ceremony. "Sorry, sir! I haven't seen anything!"

    Bonnie sent him out of the camp, relieved, let go of the woman who pressed around The first thing is to hide your chest with magic. The second thing is to find yourself as Luzer’s general military uniform.

     "You, do you want to suffocate me?!" The woman coughed and climbed up and issued a solemn protest. "I almost got it -" < Br />
    waiting for her is a directed silence.

    " Wait a moment. I remember very clearly. I opened a combat preparation meeting last night, then read the information and then fell asleep. One person." Bonnie put on Military uniforms, bullets to unlock silence, "You can explain now. Please - ask - why are you in my quilt, sister?"

    "Let me think about it, because I have been replenishing supplies for two days and nights, I was very sleepy last night. I encountered a sporadic magic attack on the enemy at the riverside camp. It may be an hired adventurer. I feel annoyed and put them. The frozen ice cubes have been thrown along the river. There are many mosquitoes, and there seems to be a variant with paralysis on the river. It is very itchy on the calves. I am too lazy to use magic, I have read a transfer magic and returned to my own positioning jewelry. Then I went to bed and went to bed."

    "I remembered. You said a few days ago that positioning jewelry is placed in your own place, it is dangerous, please take care of me. Really... forget it, it’s not a scandal in this era.” Bonnie pressed her forehead. “The key question is how many people we can squeeze out to help Jena.”

    Anne was stunned and repeatedly tried to put her arm into the sleeve of the military uniform. When she heard this sentence, she suddenly woke up and her eyes returned to normal: "Wait a minute. Why do you want to divide your troops to Jena?" "

    "Exactly, yes The soldiers stayed here. With a minimum of defense, let the main force turn to Jena."

    Annie couldn’t wear clothes, took a deep breath, and Asked: "If I am not mistaken, the enemy is attacking outside? The logistics department will firmly oppose all attempts to arrange for the retreat of the enemy."

    " Yes, and it is very fierce. If the right wing is half-finished, even if the cavalry can be organized from the central part, it will be tomorrow to fight back.” Bonnie put on the epaulettes meticulously. “You are a logistics staff, you know that it is impossible to organize a counterattack now. "

    Anne nodded. "This time the cavalry should be feeding the horse, and the logistics team has set out to collect the fodder. If it is called with the cannon, it may not be too late." We can only use infantry... When it is noon, we will lose 5,000 people if we are not lucky?"

    "The estimate of 5,000 people I’m afraid it’s a bit conservative.” Bonnie listened to the sound of guns outside the camp. “Now the loss should be super One thousand. The four regiments behind the right wing are just mobilized, and the veterans only account for 20%. They can’t stand it. If I didn’t guess wrong, the enemy should have prepared a central breakthrough, waiting for me to put the reserve team into the right wing. That moment. Of course, if we carry out the enemy retreat, the result will be the same."

    "Under such conditions, you still insist on splitting troops into Jena Go?” Hearing Bonnie’s argument, Anne asked again, “It’s a disaster for the battle here. "

    "If I have other choices." There is no doubt that the enemy will launch a full-scale attack on Jena in twenty-four hours. Even if all the non-combatants are added, Jena’s defenders will not exceed 20,000.” Bonnie’s tone is unconsciously nervous. “And you know what is in Jena, the logistics staff. "

    Anne took a deep breath. As the morning fog gradually rose, the Freedom Army's artillery began to fight back. The guns of the two armies were mixed together. The sharp whistle is one after another.

    "Supply the lifeline of 65,000 people. But listen to this gun, just like DeLand in the war of the mainland, without stopping! Do you really judge that the enemy still has the strength to attack Jena? "

    Disregarding the wars that hundreds of years later mentioned by her sister, Bonnie Sefer opened the thick curtain of the demon camp and went out. There are no sentinels and officers in the nearby camp. Everyone has gone to the army to prepare for the counterattack after the sunrise. Even the enemy knows that the commander of the Southern Church is here, they are not here. Wasted valuable shells.

     "At the time of Fay's, the Fergota army never offered to fight. Even if it is facing the same number of French squadrons, it has never been. The act of fighting 35,000 people with 50,000 people will not be called courage, it will only be called madness. So what do they want to do? Bonnie slammed through her body, her - it should be said to be his - arms waving in the air, like a real parliamentary speaker.

