Twenty-faced scorpion > The 475th chapter is expected

The 475th chapter is expected

     When Siegel heard that Elin was coming, he basically guessed what was going to happen.

    Since Mola’s reopening of the door for two years, Siegel and Elint have never met, but never broke communication, so Sig I quite understand the situation of my teacher. The gem family lost a lot in the battle with the goblin. A group of young and promising dwarf warriors died under the gnome of the goblin. The gem clan also lost its original status and began to enter a stage of recuperation. Although Elinte became the first spokesperson of the family, but because his two sons were killed in the war, it was inevitable that they were disheartened. For the Dwarf King to open the battle with the Goblin again, his heart always has some concerns. Maybe more dwarves will die in battle, and they will die in vain. He is afraid to see this again.

    This contradiction caused the gem clan not to be keen to participate directly in the war, but to put more energy into the rear, to make weapons armor, to transform the goblin musket. At present, the firearms equipped with the Morah's Donkey are produced by the gem clan. Although the craftsman's position in the dwarf race is also very high, it is still slightly inferior to the warrior, so whether it is inside or outside the gem clan, it is quite confusing to Eilet's conservative. So the old dwarf simply did not leave the family station, almost broke off with the outside world - in addition to communication with Siegel.

    This time, let him run in person, it must be a big event of Mora!

    The relationship between Heim and Mora is not too close, but this year it has become intimate with the recovery of the business road, so The status quo of Mora is also somewhat understood. As a bridgehead to attack the "Earth", there was a time when the dwarfs accumulated power and launched several counterattacks under the cover of the Dwarf Saints, recovering the base that had been lost. It is not clear what happened later. It is said that they are still deadlocked near the base. Siegel sneered at this rigid castle position and repeatedly warned that it should aim to eliminate the goblin instead of occupying a piece of land. The stubbornness of the dwarf makes him have no choice. Their enthusiasm and ability to learn new tactics are not high. Siegel does not want to send the new knight team that Heim has brought.

    There was definitely a problem with the war. The earthquake that just happened has clearly shown that the goblin has been able to influence the world of the crystal wall. Siegel could get this conclusion with a glimpse of it, and immediately conveyed the order: Heim’s small parliament must be convened immediately, ready to dispatch resources; Heim’s lords, knights, and army must enter combat readiness. Waiting for orders at any time; immediately convene the Chamber of Commerce, in accordance with the earlier agreement, slightly lower than the current market price, clear all the goods in their hands that can be used for combat preparation, in case of emergency. The Federation War Mage enters the magic ship. The mana pool began to store energy. Other mages stepped up to build the magical spacecraft parts of Heim's collar and stopped all other non-combat orders.

    The maker's golem also received orders from Siegel and began producing electromagnetic guns. Using the plasma technology of Nexus, the maker's golem has been able to portray the lines of the magical array on the assembly line to create the embryo's body. After they are completed, Siegel only needs to cast spells, one by one to activate the golem, and give them a stable structure of the soul fire, can create a batch of magical army.

    The actual final capacity is only related to Siegel’s spell ability. As long as his body can hold, the spirit can remain focused. Then the magic image can continue to shape. Siegel had ordered five thousand micro-transmission arrays from the Federation's curse system very early, and was able to deflect light and small objects by less than one meter. Master Verwood was very surprised by the use of this order, but he was still picked up with doubts. This miniature array was installed on a magical figure of one meter square and became the accessory of their main weapon electromagnetic gun.

    Siegel originally wanted to continue to improve the design of the Golems, making them more efficient, but what seems to be needed is a realistic combat capability. Sudden situation. He had to remove the study of floating and flight capabilities and began producing the spider-shaped electromagnetic cannon. In addition to the barrel, it also has a pair of sharp pointed claws (the other six are soft claws with adsorption capacity), as well as the ability to eat steel to repair their own array loss and restore minor injuries.

    Because this is a golem. Siegel can install silent runes directly on them to ensure they have no sound when moving and slamming. There is a default command in their body, as long as they do not receive a new command in a month, try to return to the maker's golem here. Between silence and instant command. Siegel can't find a way to get it, so only take a compromise.

