Butterfly in the storm > Chapter 2 The storm that surpasses fate 2

Chapter 2 The storm that surpasses fate 2


    The husky seagull screams across the sky.

     "Is it wrong? It seems that the seagull flew over. Just kidding?"

     Leonard licked his bloodshot eyes and suspected that he had a look and an audition. He has been sailing for forty years at sea. He knows very well that unlike the description of literary works, there should be no seagulls in the middle of the land without land. This may be a harbinger of luck - but even the storm has passed, and he can't think of any luck.

    The dark clouds have already spread out, and the purple glow shines on the sea. The microwave swayed and sparkled with a burst of golden light.

    The storm has indeed become a thing of the past, and it is a clear sky. Only scattered pieces of driftwood scattered around the sea prove that it has been here.

    "The storm is over and disappears like a dream. This seagull may also be part of the dream."

     The half-elf turned his head and found out that he was talking to Belber; Gass’ middle-aged bishop. The middle-aged man has a kind smile on his face, but it is still obvious that he was still sleepless last night.

    "However, for the unfortunate ship that was buried in it, this storm is not a dream." Leonard’s voice carries a bitter bitterness, Fortunately. Driftwood and rags prove that another poor ship is buried here - it's not surprising that storms that cover such a large extent are not common.

     "Is there a chance to save these God's people?" asked the bishop.

    "We want to work hard...but I am afraid it will not work." Leonard replied, "At least eight hours have passed, even if someone escapes, it is impossible." Persevere in the storm for so long."

    "May the gods bless their souls."

    Two The man is silent - just a silence, the third person joined the conversation.

     "Well, gentlemen, don't discuss theological issues. Will there be a storm today?"

    ; The dialogue between the two was led by the captain of the ship, "iron wall admiral" Fei Long; Leton Sti. He just got out of bed and walked out of the lower cabin to breathe in the fresh air.

    The half-elves sniffed the smell of the sniff, and shook his head affirmatively: "It is impossible. The storm that was scattered yesterday was the king of the storm, I can guarantee There will be no other storm in the endless week."

    "Okay. Then, you pass on the order, let’s sail and set sail...” Long satisfied, nodded and turned around - but found that the three white sails behind the drums were full of wind, pushing the ship forward. His face changed and his mouth was raised. I wonder if it was sneer or twitching.

    "Oh? Actually it has already sailed. It seems that I am late. Who is so hardworking?"

  ;    "This, we have to carry out search and rescue activities, otherwise it may not be too late." Leonard was cold, knowing that this unauthorized action was met with the captain's taboo. "You have to take over the steering wheel cabin."

     "Since it is an emergency, it does not matter. Let's go, let's see." Fei Long's pronunciation The words "urgent" and "nothing" are accented.

    "Follow, sir!"

    With a loud response, a sailor ran away The door of the steering wheel cabin ran down the narrow walkway toward the deck, just in time for a collision.

     "Sorry, Captain, according to Article 25 of the Military Regulations, I am going to execute the order and cannot salute you, I am sorry!"

    The iron wall admirer gracefully climbed up from the ground and gracefully patted the dust on his body. "Of course, the order is the most important and the most important. I don't know which order is so important?"

    The captain of the sea whispered in his ear. Following his prompt, the captain extended his line of sight into the wheel rudder compartment. His eyes slammed there.

    "Left turn the rudder, add more strength!"

    "Follow, sir!" Br />
    "Report, there are ship wreckage floating in the sea!"

    "Know it, continue to look ""

    The strong half-elf rudder carefully turns the steering wheel, following the instructions of the woman next to it--or, following the instructions of the bronze mirror next to the woman's hand. The rotating steering wheel pulls the cable to change the direction of the rudder, and the direction of the water flowing from the bottom of the ship changes. The huge golden golem is standing next to it; every time the helmsman sees it, he will involuntarily swallow a mouthful of water and refocus on his mission.

    "It’s over, it’s over! Slightly go back to the right... Yes, that’s the direction! Go to the rudder, go to two people, slow down to half sail !"

    The six sailors pulled the sails hard and adjusted the mainsail to half the wind. Leisha; Helmont stared at the bronze mirror hanging on the wall, her gaze measuring the orientation on the bronze mirror. Above the bronze mirror, there is another huge spot.

    If the use of this mirror is really the case, it is really a weapon for treasure hunt, Reza thinks. The storm dissipated and the light spot still disappeared, indicating that the thing is still there. What is it? Can you command everything to the Lord of the Rings? Can you manipulate the Dragon Balls of the Dragon? Whatever it is, as long as it is magic, it proves the usefulness of this mirror from an exotic magician, proving that it is a treasure of value.

    The only thing that worried her was that the spot was flashing; and it was much darker than last night. What does this mean? The storm is fading? Or is it that the treasure is sinking into the sea?

     "The direction is right, full sail! Open the sails too!" Anyway, it's better to get there soon.

