Saint > Chapter 480 "Ugly Chicken"

Chapter 480 "Ugly Chicken"


    The ugly chicken doesn't remember this is the first few days, although she struggles to remember.

    She is a Norman girl, living in a small mountain village, her parents are the most common mountain people. Their lord lord is a very good person. In the spring, they are allowed to enter the forest to collect mushrooms and berries. In the autumn, they are allowed to put the pigs in the forest to eat acorns and fruits. In the winter, they can not only find fuel in the forest, but also Being allowed to catch three or fewer rabbits or pheasants - if they are lucky enough to hunt, or pick up big prey, like wild boar or deer, they can still get one or two coins after rewarding the governor. .

    The ugly chicken is a nickname and a name. She was tall and ugly when she was born. Her shoulders tore her mother’s body. Her grandmother frowned and looked at the baby under the fire. "She is so ugly." This is the first sentence that the ugly chicken came to this world. Just like to verify the old man, the ugly chicken is not like other children. As long as the mother's milk is no longer so crumpled, red, the longer she is, the more ugly the eyelids are, the lower the eyelids, and the lower the nose. I can cross half of my face and fold my upper lip down like a hen's sac, so when people ask, what is this ugly child, her grandmother said that she is called ugly chicken.

    The ugly chicken is very ugly, but in the mountain village, there is no skin like snow, hair is like a beautiful person of charcoal, so she grew up peacefully and smoothly. Although sometimes I am a little regretful about my appearance, I am very proud of my strength and strength. Her strength is bigger than that of a man. She can lift a whole bowl of thick and thin trees. It is like doing a job. It was a cow, so when she needed to find a husband, her mother was not very worried. Although the boys valued their looks, their father and mother could be sensible. What can a beautiful face do in the mountains? Oh. However, the husband chosen by the ugly chicken is not one of these young men. Her husband is an outsider. He is a soldier who has to leave the army because of his heavy injuries. Half of his face looks like a devil because he was burned by fire. But he has the skills and techniques that ordinary people can't match. As a hunter, he is deeply loved by the lord. This requires only a husband who can sit in the pot instead of the wife sitting in it while paying the marriage tax. The pot can be seen (know that the difference between the two is twice as much).

    But happy times are always fleeting, the outside situation is ugly, but she vaguely knows that Norman’s Pharaoh is dead and replaced Not his daughter but his brother, but it has little to do with them. When the ugly chicken thought that their life would continue so flat, a knight came to the mountain village, her husband was called, he left And then never came back. The pheasant felt sad for this, but the more terrible thing was still behind. A group of strange knights rushed into the village. They were like, no, they were a group of despicable bandits. They took everything away, from food to clothes, from the bedding. To the clay pot, it seems that everything is what they want, including the innocent villagers - they are put on the rope loops, dragged behind the horses, left their homes, the light of the torch shines through the woods in the evening, they climb The mountains, from the top down, can be seen everywhere in this narrow territory.

    The ugly chicken tried to be with her parents, but she was quickly picked out. She heard someone laughing at her. It was not like a Woman, but another person said that the orc would not care about this - the ugly chicken heard, her two ears like a circular fan can always hear the sound that others can't hear, she told others, but no one believed They think that they are bought and cultivated in the fields. Although they are cold and dry on the plains of the whistling, they are only civilians and serfs. Where is the land planted? No one wants to run away with her, and even some people betray her, so the ugly chicken is treated differently from others.

    The reason why the merchants did not kill her is because she is more valuable than other women, dudu1();

      As Gersh said, her strong belly swelled up quickly and quickly, and the amazingly small monsters took her temperature and blood. People thought she was going to die, but in Her mouth was the biggest when she was feeding - the so-called "food" that was not very suitable for rough description was simply the mixture of hay powder and livestock waste, such as the scattered skin of the hoof and the horn. Garbage, which is also mixed with feces and charcoal, sometimes cold into the bone marrow, sometimes burning like a fire, some women shed tears, while turning to refuse to feed, and the feeding orcs are not very concerned about whether they are willing to eat, Anyway, slaves are endless—they may wish to die as soon as possible. The same is true. Their bodies are stiff and cold when they are undetected. The ugly chickens pay tribute to them, but she is still stubbornly alive, shameful, and difficult. But she had made up my mind.

