Twenty-faced scorpion > Chapter 453: Not a stone boat 2

Chapter 453: Not a stone boat 2

    "Welcome the two sergeants to board the stone boat, please follow me to the room prepared for the two. There are three batches of participants in the New World. The stone boat will stop here for two days and wait for them, then you will go to the meeting place of Haixin."

    "In addition to the elves, who are you invited? ?" Siegel asked.

    "There are also representatives of dragons and sand people who are coming from the far west of the Walled Mountains, so they may be slower." The dwarf touched The beard introduced: "Please go here, the two sorcerers, the king of our dwarfs, "Bingquan" Stone Kirk wants to meet you, he will wait for two in the reception room."
< Br />    More than 300 dwarves are cleaning up the attachments on the surface of the stone boat, preparing to find an open space on the top of the island. The scene is very noisy, not suitable for long stays, and Siegel is very curious about the interior of the stone boat. No foreigners have ever entered a stone boat. This is a testimony of the dwarf landing on the New World. It is a legendary miracle. Taking it out as the venue for the meeting, it is clear that the dwarves attach great importance to this incident.

    The first person to board the ship will obviously receive preferential treatment, and Siegel took the lead in picking a room with crystal windows. Since the non-sinking stone boat is used to transport a large number of dwarves to colonize the New World, the space inside is maximized, that is, there are no larger compartments or comfortable settings. Although the dwarf has been remodeling it for a long time, it still sees the traces of the narrow compartments of the past.

    All the roofs are not high, and when you raise your hand, you can touch the eternal flame runestone that is mounted on it. The chairs here are also very short, and you can only straighten your legs instead of picking them up. Fortunately, the beds here are very comfortable, at least made of wood. There was a thick blanket on it.

    Siegel removed the stool. Put the blanket on the bed to the ground. Then he can sit on the ground. As for sleeping, nature can also be solved on the ground. William’s room was next door, and this time he had no excuses to run around. There are just a few spell problems that can be explored. There are no more familiar people than the people on the whole continent.

    The king of the dwarf "Bingquan" Stone is another style of people, always very serious, like the rocks under the ice. He was at least six hundred to seven hundred years old, his hair and beard had turned pale gray, and wrinkles climbed into his face. This short life is ◎ ◎, very strong. Even in his old age, he still has a good power. Siegel’s painful wrist, strangely looked at William, who was unharmed around him. William glanced at him and lowered his voice and said, "I have deformed my palm."

    "Welcome the Federation's sergeant and the lord of Heim Welcome to the dwarf stone boat of our dwarf. You are the first two non-dwarf passengers, I hope you can feel comfortable here."

    "The earliest Non-dwarf passengers should be those of sea anemones and starfish. I think many of them are already married here.” William said a joke and turned around and looked around: “Can you find a few chairs, I need to bend my neck to see You, this is not good for my health."

    The expression of the dwarf Wang Sidong did not change a bit. He gave a look to the guards next to him, so three people could sit down and talk.

    "The Earl of Siegler. Our dwarf's Mora's Donkey is a neighbor of Heim, who has always had a good relationship. But I listened recently. According to the news, there are many levels on the road leading to the Mola, which leads to the extremely insufficient transportation of goods. How can we improve this situation and make the road smooth?"

     This dwarf is very clever, and Siegel thinks that he did not mention the cause of this situation, nor did he entangle the subsequent purpose, and completely focused on solving problems and changing the status quo.

     "When the elves started the war, the dwarf stood by as an ally." Siegel saw that Ston wanted to speak, and interrupted him: "I know At that time, the head of Mora had closed the door. You might say that this is a coincidence. You don't know, but if things in the world use excuses to make excuses, it is too convenient. I only look at the last fact: the elves attack. Humans, the dwarfs stand by."

    Stone nodded. "You are right, Mr. Lord. What do you want?"

    Smart politicians will ask others to make requests first so that they are in a good position. But for Siegel...

    "We will condemn the Elven Forest and reaffirm the importance of the three tribes of peace." Stone said: "We will also pay attention to the hub and ensure that it is still a neutral human territory."

  ;    The implication is that the dwarves already know the outcome of the negotiations between Siegel and the Elven Saint. In order to avoid the war, Heim’s transformation of the hubs that have been occupied by the elves is managed by the elves in the form of approximate territories, forming a buffer zone. The hub is not far from the Heim collar. In the current situation, Siegel has no good way to influence it. The dwarf king means that the dwarf will also join the things of the hub, which will inevitably weaken the control of the elves. This generation of hub lords has been impossible to change under the wizards of the Elves, but the next generation of lords can still fight for it.

     "In addition to the hub, the deep water city and the territory of many lords in the south have been destroyed by the elves, which were originally avoided by the dwarf's deterrence. In this regard, the dwarf king, you have any good suggestions?"

    "Bing Boxing" Stone licked his beard and looked directly at Siegel Both eyes, and the Master does not shrink back to look at him. William rubbed his hand and resisted not rushing between the two. This scene made him nervous. If the two sides have been tough, the meeting will definitely be unhappy.

    An emerging territory wants to gain its position and will continue to challenge those powerful opponents as it grows. Siegel believes that since Heim’s collar can get a seat in the Dwarf Conference, the dwarf must have made it clear that Heim’s influence on the Mola’s shackles cannot be underestimated.

    If the Dwarf King only condemns, and does not promise the result of the assistance of Heim's collar for the hub, he actually did not pay anything practical. Siegel is not stupid. Although he does not understand the politician's sleek wrists, he is not willing to study the intricate art of diplomacy, but he can persist in this confrontation.

    The dwarf king first blinked and coughed and said, "What do you want, human kid."

     "What else do I have for the dwarf? Originally I needed the mineral deposits of the Walls to run my territory, but now I don't need it. With the power of magic, the vast wasteland is in front of me, where The veins are enough for Heim's collar to flourish. I don't need Moura's to compensate for what Heim is taking, I will take it myself."

    Siegel sat up straight The hands spread out and said: "But on the other hand, other humans do not have such good conditions. Whether it is the deep water city, the jackdaw tribe or the southern lords, or even the hub. They also need to be with Mora. It is better to say that the dwarves lack the manpower and support, and the human beings are the fastest growing breed besides the orcs and can provide sufficient support. But they cannot only cooperate in the way of employment. To put it bluntly, to jointly exploit the wall mountains Mineral deposits for both parties."

    "Your appetite is too big, Siegel Lord." The words floated from the dwarf king's beard, But his brow did not wrinkle, indicating that it was still within his acceptable range. He needs more reasons to support this.

    "Dwarf King, I saw the body of the dwarf from the river wall in the mountains, you lost the best miners and soldiers. Those stones are there. Sleeping in the mountains, if they don't dig out, they don't have value. When the Mola's sorrow wants to return to the strongest, it's hard to rely on the dwarves themselves. Do you still have to continue to transport the dwarves from the old continent? I believe that maintaining an open and cooperative attitude will greatly improve the image of the dwarf, and the human inhabitants will be more willing to help you through the extraordinary period."

    William Nodded, "Dwarf King, he said a little bit of truth."

    The silence is hung on the face of "Bingquan" Stone, it is that serious silence. After a long while, he said: "I think what you said can be done, but the specific details should be discussed slowly. However, in this way, the top of the Mora needs a smooth, unrestricted When the business road arrives at the beach, can this reach a consensus?"

     "As long as it is a business road, there must be no problem, smooth, convenient, safe, we are willing to help Siegel replied.

    The dwarf king’s beard was shaking. He knocked on the arm of the chair and said loudly: “What about my ale? Why don’t you come over and die of thirst? ??