Twenty-faced scorpion > Chapter 307 Fighting with the Dragon 1

Chapter 307 Fighting with the Dragon 1

    In the north of the city wall, the dragon rides in the wind and flies in the bright moonlight. It crossed the orc's wolf cavalry, crossed the vast expanse of the earth, and pulsed toward the black mountain in front of it.

    It has long been known that someone on the mountain is observing - the crystallized lens of the telescope from time to time reflects the position of the investigator.

    It seems that human beings are not too stupid, not only to prevent the orcs, but also to keep the sentinel, but what role can it actually play? The human weapon can't hurt the dragon. The iron armor is like a paper paste in front of the claws, but it can add some flavor when it is eaten. When I think about the chewing taste of metal and flesh and blood, the stomach begins to get hungry and I want to stop and find something to eat. But it is not free, the task is in the body, can not stay.

    Black Dragon swayed his head and moved his stiff neck. It’s very bad to have something to ride on. The undead energy emitted under the gold armor makes it uncomfortable, but it can only be tolerated – this is the difficulty that must be overcome to accomplish the mission.

    Because of him, the Dragon Curse continues to work in a unique way.

     In the very old past, the wizard created this spell to deal with the threat of the dragon, and the loss caused by the battle exceeded the ability of both sides, the dragon and the mage The use of this spell was banned at the same time as the truce. Knox will improve the binding dragon spell, let it use the "death knight" as a carrier, indirectly to the dragon. In this way, the dragon is no longer the target of the spell of the dragon spell, and will not trigger the detection spell set on Longshan.

     As long as the time is long enough, the dragon curse on the death knight will affect the dragon's thinking, just like the hypnotic effect of the tranquillity, gradually gain control. The dragon will become a faithful mount, just like the knights loyal to the lord, go to the fire, not afraid of death. However, this improved spell can only be tolerated and used by the death knight, and can only control one dragon at a time.

    Knox Commonwealth believes that this spell is their outstanding contribution to the cause of magic, but they are not being dominated by sleep, becoming a mount without knowing ? The leader in the sturdy plasma scorpion can tolerate the "death knight" who transmits space and adapts to the rules of the New World Magic. It is the real improvement of the Dragon spell.

    The death knight is directly responsible for the sense of dominance, and has never been a subordinate of the Knox Association. But in every world, there is a disguise in the sense of dominance, such as the Red God or the Doomsday Prophet. They will use an organization that is more familiar with the local situation as a cover. Commanding the death knight to act in tandem with the action of the Black Dragon Knight obeying the Knox Commonwealth.

    Deepwater City is in a hurry, the elf has completed the siege of the besieged city, is brewing offensive. ** Caspar and the wise men of the federation finally understood the role of the super-large magical array outside the city: it began to gradually gather the energy of the surrounding elements, even by breaking down various inanimate substances to produce basic elements. All energy has only one purpose. It is the surge of manufacturing elements.

    Element surges are fatal to all magical effects and casters. If the Master in the Dead Magic Zone is starved to death, then the Surge will kill all the people and things that can absorb the power of the elements. Even the shadow of the Three Peaks Tower can only persist for a short period of time, and it will burn out because of too much energy. The other magic shields only last for a long time, and the result will not change.

    Mage have long known the existence of elemental surges and are fascinated by their power. For a long time, there is no desire to achieve its re-emergence and control, but the simple accumulation of energy can not reach the level required to launch the surge - even Siegel's energy focusing lens is far away. After a long period of research, the elf's elementalists finally discovered ways to decompose substances, such as turning rocks into earth elements. Or turn the ice into a water element.

    Different from extracting the power of the element from the object, the decomposition of the sprite will completely destroy the target, thus obtaining the "extra", "huge" spell material, thus Meet the prerequisites for the surge. This decomposition is similar to the wall of the storm and is close to the power of the gods. If not angered by Knox's grievances, the elves will not be determined to use this array to destroy the Three Peaks.