    As usual, she did not put the embarrassing look on the sailors' faces at all. Of course, the two people standing outside the steering wheel are also included in the ignore list.

    "Captain, I said we can't do it. Always carry forward the gentleman gentleman's demeanor? Just like this, forget it, anyway, time will not be too Long. Let her be the captain of the day, why not?" Leonard cautiously persuaded. He knows that the baron captain who is serious enough to die, like most elves, is quite gentlemanly in front of women, be they aliens or co-owners.

     "Women... I don't know what they are thinking about."

     When Ferron's heart was in the battle between the "gentleman's grace" and the "strict military discipline", another sailor rushed in and slammed him. The sailor shouted out the report without waiting for the baron's anger to break out.

    "Report, there is a continuous flash about half a nautical mile in front of the course! It may be a victim!"

    ; "The victims?! From the center of the storm?! This..." Hearing the report, the two looked at each other and saw each other's eyes as surprised.

     "Hello, women's intuition is still very powerful. Or, the magician's ability?"

      "This is the way... I will keep the lady at the next point. Helping the victims, it is one of the tasks of the Far Sea Fleet. Two people from your place are ready to put the boat. But ......"

    The half-elves understand the meaning behind the captain’s desire to speak.

     "It should not be a spy, the victims here should have nothing to do with our secret mission."

   ;  The Iron Wall Admiral hesitated and changed his mind: "Forget it, or don't save it. The risk is too great, we can't afford it. This secret mission, a little miss can not be used."

    In the rudder wheel cabin behind, the female alchemist shouted the orders of “stopping the boat” and “receiving the sails”.

    Fallon still wants to say something, Leonard has turned and went out, gathered the soldiers on the deck, briefly conveyed his earliest orders. In the process, he did not pay attention to the ugly expression on his boss's face.

     That was the beginning of Leonard; Kakawi’s luck.

     "There is a boat coming! Hurry and throw the clothes into the sea, leave some points on the cloth cover!"

   ;   "Excuse me, can it look like a victim? I always feel that I will be seen."

    "No... When there is such a big storm, no one will feel strange. Besides, we are like this, where does it look like a spy?"

    " "

    This conversation took place not far from the sea.

    The sailors heard that they were going to save the victims of the merchant ship, and they were also cheering. If you are lucky, rescue a wealthy businessman, the soldiers who get into the water are likely to send a windfall. For a time, there were actually a dozen people who were huddled together and wanted to get this errand.

    "Sir, let me go!"

    "You guys are not good water, I go ""

    "Captain, the last time you owe me three silver coins, you don't have to pay back!"

     Looking at these guys squeezing and squeezing into a ball, the face of the first baron is getting worse and worse, getting paler and paler, until it is pale without a trace of blood.

    The half-elves noticed his expression this time. He screamed in his heart, slammed his hands and stopped the chaos of the sailors. From there, he picked two guys who were safer on weekdays to go to the boat.

     However, that is too late.

     "The people are the people. The fleet of the sea is really the dregs in the dregs. The military discipline on this ship will be reported to the command of the Far Sea Fleet."

    The first-class baron of pure blood gave a cold cry from the depths of the nose. "Please take care of yourself."

     At the moment of this sentence, everyone was silent.

    Fallon; Leigh Sti first baron so he left all his anger, then turned and walked away.

    Lenard spent a long time and couldn’t accept the sudden facts.

     "This... is it too fast?"

    In this short few In the minute, he worked hard for 40 years of work and faced an unprecedented crisis. He suddenly understood the reason why the illusory seagull appeared - because of some small things, he had completely angered his boss.

    If you can’t get through this crisis, you’ll never want to be a captain or a nobility. As long as Fei Long simply writes a report, his ability as a half-elf will be completely denied by the entire Sansen military, and there will never be a day of turning over.

    This is only because of a victim.

    If there is no such victim; if he had previously swayed before the captain in front of the captain; if he had the courage to persuade his favorite woman...

     Even if only one "if" is realized, today will only be a normal day.

    "You, all closed up." Seeing those who are the most troubled sailors still in front of them, Leonard pulled out the sword, one by one . "The rest of the people, starting discipline training today."

    "The story shouldn't be like this?" The half-elf reluctantly laughed at himself. "It won't be punished..."

     Soon he found himself wrong and completely wrong. When people are unlucky, drinking cold water will also plug the teeth.

     "This elf sailing ship... is the flag of the Jade Trade Alliance."

     “It’s totally impossible? Who will use such a good ship to make a merchant ship? This ship is still very new...”

    “That is...’ The Emperor of León's number!!"

    "After the treasure... Lord Lord, where?"

     The rescue boat leaned to the side of the boat and the ladder was lowered. The victims quietly closed their mouths and quietly climbed the rope ladder.

    Lenard admitted that he did not expect the situation to be like this. His head began to hurt a little.

    The probability of saving a woman in the endless ocean is low enough - not to mention saving two women at a time. Moreover, there are still two girls who wear very little...

    He carefully looked at the victims who had just been rescued.

