Twenty-faced scorpion > Chapter 246

    Janet leans on the recliner and has only a thin blanket on her body, almost nothing can be covered. The fatigue of the journey has long since disappeared, and now another kind of fatigue occupies her body.

    But her heart is full of energy and still immersed in boundless happiness.

    Siegel kicked the pillows aside, filling a glass of wine for Janet and carefully heating it with magic. Taking into account the physical exertion of intense exercise, he ordered the servant to go to the kitchen to get some sweets, such as cakes or cookies.

    "Look at your look like this!" Janet took the glass, but only allowed Siegel to kiss her nose, then put him Push away: "I won't go away again, you let me take a break."

    Siegel stretched out, the muscles of the whole body stretched out Tightly, let Janet cover his mouth and chuckle. "Are you resuming the sword training? The body looks back."

    "I think I should be the best in the Masters Federation. Of course, without the help of spells." Siegel sat across from Janet and took her feet in her arms. Moonlight reflected in his eyes, and now there is no powerful magic or wise knowledge, only tenderness. "I am lame, I have worked hard all the way."

     "What is said, I must wear the head ring all the time. You I know that this human body is not as good as I used to be, and I have been seriously injured. It took me a long time to recover."

    "When I heard the Elf Forest attacked by an assassin When I heard the news, I was shocked. I didn’t even have reason. I was prepared to take the army led by Heim to attack the Elven Forest.” Siegel laughed and laughed, then shrugged: “Don’t say those, tell me you. How did you escape?"

     "A long time after I woke up, I was recovering from treatment. It took me several months to understand that I was in the Old World. Originally, I thought I only needed to wait for you to come to me. I am very convinced that you will find me. But the sea between the two continents will be delayed for a long time, so I don't want to wait."

    If it’s not Siegel’s massive destruction of the assassin’s assassin and From Janet and perhaps for a long time also denied the opportunity to perform a task. As soon as she left the stronghold, she began to plan to escape.

    "We have four people in a row. Perform a assassination mission. I deliberately let the mission fail, let the other three die and forge their own death. Then rely on Yi Rong, I kept changing my identity among travelers, adventurers and businessmen. Until I got enough tickets for the sea, I finally re-entered the land of the New World."

   ;   Although Janet said it was simple, Siegel could still imagine the dangers.

     "But anyway, I finally got home." Janet smiled happily and put her head on her arm. Slowly close your eyes on the lounge chair. "Let me sleep with peace of mind, dear, take a good sleep..."

    Even if the sky is cracked, it will not affect her to rest. Siegel waved his hand, rearranged the bed, and then picked up Janet. She is already asleep, and she is as stable as a newborn child. Janet's body is much lighter than before, and there are scars left in the back and arms. Fortunately, I didn’t see the new scars, otherwise Siegel would have to pay the assassin of the murder god completely regardless of the price.

    There is a woman in the room of the Lord Lord, and this thing goes without a hitch. Aroused the attention of many people. Due to the cover of the mute array, the screams in the bedroom that are enough to make people red and red are not heard, but the always lit fire and the constantly shaking shadows are enough to explain the situation.

    There are several ladies who come to the castle for various reasons, and their names are not necessarily detailed. Alfred was "tortured" because he didn't know what was going on.

     "You should ask Rhett, the magic like Rhett, this thing has nothing to do with me." Even though Alfred is strong, the mercenary career Also let him have a good martial arts, but in the face of a strong woman can only surrender. "I only heard the lord calling her Janet, the name of the lord's wife."

    "Not as good as you look!" Ed is very clear about what he should say. Although he will never admit it in front of Siegel afterwards. Let these troubles go to the magic priest, he prayed in his heart.

    They - still no need to say who it is - came to the Temple of the Unknown, but was blocked by two. "Ryder is carrying out an important prayer ceremony. Please don't bother him. I know about your intentions. Please ask me directly."

    Two Dudu Although it is a konjac, it is a strange structure, very able to chat with the lady. The investigation proceeds to it, and the basic situation can be clarified.

     "Siegel will not be deceived?" They have more or less such doubts in their minds, "I need to watch him/her!" "This is also their common idea.

    The magic statues Reid and Siegel are all familiar with what Janet’s soul fire is like, so it is confirmed that she is her. Siegel is also a means of verification with blood magic and Knox memory reading. But for Isaac, who is still a child, Janet, a brown-haired human form, can't be associated with his memory mother.

    After all, the smell and sound are different, and the rhythm of the heartbeat is different.

    Compared with Janet, he still prefers to play with the dragon girl "Auntie" Capricorn. Only when Siegel and Capricorn looked at him would he go to Janet.

     "Don’t worry, reincarnation has this shortcoming, Isaac is too small to understand." Siegel always comforts and encourages his wife. "You have to give him time, and you have to give time to the entire Heim collar and accept this thing slowly. After all..." Siegel made a face and smiled and said to Janet: "They are not as good as they are." I am smart, isn't it?"

    This sentence can be amused by Janet, but it can't help her speed up being accepted. Until she took over the land, with the lord of the lord, the Knight of Mana, she kept everything in order; when she was finally held by Isaac, she kissed her face; when she showed a territory hostess When the style is in the air, all the controversy is settled - that is all the words.

    The statue of Reid in the nameless temple is related to the defensive staff. When he touches the staff, he feels the power of evil. . The soul of a powerful caster lives in it, with the absurdity of the undead and the frenziedness of the elements. He soon understood that this was a lich's life, and the lich's power was higher than himself, but he did not know that Siegel was weak and weak.

    It is reasonable to say that Siegel, as a powerful mage, can certainly feel the will of the undead inside, but why has it always been with him? Rhett had doubts and speculated that Siegel might have become a lich. He has seen Siegel's embarrassing form. Knowing his power in magical spells and magical creations, the ritual of converting the lich is not difficult for him.

    But he quickly vetoed this because the undead creatures are unlikely to have human feelings, especially not to Siegel’s to Janet Hot feelings. This is not a simple transformation and the ability to gain flesh and blood. Purely the power of the soul. What secrets are hidden behind the sorcerer's life, why does Siegel take it all day and take it with him?

    The lich’s life screams with faint magical fluctuations, which is hard to find if not in his hand. Layers of protection are set on the outside of the scorpion, and the core is the part of the sorcerer's soul fire, which is why the lich is able to regenerate after being destroyed.

    "So close to the evil spirit of the Lich. Siegel will be affected by subtle influences, not to mention that he is also a mage, when thinking about problems Very close.” Rhett put the staff aside and thought carefully. "Siegel said that he has no god of faith, and that his soul is more susceptible to evil erosion. If..."

    If Siegel character Change, then what kind of harm can the Heim leader who possesses the secret nuclear weapon and master all kinds of strong martial arts? The mage lord before him did not embark on the road of wage war and competition for domination?

     According to the record, it was a terrible war. The raging magic spell has a higher efficiency than the sword, and the ordinary people have no ability to resist. The dead bodies on the battlefield were transformed into shackles and ghosts, continuing to spread evil and death. It is said that in the latter part of the war, there was a plague caused by magic, which affected a considerable area.