Twenty-faced scorpion > Chapter 564 Equilibrium

Chapter 564 Equilibrium

    Since birth, until now the child can ride the pony on the pony, Siegel finally understands his nephew What is the purpose. If you rely on your own groping, I am afraid that you will never find the secret, because no one can think of twenty scorpions is not twenty functions.

    Twenty-faced dice work to keep the master learning a variety of knowledge, it can store twenty different functions and states to achieve certain abilities Premise. The first thing to learn is survival, so Siegel has the physique and resilience that transcends ordinary people, and also possesses magic absorption and resistance. Although the number one side can't work because it is out of load, Turner said that the function will not really disappear, it will only lurk and reply in one day.

    After that, the dice opened their own features to avoid being taken away by others. The function of psionic vision is to make better observations for better research. It is actually more powerful than the average sorcerer's psionic sight.

    The knowledge that some living creatures cannot reach can appear in the body of the dead, so the scorpion gives Siegel the ability to transform. Obtaining plasma damage immunity is also a way to learn the techniques that are dominated by the van Gogh, which gives Sigel a foundation for using magical equipment lines and a stronger magical array.

    Not all learning requires the participation of the blind, and those things that can be done by the original physical conditions will not light up the dice, such as learning swordsmanship and magic. .

     "If you want to be a pastor to perform magic, you can create conditions for you, you only need to find a suitable opportunity. Even you want to become Dragons, it’s not too difficult to learn their vomiting. But as you embark on the path of the Master, you can solve many problems within your own power range, so the scorpion lights up very slowly.”

     "This is, there is a spell in the dragon spell that has a dragon transform, and I can also achieve various elements to spit." Siegel nodded: "That is, light up How many faces actually have nothing to do with?”

    “It’s different, but it doesn’t have a fundamental impact. It’s not a hundred-faced scorpion. The more numbers, the more power. The stronger it is. When you reach 100, you can get rid of all the rules and achieve a law. Right, what did the guy learn?"

    West Geer thought that Evan once said that he could use a long sword to break the storm and the waves. At this time, he began to believe."He likes swordsmanship. It's a powerful swordsman. Now the numbers are lit up to more than seventy."

    "More than seventy!" Turner was shocked. . "That is to say, he has mastered some rules! It has been suppressed by the god of magic and knowledge for so long, and the power of the scorpion will bottom out. The sword is good, but unfortunately it can only be melee. If it is a fireball or the like Okay."

    "Why? I will also fireball!"

    Terner smiles It means meaningfully: "I really want to see the fireball surpassing all the rules. At that time, nothing can't be solved by a fireball!"

    Long-term The prisoner's career made Turner stunned, but he only talked with a few people, and Siegel was one of them. The mage wants to know the secret of the wall of the storm, but Turner insists on putting this to the end. After he finished his scorpion, he began to understand his understanding of all the gods, and then the function of the octagonal scorpion and the four sides of the scorpion.

     "You should leave," Turner said suddenly. "On the one hand, the outside circle is about to heal. If you don't go out, you will be trapped. I realized that the balance between God is changing. There must be some gods coming. It is too dangerous to stay on. Let's go."

    " But I still don't understand the way to stop the wall of the storm!" Siegel was anxious.

    "You still don't trust me? Since I promise you to try your method first, then I will continue to do it." Turner said: "Let's go. As long as you succeed, we will have the possibility of goodbye."

    Siegel nodded, no nonsense, turned and left. He already knows a lot and is very helpful in his next move. Turner is right. The Holy One of the Mother Earth has been dead and alive, making no threat, but if there are other saints coming, it will be troublesome. Although his twentieth scorpion is always hidden, if you are trapped inside. That blind man can't play any role.

    The tower of the bones is almost unable to support, and the spoiled area is close to the bottom, and the blood that can affect the rainbow light wall is also scarce. However, this has little effect, and Siegel has already come out. He looked at the Holy One of the Mother Earth and wondered if he would be imprisoned directly with eternal stagnation or imprisonment.

