Saint > Chapter 210—Red Throat Port 1

Chapter 210—Red Throat Port 1

    Mei also saw the "wide dolphins", she immediately stood up from the cane chair, flexible and smeared with red rouge toes and rinsed more The cloth of the second color turned up and down, pinching out the shoes that had almost been completely annihilated by the sea sand. Her feet had been restored to the delicate whiteness before the flight under the maintenance of spices and oil. She did not want to Because there should be no negligence to leave any scars or scratches on it, be aware that sometimes a pair of feet stepping on the chest, abdomen and underneath may be more exciting for a man than a pair of hands or even a lip. Www/xshuotxt/com

    When she was wearing shoes, Kreima and Elf Kerry had walked out of the shoal covered by the sea. They only wore silver-gray shirts, and the neckline opened, revealing a part of the beautiful skin that may not even be ashamed of the goddess of Fro. They rolled the sleeves slightly, while the tights were pulled over the knees, and the warm sea water would cover their skin. Wet, thin sea sand sticks to it, and the slender toes can be suspected of being an elf and a half-elf, and even the toes are a bit longer than humans - "wide dolphins" noticed, blonde The footprint left in the sand is not as deep as a child, but she thought it was a kind of magic. Kerry was re-editing her hair when she was still on Cobbert's little bird, and the familiar little scorpion covered it again. He lived in his pointed ears, and his fingers and other elves were not found to be good at observation.

    At this time ten days ago, they were still soaking at the river and sea junction near the estuary of the Starlight River, poor Drake, who thought he was at first In the face of hundreds of millions of jackpots, the blood red wine he used to celebrate has not yet had time to open, and the Alva Master of Bibi Dibao has ruthlessly broken his dreams - not only from the portal but also from Al Master of the War, and a disciple he has already graduated from, and the Antonio Master, two or three powerful mages who came to visit the owner of the smog lodge from the White Tower, and when they received the fire element servant warning Two armed three-masted ships set sail at the Bibi dike - in this deterrence, especially the guild's mage did not hesitate to escape, Drake not only violated the Azores and the Bishop's covenant. I am in prison for the miserable steps. He also lost his crew and boat again.

    Dreek has a title granted by the Azores lord, and the consul of Bibi Dyke has no right to try him, he can only be sent back to Azores. But in contrast. He needs to pay a large ransom, and his ship will be detained, the crew will be hanged, unless someone is willing to come up with a considerable ransom, of course, the debt of the Azores lord here is not high. Will do that. The most savage port is the desperate who used to find life between the deck and the sword, but he had to rack his brains to explain how he explained to his lord and his mother how he lost two consecutively within three years. Boat's.

    When they saw them, the "wide dolphins" went down with her slaves.

    Cremar moved uncomfortably, he thought he would probably never get used to the custom of Longhuo Island, hehe, or the law The highest etiquette he saw in the Bibi Dibao, Baita, Thunder and the Norman kings of the Highlands was only a slap in the triumphant form of Bird’s knees to the old king. Most of the others were caressing. Chest, shoulder-shoulder salute, even if it is a serf, seeing a certain person with a high weight on the road is just a retreat to the side of the road. Take off your hat if he has, deeply, long time.

    There are only two of the most common etiquettes in Longhuo Island - one is the sacred ritual like "wide dolphins", put down your knees, palms tight Sticking to the ground, the forehead is close to the palm of the hand, and the other is what her slaves do. It is similar to the "five-body cast" that can be seen when people worship the gods in another face, carrying a heavy basket. This action should be extraordinarily difficult to sit up, but the dark and tiny slave is so skillful and smooth when completing the whole movement. It can even be said to be beautiful. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a dance.

    "Respected adult," "wide dolphins," said her voice was not sweet. Like every Hongyan Hong Kong, her throat was ruined by sea breeze, sand, and poor diet, but she made good use of it. After easing the speed and lowering the tone, this hoarse voice is rather provocative. "Thething you want is here."

    The soul of the alien world nodded, but he immediately thought that the "wide dolphins" could not be in this position. Seeing his response, "Get up." He said, "Let me see."

    This time the "wide dolphins" can stand up from the ground. She used a whip to smoke a slave, and the slave changed from a sly state to a squat, but his head was still hanging like a burden, and the angle of the soul made the alien soul worry that he would break his neck.

    "Wide Dolphin" opens the lid of the basket and frowns imperceptibly. It seems that it is necessary to change a slave. In order to avoid the goods from colliding with each other or causing pollution, she intentionally put the goods in a neat arrangement, with palm leaves in between, but because of the stumble of the road, Only the most important green-bellied hermit crab is no longer sitting on top of all the goods, but sideways, pressed by several heavy jars, if not the fiber she extracted from the coconut leaves in advance. The rope that is tied to it is firmly tied, and it will lose a few legs.