     "They want to beat the strongest Western army in history? This is absolutely impossible! Plus night attack is not possible! Plus new weapons is still impossible! We will defeat them! And, they know this, and I know. Then there is only one reason for them to be so desperate. The enemy's reinforcements are coming soon. No, maybe it’s already here. "

    The morning moisture invaded the camp, bringing some coolness in the midsummer dawn. Annie licked her lips and seemed to smell the blood in the air." And the smell of sulphur. She looked at the sister who was reasoning and thought it might not be the air...

    Anne’s mouth was hung with a stiff smile, raised her eyebrows and said her opposition.

    "The risk is too big. No, I can't agree with this unrealistic opinion. After all, there are you and me here... let us work together to quickly end here. Fight, and then take the full army to rescue Jena."

     "With the addition of two senior magicians, we can't end the battle in two days." Do you think Jena can hold on for two days?” Bonnie added with a careful note, “...and that person is still in Jena.”

    Annie Silence for a moment. She used her wand to pick up her military cap and gently rotated it for a long time without speaking.

    The embarrassing silence continues. When Bonnie began to think "I didn't mention a topic that shouldn't be mentioned," Anne finally put on her military cap. The brim blocked the line of sight and prevented her from seeing her sister's expression.

     "I will not give up my duties easily. If he is really that person, he will hold Jena. And our duty is to Here is the victory... but."

    "I thought you would go to Jena yourself..." Bonnie whispered to herself, suddenly laughing. Get up, "You really trust him, my sister."

    "Where is there!" Anne reflexively denied, "I just think there is Marshal Fox there, Jena will not fall so easily!"

    "Okay, let's go, the central defense is waiting for us to reorganize."

    They went to the central defense line on the Metz River in the north of Blenheim: there, more than 3,000 counterattacks are assembling. On the other side of the river, the right-wing company of the medical knights proud of the Pegota Principality is ready.

    August 4, 2006 (mday+125) 10 am

    Yeah Take the Free Army General Command

    Everyone knows that this time the battle on the Metz River has reached its most intense time.

    But now, with the exception of the operational staff who must work day and night and the logistics staff who are busy organizing transportation, few people are at ease to care about the other front. On the situation.

    This is not because there are enemies preparing to attack Jena, nor because they have more important work to do now. The situation outside Jena is calm, and the enemy is still at least 100 kilometers away. All the investigation reports of the investigation and logistics forces use the scribbled handwriting to write "security."

    This is purely because of an unsuitable routine test of the new weapon "Slayer Dragon Melody." Now, every Freedom Army soldier is immersed in infinite pain, staring at the Central Air Defense Tower with resentful eyes.

    Breaked. Tearing the sound. Bounce sound. The chords completely deviate from the temperament, as well as the rapid slamming and unfolding of "creative". There is no rule in the pulling of the sound plug. After a while, it lags behind, and the tone from the double bass to the oboe keeps switching.

    Some paragraphs sound like an anachronistic combination of death metal and hymns: from the perspective of rock music history, perhaps the player is a genius that transcends the times. The effect of playing the percussion with the organ is not something that everyone can do.

    蛤蟆 and the ants began to move, the fish in the king’s river gathered abnormally, even Kong Tidy? The two Italian-American beagle raised by the Marshal Fox began to spit. White foam.

    Although people in this era still don’t know what is called death metal, they instinctively dislike this music. The detective magicians on duty have said that their magical and legal arrays have been greatly disturbed by this music and cannot work properly. The entire Jena Command began to be in a hurry. The deeply threatened "Kingle's Fox" Marshal Fox personally hired a professional who "know how to stop the harsh noise" as a special adviser to the General Staff and went to the Central Air Defense Tower for emergency relief.

    "...The general situation is the above. The commander of your commander’s commander asks you to stay away from this organ at all costs. I personally agree Their opinions."

    "In theory, this is not the organ, it is the 'magic gun and dragon melody'... oh, sir." Naomi? Soleton licked his hands and reluctantly filled the other's title, his voice sounded. Not very emboldened, "Since it is a magic cannon, will practice exercises be proficient?"

    Metti gently tapped the keys, with no cover in his tone The pride of living: "Familiar with this 'magic gun'? You don't know how to play the organ, Mr. Shangyu?"