     "Many places have a good weather. The harvest of food still needs your strength, so you are lucky and free from prison." Siegel does not care about the half-length of his head. Can people know this passage and say: "If you are not stupid, know that I have spared you a life. You have become very weak now. If you continue to fight, you will die. So don't challenge me again. This is the end of the matter. Otherwise I will let you know again!"

    Next, Siegel took the electromagnetic killer spider and flew onto the magic spaceship, and then cast spells to let It is invisible.

    "Master, you are five days, I am so anxious." Xingsuo and other Siegels said on the ship: "The halfling A total of 172 shots were fired by me, so we collected 172 bottles of his body fragments and placed them in the storage room."

      "Five days? One hundred and seventy-two guns? Poor fellow." Siegel grinned. The saint's body fragments are very rare things, and in addition to being research materials, they can be sold to other mages at high prices. If you can ensure that you hide your identity, you can also sell these things to the temple, even the mother of the earth can be their own temple. The higher magical scrolls and the priest's magical spellcasting services are invaluable, but they can be exchanged with items containing divine power - there is no better container of divine power than the body of the saint.

    "The master, not long ago I found someone prying, sneaking in a faraway place. I only know that it is a male elf, wearing a lightweight chain shirt Carrying a longbow. He looked at the treetop for a while, then left. I didn't attack him."

    "Do it right, this thing I I know." Siegel nodded. The elf knows it, and he has this preparation when the star is on the surface. The gods are imprisoning a person here. If it is not worried about the actions that affect Turner's wall to block the storm, Siegel really wants to try the Rainbow Light Wall and the Void Gun which is even more powerful.

    The star number is rising in the sky, lightly turning a corner, and then leaving the forest of Yari. This time, not only is the star, but Siegel also felt the eyes of others. So Siegel asked Stars to prepare all the electromagnetic guns and make them ready to fire. At the same time, use your own elemental control ability to reduce the resistance and let the magic spacecraft advance at high speed.

    The chase is the sage of the elf. He rode on a silver volley and found it according to the trajectory left by the magical spacecraft jet. He is also a master of magic, and he has seen the invisibility from afar and saw the figure of the star. He tried to get close, but soon he found that the speed of the silver Pegasus could not be fully recovered, and he had a dangerous instinct. The strip device that rises in the other's hull seems to be a weapon that faintly threatens the body of the saint.

    He knows that this spaceship is Siegel’s, and usually stops outside the Star Fort, but why did he come here? Only a handful of people know the existence of this, and the guardians of the elves only know that this is a cage, but they do not know who is being held there. There are many rumors, demons, devils, dark druids or gods of the same world, but only the gods know the truth.

    The Asian-Japanese forest does not usually have any communication with the outside world, and it does not attract the attention of the human kingdom. So what does Siegel do? In addition to Lear, other gods do not know that the twentieth scorpion is Siegel, and the intelligence of the Elves is nothing more than Evan's scorpion in Siegel. So it is easy for him to think of Evan. Will Turner still have contact with the outside world, affecting Evan, and then Evan sent Siegel?

    Then he heard the call of the Mother of the Earth, and went to check. The halfling's head still didn't respond, only the chin and mouth were born again. With the only remaining mouth called the Elf Saint, and then with his divine power finally recovered the original shape.

    "It’s Siegel, the human mage, his faceless trick can’t fool me!” The halfling eagerly said: “Turner is a ghost, the guardian All of them were dead, and they used their power to help Siegel open the channel! Come, take me to see, Turner is still there!"

    "You I know that he is still there, because the wall of the storm has not changed. Who can stop the wall of the storm besides him?" The elf looked at the halfling with a suspicious look and said, "What do you want to do, go in and see?" You know that no one can enter this place unless more than six gods agree. The Rainbow Law Wall is made by me, but I also respect the rules of the gods and cannot be violated. If you want to summon the saints of the gods Collection, then I can do it for you. After all, what you are looking like now is too embarrassing, I am afraid that a global communication spell can not be released?"