Twenty-faced scorpion > Seventy-seventh chapter city wall mountain range 15

Seventy-seventh chapter city wall mountain range 15

    When the clay golem appeared in the short temple, the blood magician understood Siegel's thoughts. It makes a sharp scream and then turns into a thin layer that covers the apprentice mage. The clay golem doesn't know how to deal with the blood magician, but at this time the lamp god heard the call and whizzed away from the passage. It burns a bright flame in both hands and pounces on the clay golem.

    However, the Golem does not care about such an attack. He is a doll created for the battle. The Light God is nothing but a servant constructed for service. He hit the body with a flame fist and covered it with creeping clay. The Golem raised his arm and grabbed the shoulders of the lamp god.

    The red lamp god turns into a virtual shadow, slipping away from the fingers and returning to the original shape in the air. It made a hoarse laughter, and lightning struck in the palm of his hand.

    Clay Golem turned his head and looked at Siegel, snoring and said: "A man says life and death is higher than thinking, someone agrees. Someone wants to save lives. "What do men say?"

    "I don't know!" Siegel rolled on the ground, trying to break the bloody coverage. The enemies encountered this time are non-physical monsters, and it is difficult to confront them in the usual way - fists and swords have no effect. Siegel’s brains were running fast, and then he said loudly to the clay golem: “Tear off the chain first and put everyone down!”

    Lightning hitting the clay On the back of the Golem, the current is directed into the earth, with no effect at all. The Golem simply ignores the light ice spells that the Light God has prepared for, and walks straight into the magical array, reaching out to grasp the chain that binds everyone. The blood magician screamed and slammed a large amount of blood from the "sacrifice" and opened the Siegel to the golem. He glued to the golem like glue, infiltrating inward from the gap of the joint, directly launching the magical energy contained in the blood to the rune, intent to destroy the structure of the golem.

    "You are an evil monster." The Golem sounds calm and waveless, but he speeds up the deformation of the clay. The yellow-brown and deep-red viscous material launched a positional battle on him, twisting and twisting each other, and wanted to take the initiative.

    Siegel finally had a bit of a breather, and he raised his wand high, like a torch. The "Evil Monster" of the Golem just made him shine and thought of a spell.

    "Sparkling, protecting the good, blocking the invisible evil!"

    A group of milky white The light spreads from the top of the wand, like a balloon that is blown up. In this ray of light, there is peace, peace, happiness and the feelings of all human beings. This spell can dispel evil thoughts and protect the user's consciousness from harm. Under the radiance of the light, the blood magician was finally hurt, and black smoke continued to rise from its blood group.

    Although the spell has worked, the final result depends on the power of the caster. Even if the blood magician becomes a blood group, he has more magical power than Siegel. He made a sharp smile in the white light, like a nail across the glass. Then, he was not wasting his time and shouting loudly to help the gods. A sound wave hit, and Siegel fell to the ground, fell from the other end of the magic array and slammed into Evan's chair, which stopped. The twentieth scorpion has no movement, and the effect of a little magical resistance has not been exerted.

    "You stupid servant!" The blood magician shouted: "Don't ruin my container, do you want me to possess a dying old man?" Hurry up and trap the golem, or send him out!"

    Siegel fell to the ground, just now his head hit the leg, shocked Forced him to stare at Venus. At this time, he felt his shoulder kicked and raised his head to see that Evan-King was staring at him, squeezing one eye and instructing Siegel to untie his chain.

    Siegel quickly climbed up and used a spell to recruit the dagger that fell on the ground. With the clay golem being beaten with the enemy, he cut off Evan's chain.

    "No!" The blood magician shouted and connected Evan with his bloodline. The magical array was abnormal, the ground began to tremble, and the dust continued to be shaken off the roof. Siegel re-casts the spell, letting the wicked light shine through the room. With this light, Evan picked up Siegel's scimitar and threw himself at the enemy.