     After the Lord gave the order, the entire Heim collar began to move. The earthquake woke everyone up, and many people were still at a loss. With the instructions of a detailed refinement, everyone gradually stopped thinking and began to concentrate on doing the things at hand.

    The Peruvian nuclear can provide nearly infinite elemental energy, which is a prerequisite for a wide range of magical arrays, so the entire city of Myrtle is under magic protection. The various spells of surveillance, defense, attack, and detection continued to work. When Elinte entered the range, Siegel immediately noticed it and then sent himself directly to meet him.

    The dwarf's hair and beard are so white that the body is thinner than before. He came lightly, only a thin leather coat, it is estimated that even the time to wear the body armor is saved, or to save the physical strength of the land lizard? He was "one person and four horses", and the mounts were all tired and panting. Fortunately, Siegel found him, grabbed Elinte, and took him back to the city of Miele.

    "Irene, don't worry, have me!" Siegel helped the dwarf to pass the dizziness of the teleportation, and at the same time signaled the servant to send the thirst. God's drink. "What happened to the grain wall barrier?"

     Irene took a few breaths and looked up to see Siegel. He was not surprised that the Master could guess that there was a problem with the crystal wall. It was only a long time that he did not see each other, and he was very excited. He first hugged Siegel and patted him on the back until the excitement in his heart was temporarily flattened before he let go.

     "Retelling the old words later, I will say the main one first." Elinette said with a beard and said: "The goblin used a certain kind of bomb, the power Very large, has affected the end of the crystal wall. The barrier of the dwarf saint is being quickly consumed, and it is expected that the original seven-year closure period will be greatly shortened. The dwarf king hopes to remove the non-combat dwarves from the Mora, one direction It is northward. Going to the vicinity of Deepwater City, the other direction is Heim."

    "Old and weak women?" Siegel asked.

    "Yes. It’s too dangerous to stay near the wall barrier, and it will distract the soldiers."

     "Long-term placement or further transfer?"

    "Look at the situation. My suggestion is to leave the young dwarf in the New World and train At the same time, it is also possible to do the work of artisans within reach. The old man and the dwarf can return to the East China, but there is also a wall channel, and it is not safe and unsafe."

      "At present, the barrier of the East China is very calm, and the goblin seems to have not been discovered." The wall channel of the Federation is also well hidden. Moreover, it has not been dug up, and naturally no one will find it. Siegel said: "Can you tell me the total number? I am prepared for it."

    "250,000, half in both directions. Elinte said: "Mora's will be responsible for their food, but there will be some nearby purchases."

    " OK, if you can guarantee More than a year of food, then I can leave all of the 250,000."

    Irenet suddenly squats, his beard and hair are upright "Siegel, you can't support it! This is a population of 250,000, and there are not many young people!"

    "咦?摩拉之Isn't it a food?" Siegel made an exaggerated expression of surprise, and Irene was still very serious. It also converges a bit: "No kidding, no jokes. Heim can lay the 250,000 dwarves of Mora, which is not a joke, but the Mola's scorpion really has to come out with food. This is not like a stone, dug There are always digging, you have to prepare in advance."

    Irenet frowned, looked up and down Siegel, then lowered his head and meditated. The reason why he was asked to go out in person is to hope that the relationship between the two can play a role in lubrication.

    "Irenete, you can rest assured about this matter. I said that I can settle it. It’s not a matter of mouth, Heim’s collar has such strength. Of course, if It’s not that you come in person, just change to any other dwarf. I won’t say this.” Siegel said to him: “The 250,000 dwarves can alleviate the considerable vacancies in my Heim collar. I have many workshops. ......"

    "Wait for Siegel." Elinte said: "There are not many craftsmen in it, not the kind that can build armor and make weapons. People, there is no good man who can make dwarf muskets."

     "If there is such a person, I naturally welcome, but there is nothing. In the dwarf. Female dwarf Isn't it responsible for growing mushrooms and making good wines? With their strength, it's okay to manage the farmland for me? I don't need a skilled craftsman, I can make a water mill for the mill, and I can manage the toaster. My current situation is that there is a production workshop, but there is not enough I can't let the peasants in the territory leave the field and go to work in the workshop. So the dwarfs come just right."