    All day and those with aggression The woman with sexual character is mixed, and Metty seems to be becoming aggressive...

    In my heart, I’m still holding a roll from the side. Thick sheet music. At the top of the score, the signature of the great magician Handel and the basic operating instructions written in scribbled italics are written.

     "The Dragon Slayer is a device that transforms the power of music into magic. As long as you play according to the records on the score, you can theoretically trigger the magic. The automatic interception system of the gun..."

    "The wrong performance is not good. The first is accuracy, then the appeal, and finally the expressiveness." Music topic, Metty seems confident. "You are really sorry for this outstanding instrument. Although it is small, but the pitch is very accurate, the bellows is also very strong, in all the organs I played. It should also be able to rank in the top three. By the way, the performance of the midrange is 77% stronger than that of the Louvre's Cathedral."

    ;  "So the subtle data... How is it assessed?" Residents complained in his heart, but he did not dare to say it. He thought about it and changed his defense direction: "In any case, it is also a volley and long-range strike weapon. Chords and performances are just ways to motivate them. It is a means, not an end."

    Met's eyes wide open and he was surprised to ask: "How is it possible? The source of musical magic is not the magic itself! The power of this piano comes from the performers and listeners. Pleasure! When the melody is smooth and pleasing, its attack frequency will also speed up. Lieutenant Saphir told me that music magic is a system that transforms the listener's feelings into magic. Of course, the ability to play is the most important..."

    The door is closed to justify. He thought, repeating what Metty had just said.

     "Wait a minute, Metty. You said - music magic is a system that turns the listener's feelings into magic?"

     "Of course. Those magic-sensitive animals can't afford it. Just now your round of 'playing' may have formed a massacre in the nearby goblins. Your principle of musical magic. I really don't know, Mr. Captain."

    " Wait a second, Metty. I don't think anyone who knows about music magic is Seneca, she The level of performance is very general. I read the related books in the Lenny Library, and completed the average law of the Empire. The first music magician Bach master pointed out that the power of music magic comes from its natural beauty and mathematical structure, which will promote the ether. Generating power is like we can use magic with faith. Master Handel agrees with this, and he also believes that the power of musical magic is inherent in music. If my performance really hinders animals, That's probably because of the mistake I played. There is a dangerous offensive melody inside."

    Metti shrugged: "Ah, but Anne Sister did a convincing experiment. At least I personally feel that It may be the masters who are wrong. She also said that if the taste of the person who listens to music changes, the power will change accordingly... Of course, I personally doubt this statement."

  ;   The captain snorted from the nostrils disdainfully. "If this is true, then she can surpass Bach and Handel to be the first master of the musical magic world. She knows only the scores, and the bombs are not very playable."

    "That's to do this experiment." Metty licked her hair and turned to the keyboard of the piano. The foot also stepped on the pedal of the magic bellows and spoke faster and faster. First, make a new song that nobody has ever heard. Then, play it without knowing the magic effect. Just right, this month I made a new song, which is my favorite song so far. I personally think that this song will become a powerful defensive sonata in the current fear of the audience."

    Beautiful and slender fingers At the same time on the keyboard, the powerful major chords brought a passionate prelude. This song is completely different from the beginning of the ordinary "Song of God" and "God bless" style, but it is like a revolutionary praise song. The main melody of the first movement is taken from the famous battle song "Blood Battle Flag" in the three free wars, and the chorus is a rapid polyphonic variation that is repeatedly raised.

    Naimen Soledon sang and looked up and looked at the top of the hundreds of sacred silver tubes. Just like the announcement of this song, the vast magic is surrounded by the "slaughter dragon melody" and begins to turn. The routine scan started, but the scope of this time seems particularly large. Sorelton can only scan the range of two kilometers when he operates it, but now...

    " Within 12 kilometers, the fluctuations of the five magic units can also "Detected." He licked his finger and counted the red dot on the magic line. "The nearby twenty-eight guard posts, six detection lines, four defensive arrays... wait a minute, four?!"

    The defense system program was developed by Soleton personally. He remembers the position of each squad and every sentry. On the high ground three kilometers away from the west, there should be only one sentry, and there should be no anti-detection array. Rather, when he designed the post, there was a mind that exposed the enemy patrols in order to attack the sentry. In the field of tactics, Captain Soleton was at least as bad as his peers. .