    The races of the two girls are human; one hair is golden yellow and the other hair color is linen brown. Their faces are childish, about fifteen or six years old; their height is slightly higher than that of ordinary girls, and the skin of the arms exposed to the outside is white and delicate. From this point, it can be seen that their family should be good, perhaps Educated. The two looks quite similar, there is no difference in the removal of hair color, there must be blood relationship, it is likely to be twins.

    The white cloak on which they are covered is made of temporary sheets, and the texture and workmanship are rough. The cover of the cloak is not strict. From the gap on the side, you can see that nothing is worn underneath. Just use a clean white cloth to tie the important parts. To make matters worse, their bodies are quite good. Although they are not old enough, the convex place and the concave place have already taken shape.

    This looming dress is so tempting, and Leonard can even hear the sound of swallowing men around the hungry.

    There are more troublesome things: they don’t look like they have anything worthwhile.

     "What should I do next? There is no way to speak..." Leonard sighed. His head was even more painful when he thought of the practice of dealing with victims without any property.

    In this world, there are only two things that he does not want to face: storms, and girls.

    Under the "sexual adult women who are common among sailors," these strange animals cannot be treated with visible benefits. They cry when they cry, laugh at laughter, no matter which The race is the same. For men at sea, there are no one or two opposites in a year; pirates have to deal with them better.

    "You don't have to be afraid. I promise that it is safe, there is me, these fierce guys dare not approach here." He comforted with caution. Ordinary girls will not have seen so many rough sailors, should they feel very scared?

    "Sir, beauty is in front, you are too sorry for your brother..." Hearing the captain of the sea corps, a guy who was not present was as sloppy as usual. Ground opening. A few sailors around the scene who saw the quarrel between the two top chiefs hurriedly threw him down and stuffed the mouth of the non-long-eyed guy with a sock.

     Leonard swept his sailors around with his eyes coldly, without saying a word.

     "Ah, sir, since the man was saved, I rushed back to work!"

     "There seems to be no one on the watchtower? I have changed jobs!"

    "I think of it, I should go to the cannon..."

    "Hey! This, this is the Elf Artillery! The real Elf Artillery!"

    "Hey! Yes, it’s a rifle!! Yeah! It’s not a fire rope machine, It’s a real elf-made turbine. I’m not dreaming?!”

    The blonde girl happily ran around on the deck, exhaling from time to time and Excited screaming. This scene made the half-elf cry and laugh.

    "Sister! You can't stop!" The brown-haired girl, who looks much more stable, hurriedly apologized to him, and some of them cautiously bowed. "Sorry, my sister is too excited. She always likes it... Hey, these elves make things."

    "I don't care if she feels Interest, let her see." Leonard had to answer this.

     "Thank you. Half-elves, what do you call?" The brown-haired girl asked politely.

    "Lenard; Kakawi, just call me Leonard..."

     Hearing here, the blonde girl suddenly came in: "So, Mr. Kakawi, take us to visit this boat? I am very interested in those cannons!"

   ;  The half-elf sighs in the heart, and some of the cruel statements that were originally prepared are completely unexportable. This cheerful girl is not clear about her current situation?

     "Do you have any rich relatives or friends? You can do it anywhere." He asked with a last hope.

     "Sorry... I think, there is no such thing." The brown-haired girl answered with some hesitation. “Does this cause trouble?”

     “There will always be no more throwing us down!” The blonde girl optimistically persuaded her.

     "This is not going to be..." The half-elves dealt with and began to think about what to do next. They really don’t know the rules of the sea at all, it’s like... like that person...

    There is an oriental proverb saying, “Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao ". Just as he recalled someone's style, the "golden alchemist of pure gold" came out of the rudder wheel.

     Of course, in this age, this proverb has not yet come from the East. The magic of "Cathedo's arbitrary door" has not yet appeared in the Koman's magic book; the first Koman who mastered this magic is still doing his own travel in the far east...

    "I heard that people have been rescued? Why didn't I get noticed? Did the victims carry something?" Reza's question was like a slap in the face, listening to the half-elves Some reactions are not coming.

    "...you see it yourself." Leonard let me know a little. The alchemist hurried forward and saw the two girls and their bodies that could not be hidden, and immediately caught them.

    "Lenard, are you sure they are two? No other people or things?" Reza was somewhat reluctant to ask.

    Lenard reluctantly spread his hands and said that there was nothing. "Even if there are gold coins or gems, we will not hide them."

     "Then I want to search for their bodies again, no problem?" Sa is straight into the knife. The half elf nodded.

    When the word "search body" was heard, the girls screamed. The alchemist was slightly indulged, looking around and immediately understood why they were screaming.

    "Lenard! Find an empty cabin!"

    "Yes, yes, respect Miss Hermonte. "The half-elf arrogant promised to bring the ladies to their cabin.

    "You have a big taste here." Reza frowned at some dissatisfaction.

    Lenard reluctantly spread his hand: "It was originally a storage room for storing debris, no way."