    She stretched out her hands and thought that she cleverly and concealedly took the hermit crab, which was as big as a baby bath, from the basket. "This is the kind of crab I have said," she said, with a touch of flattery: " This is the biggest in the Red Throat Port in recent days, I promise." She turned to the black hair caster, "live, look at its wet eyes, from which at least 30 pounds of meat can be dug!" "

    Seeing the "wide dolphins" seems to be squatting again, the good boy from another plane can't help but scalp numbness, leaving Cooper's little tits After the number, he was blessed with all the fifty years of life. He took a step forward and narrowed his distance from the "wide dolphins". He took the fat crustacean from her hand. .

    "Ah," "Wide Dolphin" reminded with concern: "Please be careful, adult, it is heavy."

     "Yes." The Master said, "Wide Dolphin" is slightly closer to this by chance. The soul of the outside world can smell the smell of sesame oil on her body. Women at the beach often use it. The sesame oil is applied to the whole body to remove the odor. It is also to avoid the burning sun and the sea breeze with salt. The sesame oil used in the "wide dolphins" is not expensive, but it is mixed with cetyl wax and a small amount of musk. As we all know, cetyl wax and musk have a slight excitement and aphrodisiac effect. The "wide dolphins" have been walking in the sun for such a long time, and the heat in her body has completely promoted the ingredients in the sesame oil. Mixed with her own breath, the rich is like the essence.

     "Can you let her go far? Adult," said Mei Mi. "She smells so fast that I can't breathe." Br />
    The "wide dolphins" turned abruptly and stared at the nectar. Fro's pastor stood behind her, less than ten steps, and occasionally threw a provocative sweet smile - she would no longer have the urge to lure this black-haired mage after she hit the port, but this is not She said she could watch others steal him, and she believes that this practice can be recognized by most people - especially the Elf Ranger Kerry Ben, who still regards Kremar as a clean child. Beware that all dark and filthy things are close to his half-man, and it is not easy to pass this "mother-in-law" test.

     "How do you eat this?" Kerry asked.

    His problem suddenly pulled the soul of the alien from the dispute between the two women: "The crab legs are burning," he said cheerfully. : "Half crab onion with onion and cream, half curry. Add some coconut juice." I am so happy that it also produces curry, and the red curry used to cook seafood and the yellow curry used to cook chicken.

    "The fangs and the poisonous glands should have been pulled out," the elf took the crab from his hand and checked it briefly. The claws at the end of the crab leg were also removed, except to be careful to be stabbed by the raised spikes on the carapace. There is nothing to be careful about - Krimaar should be more careful about the "wide dolphins". The elves who have traveled for many years are not the first to appear in Hongyan Port. He knows what kind of people will get related to "dolphins". Nickname.

    Kreima thinks the dolphins are very cute, yes, the elves think so. But he also knows that in fact, dolphins are a passionate creature. Male dolphins have a variety of special instruments, spiral, and bumps. The end of the entanglement... with a hook, lest its copulation object break free before it fails to make it happen, any creature may be wooed by it - sharks, sea turtles, sea otters, humans. The fish that is bitten by the head, the vent of the other dolphins..., it will swim around its "courtship" object, show its utensils, and try to stuff it into a possible use. In the hollow - not to mention the female dolphins, although its aggressiveness is slightly inferior to the male dolphins, but it also needs to be the same when it is needed, it will swim to you, revealing the rosy belly, and Somewhere with congestion and redness, gently bite your fingers, rubbing on your body, rubbing between your legs, mimicking some disturbing pumping action.

    Pirates and sailors occasionally have a dolphin on their body, or have a nickname associated with dolphins, of course men can be proud of them, and women, Almost all of this can be used as a name for an old profession. In addition, men will hesitate when they face them, because this is not only to say that she is a jealousy, but also to imply that she is a demanding and potentially frustrating. Strong women.

    He doesn’t know how Beavis taught Cremaar, but it may be because Beavis was not originally a human being, or It is said that in the past few years, Beavis had only revenge left. Krimaar is purely a ignorant child in some respects. It is not that he lacks theoretical theory, but obviously lacks practical experience. Kerry is not an old-fashioned person. Although the elves will only go to love with their partners, Kreima is a half-elf. Kerry will not use the elves' standards to demand him harshly. Unless his lover will be an elf.

     But Kreima seems to have not produced an overly significant desire in this regard. In this case, Kerry would prefer that his body and soul be united. The elves do not despise the men and women who are addicted to desire, but they believe that this kind of behavior from instinct and greed may lead to an unrestricted tendency to the evil side.