    But he now feels that he is being counted. The sentry's response is still there, but around the sentry is surrounded by a circle of anti-detection magic arrays that are extremely difficult to find, which can block all ordinary magical investigations, even the dragon melody he operates.

    "Metty, weaken your performance! Don't stimulate the possible enemy reconnaissance units on the west side of the highlands-"

  ;   Disregarding the appeal of the door, Metty's performance entered the second movement uncontrollably. The organ is the most suitable instrument for depicting the beauty of heaven, but now it is using repeated chords to render the sorrow of the whole world. The song-like slow plate brings the broken wall after the burning of the war, quietly lying under the mournful starry sky.

    Everyone who hears the second movement has different scenes in his mind: Some people have seen Kengal, and some have seen it. Ni, some people saw Gistof... but all the sights have the same characteristics. In the ruins of the city, the small flowers in full bloom, watching the army pass, the army is destroyed. The blood is flowing, the body is rotten, and the little flowers are still in full bloom. Among the chords of the great era, the small subtopics reappeared from three or five familiar notes. As the main tone gradually became heavy, the scattered notes gradually became stronger and became more continuous.

    This music theme is familiar to every Southerner.

    "In the Freedom, unite forever, the great federation will stand forever..."

     People can't help but sing softly, using the passionate national anthem to set off the main tone of war sorrow. The huge magic light spot began to gather in the sky above the "Slayer's Melody"...

    The door is subconsciously clenched and clenched, and the magic detection method is fixed at the foot. Array. If his inference is correct, then the other party can see this huge magic. If he is commanding, he will definitely decide to retreat before this unknown magic is completed -

    "In the name of my emperor, remove the masking magic array! All firepower Emergency preparations for launch, the goal is Jena!"

    In the song "The Republic of the Union must cross the era, all citizens will be proud of it", at the foot of the door The sign representing the anti-detection array on the magic array suddenly flashed and disappeared.

    He was completely stunned, and there was only one thought left in his mind: it was not a reconnaissance unit.

    Because it replaces the detection array, it is a sea of ​​light that is as dazzling as the stars in the sky.

    "Detected a lot of magical fluctuations! At eight o'clock, four thousand magic units..."

     The alarm bells of the entire camp all screamed. Even the slowest magic monitor, I feel that something is wrong.

     "The number of targets in the direction of eight to nine o'clock is more than one thousand, and five thousand magic units are concurrently combined... no, seven thousand units?!"
< Br />    As the person who controls the most accurate measurement tools in the entire camp, Naimen Soledon looks at the detection magic array at the foot of the "Slayer's Melody" and mutters to estimate the value. .

    "12,000 units. Impossible... This number is too outrageous."

     He picked up the telescope and looked at that direction--

     countless parabolic lines caught his eye. The smoke from the gunpowder shrouded the entire hillside, and the iridescent meteors vacated from it, and countless lights pointed to the Free Army Command in Jena.

     By definition, a standard magic unit is the volatility that an early-stage wizard uses when he exercises magic in the first stage. A mid-master, the empire's standard of assessment, is the two bronze emblems of bronze and brass—the magical reading of powerful spells is between twenty and thirty units.

     In this calculation, behind the enemy's masking magic, at least five hundred or more mid-level magicians or the same powerful magic cannons are launching magic.

    The moment the vast masking magical array was removed, the eyes of three investigative mages in the headquarters of the Freedom Army were burned by this dazzling volley. The magic light transformed by "detecting magic" is more dazzling than the midday sun.

    There are a total of seventy-two lightweight magic cannons on the hillside, and more than eight hundred casters of the Royal Guards Magic. One third of the magicians who were loyal to the sacred Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire gathered on this hillside to launch their spiritual power for the same purpose.

    At this moment, whether it is the Free Army fighting in Blenheim or the Royal Guards in the south, all the casters stopped acting, surprised Looking at the direction of Jena.

    The "mobile cannoning" combat means appeared earlier than the history known to the Safir. It is a powerful tactic that focuses on a large number of heavy and heavy artillery and magicians that can only be used for siege and defending the city. Just as the free military's centralized artillery defeated the empire's fortress strangled the net in the last free war, the imperial empire's general staff also evolved new tactics.

    "The magical forces defense! Defense!"