    "Without the spell, the Master is nothing!" Evan yelled and fought: "Evil things, hurt my brother, kill my friend, prison me free and want to win my brother! Death, death, death!" Br />
    The lamp god flew over to cover his master, but was attacked by the clay golem and Evan. The scope of the action was limited by the knife light, and then its core was crushed by a clay figurine. The lamp god sighed and the body began to fade.

    The blood magician felt that the situation was not good. He saw that Siegel was about to unlock the chain of the demon woman. If this damn apprentice mage is made, he will not have enough strength to maintain the blood group state, and will immediately turn into blood, and disappear into the world. In order to survive, the blood magician quickly extracts the blood energy of the sacrifices at the maximum rate, allowing the front of the circle to start running, and shoots itself toward the body of the lamp that is gradually disappearing.

    This is his helpless choice. Whether it is Jinlong blood or apprentice mage, their skills are likely to avoid this possession. The guys tied to the chair provide the energy needed for the battle to operate, and the restrictions on receiving the spells are not a target. The clay golem is a dead thing, even the blood circulation system is not, the possession will certainly fail. Only the god of lights, although it is also a magical creation, but he can be regarded as a kind of creature, with a simple body structure, and magical affinity, the original control core is destroyed, and it can not escape the possession process. It was an adventurous process, but the blood magician had no choice but to get into the body of the lamp god. He tried to control the spell and re-adapt to this new form.

    The array stopped working, and the bloodline on Janet’s head disappeared and no more strength was drawn. However, they are still in a coma, and they can't help.

    The lamp god was quickly dyed in pure red, floating on the roof, tumbling like a cloud of smoke. As a mage, Siegel can easily feel the growing magical power of smoke. He couldn't stop it, he could only rescue the people in the chair. Evan cut off the prince's chain, and Siegel held Janet, and the clay golem stood in front of them, protecting the people behind him like a wall.

    Soon, lightning flashed from the tumbling smoke and burst on the wall of the short temple. The air is ignited, the stench fills the room, and the stone fragments are like rain. After that, the red and purple flame burning up in the roof, walls and pillars along sprawling. As the room hell, full of dangerous elements distortion energy and strange shadows.

     "What can I do?" Evan put Prince Aaron on the ground and tightened the scimitar in his hand. He looked at Siegel and said with a firm gaze: "If you have a way, just say it. I will do it, I will not hesitate."

     Siegel shook his head and first kissed Janet's lips deeply. The wand still exudes a milky white glow, but swaying in this magical energy storm can be extinguished at any time. Siegel said helplessly: "The power of the magician is now more evil and extreme, but it is becoming more and more unstable. The spell may be out of control at any time, destroying his remaining consciousness. If my strength is stronger, I may be able to pass. Dispel his evil consciousness and let the magic effect collapse."

    The red eyes of the magic image flashed, then turned to look at Siegel. A low voice from his clay body: "Do you need me to dispel evil?"

    "Yes, if you can." Siegel head.

    The Golem turned his head and the red eyes looked at the blood magician. He raised his hands high, and the dull prayers echoed throughout the room: "God of creation, I honor you as the Father, and respect you as the Lord. May your creations last forever in the world, free from evil." With this voice, a group As the sun's rays radiate from the clay golem, it illuminates the entire room. Lightning and flames are extinguished, and the shadows are invisible. Siegel and Evan involuntarily shed tears of excitement and bathed in an indescribable sense of well-being. Only the blood magician screamed wildly, twisted and twisted in the light, and disappeared.

    The light dissipated, and the short temple restored calm and tranquility. Siegel looked at the magic image in surprise, and he felt that the knowledge in his mind was completely useless. According to the book of the Masters Association, the magic image created can use some simple spells, such as flame fists or poison cloud armor, but never heard that it can be used to dispel evil. Moreover, Siegel just felt very clearly that the release of the evil image of the demons is more sacred than the one used by itself. It contains more and more pure and pure good thoughts and divine power. This spell is already a god, a power that God has given to their pastors, and only a firm believer can use it. Can a faithful demon priest?