Saint > Chapter 511

    After saying this sentence, Princess An Chang was also sluggish, just like she did not think she would say such a sentence, she knows this sentence The words would pierce Dylan's heart like a knife. She stepped back two steps, sat down weakly, and then recovered her reason in a short time: "Morton Donkley is dead," she listened. To myself, the sound is smooth and similar to cruelty. Don’t be like this. She said to herself, this is your son, but another voice is forcing her to be more cruel, because Dylan is your son, it says, so you To give him the best things in the world, the crown, the scepter, the rule of a country, the short-term pain is quite small compared to what he will get: "He died for many years, Dylan His soul is not for the ship of Terra, but for the food of the devil, but no matter which one, he will not care about the world again. No matter what you do or do, he can’t see it. & nbsp;; & nbsp; & nbsp and hear ...... "
& nbsp />; "I have never been for anyone." Dylan said dryly, "I am the lord of Thunder, it is my duty." He is resolute and calm, and seems to have got rid of the blow from his mother. - But who is the princess, and is his mother. Even if he becomes a mage, he may become a king in the future. He is also her son. No one knows him better than Diane. She knows that he is only Disguising yourself, it will be a strong fortress, even if it is not safe to get in and out.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; ". I wish Moreton Tangke Lei is still alive," said Diane Princess suddenly, her lips even cruel to bring a hint of a smile: " This way he can see how his so-called son killed his most respected friend and his majesty, and, as a humble hunter, how he stole the trust of a female heir to the throne and thereby Escaped the punishment that should be received, (she suddenly smiled nervously) God, Dylan, think about their age, when the wife of Baldwin enters the kingdom, our Princess Leona is still a nanny The child in my arms is really disgusting... too disgusting..." She shook her head slightly. "And the soldiers, knights, craftsmen, businessmen, and slaves... those who were loyal to him. The worms, when they are expelled, will be full of remorse - what are they thinking, thinking that a lord with serf blood can give them real shelter and care? It is said that their blood nourishes the wilderness of the whole wilderness The beast, and the orc, can't escape, no one is spared - everything he values, responsibilities, honor, loyalty - collapses in the rain like a clay castle built by children overnight, only Under the dirty muddy," she twisted her fingers, her face was gloomy and fanatical. "I wish he could see it, I think he might stumble in this mud and cry..."

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "Shut up," Dillon pleaded: "! mom, he's my father,"

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Dai Princess Anchang suddenly raised her head, and her unusual flushing appeared on her cheeks, just like drinking too much wine, and she spoke as if in a proverb: "You want me to say a few times," she said softly. Touching Dylan's face and eyes: "Your father is Fukai, his surname is embroidered on a tapestry, together with the first king of Norman in the Highlands."


    Dylan is going backwards, his eyes are getting colder and colder: "That is not a glory." Mother, I ashamed. "

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;" ridiculous! "

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;" I want to leave "Mother," said Dylan. He pushed the mother's hand and turned and walked away. But when he opened the door, he saw two wizards standing outside the door. When they saw Dylan, they gave him a slight The ground is awkward, the reason is slightly, because their speed and angle values ​​are surprisingly small, and their hands are in their sleeves, there may be a spell ready to go, Dylan knows them, they are The person hired by Princess Ang Principal, "Please listen to your mother's words," said a mage. "His Royal Highness, when you are not in the kingdom, she almost sleeps all night, crying all day long, just because I can't believe you are still safe." "

    "One warning, I am not your Highness. And I really didn't get any harm," Dylan said. "Before, after that, let's open, two, I don't want to do it with the caster that my mother is holding. Your duty is to protect my mother. . "

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;" at the same time obey her orders. "A mage said, "I am sorry, but I think, you may still be grateful to us in the future, Your Highness." He said, looking at his companion smugly, but what puzzled him was that his companion had already lit up the magical light between his hands—but His Royal Highness did not make any rebellious moves. he thought, this might make unhappy Princess Diane, this spell playing in his body, he never mind how surprised
& nbsp />;. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;“To keep you safe,” Dylan said helplessly: “You can trust him, although he is loyal to me, but you are my mother.”

     "Ha!" Princess Anan was full of irony smiles, but she could not stop Dylan from coming out of her palace. At this time, a thin figure hurriedly appeared at the end of the corridor, and Dylan raised a hand, preventing the mage from releasing the spell. He recognized this person, she is a royal maid, and is also the eyeliner of Princess Ang Principal, but why did she come at this time? It’s already late at night, and there’s no celebration. On the colder nights, people in the Normans are more willing to stay in their bedroom than to run around.

    When she went to the front of Princess Ang’s princess (the atmosphere at the time made her a little uneasy), she squatted. "What happened?" The princess asked: "Is John...?"

    The maid shook her head and glanced at the people around me. The mage bowed to Dylan and took the unfortunate companion. Floating up like pulling a kite and pulling him away, the maid looked at Dylan uncomfortably. "What are you hesitating?" Princess Ang said anxiously: "He is my son!" Br />
     "It’s Fukai," the maid said, "Fukai," she said with a trembling voice. "He was poisoned and dying."

    The color left on the face of Princess An Chang’s princess is faintly cleaned. She completely relies on the experience accumulated over the years to make herself not immediately Fainting or soft, "We..." She said reluctantly: "We..." She looked at Dylan, her eyes full of pleading, Dylan Take a step back: "What about the pastor?"

    The maid shook her head. "The priest can't get rid of that toxin," she cried, "he said the toxin. With a curse."



    "Please," said Princess Ang Principal: "If he... don't let him go alone."

      "Then there are more sacrifices at his funeral ceremony." Dylan said that he forced himself not to waver, Morton. Don Cray was always a shining statue in his memory, cold and hard to approach, It’s Fukai who did what a father should do. When Dylan was too young to understand the complex relationship between the three of them, he was really full of a child’s attachment to Fukai, but since he knew His true identity - he found himself unable to continue to face Fu Kai, but even so, Fu Kai's support for him is still spared, especially his Will, if there is no Fouquet, Fengyun tiny seedlings do not know when they could grow into towering giant tree.

    He revered and longed for Morton. Don Cray, but in the depths of the soul, there is a place for Fukai.

    "Dylan..." cried Princess Ang, and Dylan looked at her uncontrollably, and he immediately regretted it because he could not refuse this. Mother, for the first time, he saw her allowing tears to ruin the makeup on her face. A strand of hair loosened and hung in front of her loose eye bags, revealing the silver in the deep hair. She was old and didn't pay attention to Dylan. by the time.

    —————————————————————————————————— ——

    John King hid.

    The glass of wine comes from a sly husband, like the former Morton Don Clay, who was furious at his wife’s obsession with Fukai, in the king’s Indulgently, he found the hackers of the seventy-seven islands, and got a deadly, odorless and colorless poison from the terrible undead. So if the princess, or Dylan, wants to pursue the murderer, he can This person is handed over to them without having to face their anger. But he knows very well that it is him who really wants to kill Fukai. After his son and his heirs died, he proposed to the aristocrats who were dissatisfied with him the first heir to the Princess Ang Principal. Of course, he knew Their ultimate goal is not this. It is very likely that the Norman crown of the Highlands will only stay in the bun of the Diane, and then will directly transfer to a male heir, the head of Dylan Don Clay - At that time, Dylan will not only inherit his throne, but also inherit his surname, his glory, his treasure, not his son, his blood heritage will be stopped, and all the hard work will be lost.