    They muttered and talked, the ugly chicken couldn't understand, but she could see that they were busy in another place, an unfortunate woman was torn open by the impatience of the little monster, the little monster ran away, they had to find the little monster - - An orc woman glanced at the ugly chicken and found her belly still calm, but as soon as she turned her head, the ugly chicken slammed hard, a monster wrapped in mucus was pushed out, it was intelligently kept Silent, sharp claws pressed against the belly of the ugly chicken, smelling the strong air

    The ugly chicken breathes silently, her tongue is cut off, only after a simple treatment, and the rough food and the lack of treatment guarantee It won't heal so quickly, the ugly chicken bites the remnant part with the decayed teeth, fresh blood rushes out of the mouth, the little monster suddenly turns back, it opens its mouth, the tongue is hooked and the mouth is as fine as The teeth of the squid - the ugly chicken wrapped his lips and squirted, and it was too difficult to do this without the tongue, but she managed to spray her blood onto the arms and palms.

    The little monster hesitated sullenly, it tentatively climbed up, took a bite of the ugly chicken's chin, but then it was almost ugly chicken's teeth Biting off the tentacles on the forehead, it whispered, but the ugly chicken's resistance really made it hesitate. It followed the blood in the wild grass, and when it found out that it was wrong, it climbed the ugly chicken's arm. It bit the ugly. The chicken's arm, tearing off the flesh from the small mouth

    Okay, the ugly chicken encourages it in the heart, go up a little, go up a little, go up a little, you hybrid - she feels waiting For a hundred years, when the little monster finally began to bite her finger, she slammed the palm of her hand and suddenly put this disgusting monster in her hand - the little monster struggled wildly, the minions And bite it with the ground, and the place where it can be touched is blurred, but the ugly chicken is as straight as it is to restrain it on the leather cord that binds her... but at this time, An orc woman turns around with suspicion and looks aroundDudu2();

    The ugly chicken stayed, but the little monster in her hand was still violently bouncing, and she saw that the female orc was coming over— - And at this time, the ugly chicken suddenly found the torch to go out.

    No, not the torch is extinguished. It should be said that she was shrouded in darkness, and the ugly chicken thought that the orc had dug her eyes. She saw this time. Enoughly enough, human beings are just food and tools here. The orcs can eat and kill one of them. As a punishment, losing tongue and eyes is the most common - but she does not feel pain, or she Only feeling cold, the little monster in her hand seems to stop moving, just like being frozen.

    "Peculiar," a man’s voice said: "but unusual disgusting"

    The ugly chicken felt that the hand was light, the thing she was holding disappeared, and then she could see it again, but everything seemed to be The cold fog eroded, and the ugly chicken saw a pale finger sticking out of the fog and pressed it on her forehead. The chill was like a needle stuck into her mind, but she couldn’t bear it. Before that, the finger left, and then the ugly chicken was very pleased to see that the leather cord tied to the wrist was spinning and falling off like a life. She was slow and stiff and first prone, then squatting, and finally When she stood up, the first thing she did was to pounce on the female orc who seemed to be in a coma. She pulled the sheep's fur from her body and wrapped it on her body. She pulled out her very skillfully. The knife stuck in the boots - the ugly chicken has watched it countless times, and all the movements have been rehearsed innumerable times. She cut the orc's neck and drank the blood from the inside, while not Stopping and chilling, blood flowing to her belly Let her body becomes warm upThe ugly chicken lifted his body and looked around. The tents of the orcs should have been seen here, but now I don’t know why, the fog obscures her sight and obscures the sight of others. She listens, even the sound of the wind It became low and intermittent—she was still groaning, biting a knife in her mouth, crawling to the other female side with her limbs on the ground, she cut the leather cord, and the woman, also a Norman, did not hesitate. Imitating the behavior of the ugly chicken, not only drinking blood, but also swallowing the meat of the female orc

    The ugly chicken almost cut all the leather cords she could touch, but only a few people could still act - the other female singers only whispered Their own strength, ugly chickens and capable people cut their throats first, then pierced their abdomen with a knife, together with the monster inside.

    The ghost watched them, and the orcs closed the women in the sparse "circle" like animals, one after the other, and this is just one of them. He calculated with his fingers, for this number - if he is still human, he will feel scaredSo although he knows that what he is doing is extremely naive and dangerous...but he still did it, perhaps because it belongs to the part of the soul that belongs to humanity. He looks at the ugly chicken with the survivors without any comfort. Sneaked into the boundless darkness, they sensibly did not choose to save or kill more people, (www..) outside the fog, the torches bright, vigilant orcs back and forth, even if they are It’s a humble female orc, a disabled orc, or an old orc, not a weak one, they can fight – and in the wilderness, there are beasts, cold, snow and ice, but in any case, This is warm and safe from the place where the atmosphere of the abyss is ruled.dudu3();