    In the scream of a staff member The magic of the first real system arrived. The first bombardment consisting of ice bombs, flame meteors and Mithril impact javelins took on the responsibility of consuming the defense power of the opponents. They broke through the Freedom Army's defensive magic, letting their stress-type magic be wasted at those high-speed rushing camps. In the magic of the sky.

    The door tightly grabbed Metty’s shoulder and shouted: “Change me, Metty! Enter the attack mode and intercept them!”

    "No need." The young female performer slammed the right hand and pushed the door of the door. "I can feel the magic, they are calling me."

    The second movement is getting weaker, and the mournful bombing is gradually disappearing. Suddenly, ten slender fingers slammed on the keyboard at the same time, forming a chord of trepidation, and the huge magical force on the top of the head shook. After the powerful three bullets followed, the door can hear what it is.

    This is the second short paragraph of the national anthem of the Federal Republic of The passionate march is unstoppable. He seemed to be able to hear, if there was a woman's singer group, sing softly following the playing of the organ.

     "Long live, long live, long live! Our free motherland, it is built from the hands of the people..."

    ; The chords pour down like a waterfall, seeming to reach the extreme of humanity. The magical powers in the air quickly turned and turned into a whirlpool, and the magic of the silk was quickly taken out. The route to go out seems to be chaotic, but the magic that the enemy used to attack can't help but attract it.

     "May the gods bless them to unite and freedom, and wish the four-color cross flag to fly for a long time!"

     The sound of the humming sound seemed to be getting bigger, and the rainbow of magical rain shrouded the sky. The ultra-long-range percussion magic that flew from a distance was attracted to the vortex by the vortex, colliding with the sporadic magic lines scattered around the magic vortex, and bursting with beautiful fireworks. The popping sound of the magical collision came from rhythmically, just like the drums of the organ.

    The magic of the officers of the Freedom Army gradually stopped because there was no attack to pierce the vortex. They are all immersed in the beauty and passionate music in front of them, looking at the sky with half of their mouths.

    The huge magical vortex is almost exhausted, but the huge amount of magic of the opponent is also invisible. The last group of chords leaped vigorously, turning into a gust of wind in the great squad, pushing the remaining magical vortex to fly toward the enemy's position.

     "This world is so beautiful." He rubbed his eyes and wiped away the tears that moved. "This is a great performance, Miss Crosso-" Br />
    The girl player’s hand still stops at the last note position without any movement. The door suddenly felt a little bad, and quickly stepped forward to help her.

     At the moment his finger touched her shoulder, the girl’s finger wiped a set of soft notes on the keyboard and fell on his arm In the bend.

    "Metty! Metty! Are you okay?"

    "Ha..." The family yawned and barely opened his eyes. "It's so tired... It's so sleepy. Have we won?"

    "Hmm... um."

    He removed his gaze and his teeth clenched unconsciously. The other side’s shelling did stop temporarily, but Nami also knew they were preparing for the second batch. In general, after using the cover-up shot to destroy the opponent's basic magical defense force, the artillery unit will invest in the most important live ammunition, focusing on the opponent's artillery, command, and living forces.

     "No win? Ha... If the Tu Long melody stops, we will all die?" The voice of the girl was weak, but she pointed to the key.

    According to the law, every time you use this piano, you will feel a bit of energy being pumped away from your body. For a teenage performer whose magic is not yet fully formed, the powerful magic burden is too great. The door shook his head and shook his head: "No, it's okay. The enemy has no strength, and I can block them."

     "Would you like me to try again... ...but...you can't make a performer or mage always at the top...you want...you have to play this piano...you can't sleep..."

    Metty bit his lip, but it seems that because the mind is not clear enough, how can she bite and bite. Naimeng sighed and dispelled the distracting thought that she was so cute, and separated her right index finger between her little tiger's teeth and her lips. There was no feeling of gently puncturing the pain, and the snoring of "呜呜" came from the girl's mouth.

     "If there is any problem, you can point me better. Anyway, just intercept some of the shells... Can you contribute all my magic to this stuff?" Naimeng smashed the score that was left by Metty. "Well, should you use this song? Oh, yes, there is an emergency evacuation plan. Is this switch?"

    The door of the door pushed a hidden tone, and Anne Sefir’s pre-recorded voice immediately echoed throughout the camp. "Please note that all the enemy's general attack is about to begin, and the troops will arrange for emergency reorganization according to the No. 7 plan."