     If it was possible to stop the Elf from building the Sanfeng Tower, Casper had already done it. It is a pity that the elf has already anticipated this, pre-arranged the manpower, specifically countering the spell attacks from the Three Peaks Tower, and ambushing any mage who dares to leave the protective enchantment.

    So Caspar called the death dragon knight and ordered them to lead the controlled orc army and immediately come to support.

    Black Dragon gliding in the wind, has flown thousands of miles away. The white dragon, which is weaker than the physical energy, has landed on the ground and eats the live cattle captured by the wolf cavalry. Respond to physical strength. The black dragon swallowed, reminding himself to keep in mind the "mission", determined to go all the way, must know the specific circumstances of the scouts and defenders.

    The closer he is to the walled mountains, the more he feels wrong. The surrounding energy becomes unobtrusive, and the elements that hold up its huge body become disordered, and the posture must be constantly adjusted. After a while, it was no longer able to keep gliding, only to flap the wings like a bird to stay in the air.

    The violent bumps affected the Cavaliers, but they did not let him fall. He squeezed the black dragon's neck with his legs, and then patted it with the claws of the lobster guard to remind the black dragon to be careful.

    The dwarf’s banned genre is getting stronger and stronger, and there are vortexes formed by the air and water elements in the air. In many places, there is a complete loss of air buoyancy. "Big hole." The two black dragons basically lost control of their body posture, rolling in the sky like drunk, falling and falling.

    They put their wings up, dive--or fall-down, and slammed down on the black ground. The dragon's claws crushed the rock, and the huge dragon tail hit the mountain wall, turning everything into anger into debris.

    The dwarf's walled mountains and runes are forbidden, and the proud dragons are frustrated and ignited. The dragon sprayed out the acid and melted the rock on the mountain wall, causing the collapse. The mud rolled up huge stones and slid down from the heights, drowning the passage up the mountain.

     "Enough!" The death knight raised a black mace and slammed the black dragon's neck. With a dull bang, the dragon was short.

    "Black Dragon, start climbing!" He said scornfully: "If you don't want to, I will let you make a passage here like a dog. How do you feel about opening the way for the Orc Army?"

    "Hugh!" The Black Dragon swayed his neck and fluttered his wings to help him climb.

    The neck is still very painful, and the inside of his head creaks. He is angry and wants to continue to destroy the cliffs. It is best to bury the entire passage under the landslide. The black dragon narrowed his eyes, and the doubts in his heart flashed away – why did this idea of ​​violating the mission arise?

    The moment of hesitation made the Black Dragon more angry, and he did not know the origin of this anger. It is strange that the group of people who use the lens to detect them on the top of the mountain is that they have to speed up their journey, and they need to take the lead before going to the army.

    Seeing my heroic attitude, those little bugs should be scared away? The black dragon is a little annoyed. What if there is no enemy for him to kill and vent, what is the growing anger?

     While thinking about it, it crawled forward on the mountain road.

    The Black Blood Castle is ready to wait for the dragon to arrive quietly. All the scouts are evacuated back to the castle and hidden in a secure and stable mountain warehouse. Only the pickpockets and the people responsible for maneuvering the heavy artillery were left outside.

    "Kerry, the situation is good for us." Siegel said: "Thanks to the dwarf, if it is not the rune matrix that limits the dragon's ability to move, this 仗It’s hard to beat.”

    The giant shook his head and disagreed with his views. "Siegel, do you know what our tribes are doing after being attacked by the Red Dragon?"

    "In rest, in development?"

     "No, we think about revenge every day!" Kerry smiled and shivered with excitement. "I will never forget the fire that night, the tribe's compatriots and relatives are like sheep on the campfire. Our hearts are full of pain, but under the pain is ten times, a hundred times of hatred."

    "The grassland is vast, unobstructed, we can't fly on horseback, it's very difficult to kill the dragon, but this is not the reason to let go of hatred. All The warriors are thinking - you have to know that this is not easy for us - how to fight the dragon."