Sin City > Chapter one seven zero secret secret

Chapter one seven zero secret secret


    All the mages and priests on the Licha side are pale, not long In the time, they have already consumed their mana and power. If the goddess of the three goddesses has now moved to the void above the ground, their gods will not have such a lasting power,

     He has been lying for a while, suddenly there is greenness spreading underneath, a few swaying mountain flowers bloom, his life breath is also rapidly increasing, although it can not fight, but it is not just dying.

    Lee asked a knight to help himself, then looked around and suddenly sighed,

     The vast battlefield is now silent, the bodies of the dead are everywhere, and after the thunder, many bodies have become coke,

     The 50,000-strong army that Sinai played in the battle, more than 20,000 killed in the previous killings, 20,000 died in this thunderstorm saturation bombardment, only a few thousand people fled in time Field,

    Gangde squeezed into the side of Richard and murderously asked: "Hey, are you going to chase those rabbits?"

    He shook his head and said, "Let them go, there are already too many dead people."

    "But "Gangde still wants to argue. In his opinion, chasing the enemy is the best chance.

    Li Shake shook his head and interrupted the words of Gangde. "You didn't listen to what the Pope said when he announced the beginning of the war. This is the last holy war. Since they have escaped, there will be no chance to return to the Sinai faith. The purpose of this war is to eliminate Sinai. The gods and the devotees do not need to kill more people."

    Gangde feels awkwardly and no longer argues,

    After a moment, Richard’s army entered the Temple City,

    This has become a dead place, More than a dozen squares in the city are full of dry The corpse, those who have not seen the original look, can only distinguish the identity of their lives with the color of the armor,

    Richard walked silently, bypassing one square after another, and then walked three squares. Gangde couldn’t stand it anymore. The hellish scene made this long-timed man also see his eyelids jumping.

    "Head, these are not all believers in Sinai, how can he treat his followers like this, this is tens of thousands."
< Br />    Li looked at Gangde and asked: "You have a lot of people killed on the battlefield."

    ;  "There is the same, it is the battlefield. If they die under my hand, they will die like a real warrior. If one day I die on the battlefield, I will never complain, but these are not the same. They are civilians and have no resistance at all. This is a massacre.” Gangde said indignantly,

    “It’s really a massacre, Gangde, in the eyes of the gods, believers It’s not the same existence as them. They look at believers, just like we look at pigs and sheep. When we need them, kill a few thousand or a few. What is the difference between the head sheep?"

    Gangde slammed his head and said with distress: "But our God of Noland seems to be not like this. "

    Li sighed and said: "That's because we have super strong, they are not inferior to the gods, and even some power may be above Above the gods, only in this way, the gods will obey the rules, and in Faro, obviously this is not the case."

    "Head, such a thing, still Will it happen?” Gangde couldn’t help but ask,

    He suddenly silently nodded,

  ;    "Then what do we do, no longer play these birds."

    "No, continue to play, only put these When God pulls down from the throne, they will no longer regard the believer as a cow and a sheep. Norland also came this way at the beginning."

     De seems to understand and nodded, he did not Going to study the theology of Noland,

    He looked away from other places and turned to the Great Shrine of Sinai,

  ;   At this time, there was a small black cloud in the sky. It was a few brains and groups of worker bees flying in the sky, and the two brains in the sky fell, and the thinkers on the back were laid down,

    Thinkers also follow Richard into the temple, his task is to collect items containing divinity for the nest,

    ; The Great Shrine is cold and dead, not even a living thing. Only half of the people here died in the raid of the original humanoid knight, but most of them died in the hands of Sinai and became the raw material of the blood sacrifice,

    The hordes of knights rushed into the temple and began to search around, while Richard stood in front of the statue of Sinai, watching the huge statue of 30 meters,

    He has seen a taller and more majestic statue, that is the god of the Highlands, a god who is even worse than the three goddesses, and Sinai is stronger than the three goddesses of the original But also strong,

    Faro seems to have a strange phenomenon, the more The weaker, the more the gods are to be built to be grand and magnificent, the gods with powerful powers, such as Xerxes, seem to be plain and plain, some gods do not even have gods, only the gods,

    The image of Sinai is the image of a middle-aged man, with a majestic appearance and unsmiling,

    He looked at him for a moment and shook his head. Turning to other places, there is no residual will in the idol. It seems that it is not easy to damage the Sinai with Richard.

     Sinai The priesthood can temporarily distort the time flow, but Richard has the advanced title of Eternal and Time Dragon, and has strong resistance to the power of time attributes.

    This will Confrontation, Sinai is a meteor, although it is still more loss, but to know that Richard is not a legend, once you enter the legend, the soul power will have a qualitative leap, then against Sinai, the result will be Completely different,

     Walking inside, watching the knights carry a piece of oil painting, many historical sacred objects such as the holy cup of the Holy Grail were moved outside the temple. After a while, Richard had already turned the entire temple, and did not seem to see it. What special place,

    According to the normal procedure, the next step is to push the statue down and the temple to be demolished. There is still a step to let the shallow believers change their faith. But now the believers in the whole city have been slaughtered, but this step can be saved.

    Sina has three avatars and a dozen gods and goddesses in the temple, two of which are found and the bones of most of the gods and goddesses have been found, only one corpse is missing, < Br />
    The blood sacrifice curse almost puts Richard into a desperate situation, but how can such a far-reaching spell distance and powerful skills of directional strikes have no cost,

    In addition to the many civilian believers who sacrificed, Sinai’s avatars also need to consume a lot of divine power to start the blood sacrifice curse, and in order to reduce the burden of the avatar, those gods and goddesses eventually become the raw materials of the blood sacrifice. The effect of a god is equivalent to the blood sacrifice of thousands of civilians. This is the world of God.

    The Great Temple was demolished and destroyed, and even the entire city can be abandoned. Connect Richard came to wait, waiting for the goddess of the three gods to fight with Sinai,

    However, Richard remembered the original question: why Sinai is in Such a place to establish his own great temple,

    He stood in the middle of the temple, frowning, and after a moment he gave a new order to the surrounding worker bees: "Give me Digging down here, I really have to dig something up."

    The worker bee will always execute the order of Richard, so this digging is five hundred meters. Five days before and after,

    Under the 500 meters, the worker bees actually encountered a group of shrines buried deep underground,

    The temple group does not know who it belongs to, nor how long it has been. It is miraculous that the defense mechanism of the temple group can still be used, and it is very effective,
< Br />    The first humanoid knights that Richard sent in just entered the door of the temple, and sprinkled countless from the void Mang, falling on the humanoid knights, the humanoid knights with great vitality fell down, no struggle, no dodge, so they died quietly,

     This scene allowed Richard to hold back. The combat units of the Brood have always been known for their tenacious vitality. They are also smashed into two pieces and can fight until the vitality is completely dissipated. However, these hundreds of humanoid knights are in the night and stars. Quietly dying, just like just sleeping,