    "That is impossible!" Metty He bit his finger hard and shouted hysterically. "There is no way to let a newbie master the essence of the organ! Mr. Handel will not create a magical magic weapon that absorbs other people's lives to complete magic. The power of this thing depends only on the level of performance... Ha, sleepy..."

    The door is standing up, simply picking up Metty, put A camp bed used on the one hand. The girl's feet are kicking weakly, but those who use all the magical powers do not have enough will to do anything. He thought about it and prepared a top-level magic he had: the feathers were used on her body, so that at least he could kick her out of danger when he was in danger. This must be the main target. tower.

     "Get a good night's sleep, give it to me here."

    Young officer Speaking to himself, focusing on the musical scores in front of me. At his feet, the free army is busy reinforcing the defense net, reconstructing the defensive magic that was scratched in the first attack, and waiting for the second round of artillery.

    The magic is in the body. It seems to have improved. If you practice now, you may be able to use the third paragraph of magic... Should you be able to defend for a while?

    The red fluid flashed again. This time it was not a dazzling sea, but a star.

    "It’s miscalculated...Is it really a bit unsuitable for a combat staff?"

     Resist the door and pouted, simply stood up from the organ and picked up Metty Crosso and threw it out of the tower. Under the effect of the feathering technique, the girl's body flew like a feather to the depths of the camp.

    He understands that he is not facing the usual second batch of attacks, but the usual third batch of attacks. Fixed-point removal with a purely magical attack, designed to kill the living forces of the opposing defense zone. All the magic that was attacked by Gaotai was guided. It seems that the Emperor was extremely afraid of the mysterious mage on the high platform. He did not hesitate to concentrate all the firepower to destroy him. He did not keep it at all. The rest of the camp did not even receive the attack.

    Sorryton simply stopped resisting because he knew resistance was useless.

    "It’s finally over. Anyway, even if I’m a martyr’s number, I’ve been able to get up to six digits. Nothing to fear... another world Maybe it will be done."

    He stood up, raised his chest, looked up, and wanted to keep an eye on the dazzling magical light at the last moment, keep it The ultimate dignity of being a magician (although not very good).

     A black feather fell in the lingering light of his eyes.

    "Contract fulfillment."

    The blood-red blade draws a semicircle in midair, constituting An absolute magic line of defense, tearing the blue sky and space.

    "Terminal door open (gateopen)!"

    All attacking magic without hesitation The ground rushed into the crack of the dimension and disappeared.

     "It's still very simple."

    is a female voice that sounds familiar. Two white thighs and mesh stockings, a black lace-trimmed battle dress, and a black six-wing cover the entire field of view of the door. She flew down and stayed right above the keyboard of the organ.

     "If you are dead, I will not get paid. This time the boss is really a good person, let me use the looks, body and personality." It seems to be good too, and the style of speaking is unrestrained. Just to protect the contract of a few bottles of wine, is it really a lot of money?"

    "Deed, contract execution Devil! Is it an avatar?!" Resist the door and bounced off the seat. "I, I will not give you the soul, there should be no gems, knowledge or life experience to give you!"

    The blonde female devil laughs. Like all incarnation demons, she looks almost exactly like the summoner, except for the striking black wings and fiery red eyes.

    "Don't worry, don't worry, the reward has been paid, you must know the owner of this face? It's a generous boss, the magic is so much It doesn't last. However, it seems that I don't know how to summon magic. The tip is a bit more." The avatar seems to be very poor. "In any case, my task is to protect your safety at all costs, because you still What kind of wine is owed to my boss? Oh, of course, this is just to ensure that the contract can be fulfilled. As long as you pay the wine, she will not take care of you... The boss said so, believe it or not."

    The door is not available to listen to what she said, he is nervously reminiscing about the legendary creatures of the incarnation of the devil. Even in Lenny's library, there are only a few tabloids such as the "caster Sun rumor" that mentioned the legendary super-level demon when writing "urban rumors." Using the summoned person's appearance and character's evil creatures, he respects the contract and earns gems, souls, and knowledge by working for all kinds of summoners. The appearance is ever-changing.

    The threat level is very dangerous, all the information is strongly opposed to the general magician call - of course, the general magician can not summon.

    In other words, it is "the avatar is very strong."