Sin City > Chapter 21, Strength

Chapter 21, Strength


    Akmund and Silver Moon Elf blood can be classified into the upper blood Columns, so the number of capabilities that Richard may awaken is hundreds, and there is no control. However, he can at least slightly influence the direction of blood strengthening. Just like the fishing nets, the entire blood of Akmon is connected, not at all like the distribution of the Elven Blood Tree.

    This night’s meditation effect is exceptionally obvious. Richard can capture at least three or four stars every hour, and there are enough conditions to test . He can slightly affect the direction of movement of the captured starburst, making it biased or bypassing the blood. When they are close enough to the blood, these stars can be captured by the blood vessels, which becomes a little power to strengthen the blood. Although there is still a problem with the success rate, it is already much better than it was completely uncontrolled before. And capturing starbursts is much faster than ever, which means that Richard's magic will increase at a faster rate.

    At dawn, Richard ended the night of meditation, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the magic increased by three standard units overnight. Although it does not increase much compared with the current total of more than 800 magic, but at this speed, you can become a 12th-level magician in a month, and more importantly, become a true builder.

    Used breakfast, Richard went to find Amman and Tiffman, sold all the cloud iron ore to them, and asked for 80 Set of half body armor, refining tower shield, one-handed axe and corresponding shield enchanting scroll.

    The value of these things together is close to 100,000 gold coins, slightly exceeding the share that Richard deserves. But considering that Richard is in the critical period of expanding military power, both Amman and Tiffman did not care about the difference between the two thousand gold coins.

    They are just a little curious, according to the custom requirements given by Richard, these are enough to arm the regular knight's equipment to whom to use. The slaves sold by Tiffman could not be used for such good things. Of course, they did not ask the secret information of the other soldiers, but they once again took the guess of the power of the family behind Richard.

    Unfortunately, the blood-stained land swept by Sinclair is now in another period of chaos, and the dark world outside the human kingdom is still weakening its territory. Unpredictable, their power is not enough to probe deep.

    They certainly won’t know that this is the equipment for the fifth-level arms of the nest, the form-formed junior fighters. Those junior fighters themselves have the equivalent of nine levels of combat power. After assembling these fine weapons, the individual combat power has reached or exceeded the ordinary sealed knight. When they battled, the overall combat power was far greater than the same number of blocked knights. After all, very few people are as fearless as death, fear of suffering, and absolute obedience to command, like the Brood War.

    These equipments are the equipment that Richard specially selected for the junior fighters, and they are more biased in performance in terms of price/performance ratio. Only after asking about the price, Richard discovered that with the wealth he had in his hands, he wanted to arm a well-equipped junior fighter army, at least for now.

    The number of combat units created by the Brood is really limited, and Richard has to use equipment to make up for the combat gap.

    After agreeing to complete the transaction and completing the full delivery, it was late at night, and Richard attended the private dinner with the Falcao appointment.

    Only Tiffman was present at the dinner. Falcao proposed it and wanted to buy a structure that would allow him to greatly improve his strength in a short period of time, even if he could only use it once.

     Now Richard has finally figured out the idea of ​​Falunau’s promotion of hopeless sanctuary in a short period of time. They turned out to be like this. Consumables for magic scrolls or props, a consumable that can save lives or reverse the battle at a critical time! Everyone knows how to choose between gold coins and one more chance to survive.

     While Richard himself, he likes the concept of consumables very much.

    After entering Faro, from the introduction of the first frame, Richard’s core idea is to transform the permanently usable structure into lossy exhaustion. Consumables.

    The transaction with Falcao went well, and Richard promised to give him a exactly the same structure as Luofu, and promised to attach a powerful warfare reel. As compensation, in addition to making three pieces of magic material, there are an additional 200 magic crystals.

    This transaction can eventually be converted into 50,000 gold coins to buy a life or kill the enemy. This price makes both parties happy.

    The only accident is the magic scroll of the gift, when Richard explained the usage of the magic scroll, regardless of Falcao or Tiffman's face They are very exciting. With their eyesight, as with Luo Fu, it is a huge opportunity and a terrible trap. But in the end, Falcao took the reel. And Richard did not forget that he was innocent and said that if this little gift is not for his own use, he can also give it away.

     In contrast, Tiffman’s reaction was more direct than that of Luo Fu at the time and Falcao in front of him, showing an undisguised smile to Richard. .

    He saw that the purpose has been reached, so he smiled and said goodbye.

    When only Falcao and Tiffman were left in the room, the eyes of both people fell on the box at the center of the table. The lid is open, and the beautiful magic scroll lies quietly on the description of the faith, and the looming divine power proves its great value. The light of the magic light is also swaying at this time, letting the magic scroll revolve, full of deadly temptation.

    They all feel dry.

    After leaving, Richard really felt that sand drifting was a genius. The war scroll that she designed is a trap that people can't refuse. I know that the front is the abyss, but there are really not many people who can resist the jump, especially when they are on the line of life and death.

    The price of such a scroll of power is that Clark will contribute a week of divine power, and it will take three days for the sand to flow.

    How does the drift sand design this kind of magic scroll? This is no longer a genius to describe, and Richard has never knew anything about the power of God until now.

    If there is no sand, then this trip to Faro will definitely become a disaster.

    After patrolling the military camp and various followers, Richard began meditation again. The efficiency is still very high this time, and Richard finally found out the reason.