Sin City > Chapter VII Politics

Chapter VII Politics


    Raymond pale, cold sweat on his forehead, blood vessels between the neck After violent pulsation, he coughed for a while before he calmed his breath.

    At this time, the entrance hall of the transfer hall walked into a tall and majestic old man, and when he saw Raymond’s appearance, he immediately stepped up and said, “Raymond Would you like to find a pastor to come over?"

    Raymond shook his head weakly and said, "No! This time the portal is particularly fluctuating, rest. It will be fine for a while. The priest's magic.... I can't use it more. You don't have to worry about me, father! Time is limited, let's go to the war room first, let me tell you about the progress of this battle."

    The Joseph family's war room is spacious and high, and the center table is a high-end alchemy that can store up to nine holographic three-dimensional magic maps. In addition to the map of Noland's continent, the Joseph family has five exclusive planes. One day, the full potential of this alchemy table will be brought out, which is the dream of all Joseph.

    The waiter has moved in a high seat, which is dedicated to Raymond, which saves energy and overlooks the entire magic map. Raymond doesn't always need this seat, but it has increased significantly since it was recently used.

    After the two family mages injected magic, a map began to appear. They immediately retired. This is the highest secret of the Joseph family. They cannot watch it.

    Raymond inserts a message crystal into a dedicated slot at the desk, and the magic map changes instantly, with many cities, locations, and special locations marked. And there are knights, swordsmen, magicians, etc. that represent the corresponding units.

    Raymond used a special magic silver indicator stick, pointing at a vast river valley, saying: "The Alpha plane's July battle is over, we have achieved A decisive victory. Here, we reinvented the main force of the enemy coalition and occupied the rapids. This is the detailed process of this battle. First, I let the Sixth Light Cavalry Regiment bypass the Werewolf Valley and insert behind the coalition...."<布雷 />
    Raymond’s voice is very light, with a light cough in between, but in a gentle and gentle narrative, a gripping battle is shown on the magic sand table. . The two sides mobilized nearly 50,000 troops, and Raymond is still at a disadvantage. However, in this tug-of-war that lasted for more than a month, Raymond eventually dragged his opponent with unpredictable tactics and constant harassment, and completely defeated the enemy's main force. By the end of the campaign, the enemy coalition had killed more than 4,000 people and captured more than 15,000. Most of them were captured during the retreat.

    After this battle, the Joseph family advanced a large piece in the Alpha plane, a fertile land with more than half a million local residents. Into the territory, and got the throat of the Kala Pass. And to achieve such a brilliant result, Raymond's command is the first.

    The Duke of Joseph only swept a few eyes on the magic sand table, and looked at Raymond, his eyes full of complexity and anxiety. He knows Raymond's physical condition, and now it is a heavy burden to pass through the plane. If possible, he would rather use the Alpha plane to exchange Raymond's health.

    After finishing the July campaign, Raymond looked up and said confidently: "Father, no one can drive us out of the Alpha plane." However, several gods in this plane are still in trouble, and they may need to invest two more low-level sacrifices to prevent them from doing something crazy."

     "The sacrifice is not a problem." The Duke of Joseph sighed first, then slowly said: "Raymond, this time, you should stop going to other planes. Take a rest and stop worrying about these things. I I hope that in the next few years, you can easily do something you like to do. Those planes will be done by your brothers and sisters. They are not as good as you, but the stability can still be achieved. Really not, and me, you wouldn't think that I am too old to go to the exclusive plane?"

    Raymond coughed a few times before saying: "Father, our situation is not good. These years....cough, and the war with Archimonde consumes too much resources. Now we are completely outside the strong, and may not be able to support at any time. I can't... watch The family is like this. The progress of the plane war is very important. Our resources are really too few, especially the sacrifices. Although I have never asked you, I know very well that our sacrifice reserves have bottomed out. ...our opponent is Gordon, the future It may also be Richard, and these mad wars... Slow is death."

    The Duke of Joseph’s mouth moved and his back went back and forth in the room. Circle, finally made up his mind and said: "Raymond! You don't have to worry about the sacrifice. I have a little money on this old face. Several old friends have promised me and will help me with some sacrifices. This adds us ourselves. The inventory is enough to make two intermediate sacrifices! These two sacrifices are for you to go. If you have the grace of time, you will use it on your own! If you are lucky enough, you may have ten Extra years of extra life!"

    Raymond smiled and shook his head and said, "Father, you are confused. I am not in the physical condition." I know that the rapids of life have little effect on me. It just prevents the body from aging, but it can't cure the disease. Why waste my grace on me? We finally opened the situation in the Alpha plane and must try to avoid the plane. Direct intervention by the gods. Once the gods do not hesitate to pay the price, the good situation is not Will it be destroyed once? Is it necessary to re-establish the plane channel? As for me... It’s okay in the early years and years. As a member of Joseph, I am willing to contribute to the family. What I have given is nothing but storms. It’s just a body. No matter what you say, I won’t go to sacrifice.”

    Throwing here, Raymond is a violent cough, face The swelling is red, and the body is like a shrimp that is watery.

    The Duke of Joseph slammed his fist on the table and angered: "Do you want to cure your illness, isn't it a sacrifice for a high-level sacrifice? I can't get it?!"

    Raymond smiled and said, "One time? Father, you are impulsive. You should know, even if we have a high-level offer. Can the sacrifices of the offering receive the required grace?"

    The Duke of Joseph groaned, and finally sighed with great weight.

    The grace of the eternal and the dragon of time is limited to a certain extent. In the high sacrifice, this range can indeed be narrowed down to the most urgent of the sacrificer. The range of wishes, but often still contains hundreds of choices. The specific grace given will still be randomly selected from these hundreds of gods. Even the luckiest option of choosing one or three choices, but in the hundreds of gods, the desire to extract the few gods you need still needs luck.

    Either strength is ambiguous, or luck, or the old dragon is particularly fond of, this is the path to a particular grace.

     Regardless of the Duke of Joseph, or Raymond, it seems that luck is a little far away, otherwise, how can you get into an enemy like Gordon? When a generation of heroes rises, there will always be a lot of stepping stones.

    "Trying there is no harm." The Duke said with a smile, then he subconsciously said: "Maybe I should go to the Highness of Su Hailun, there must be enough sacrifices on her hands. Only interest is higher!" "

    Raymond cried and said, "Father, you are really confused! Don't you forget that Richard is from dark blue? I heard that His Highness Su Hailun is very kind to this student." Concerns, the joy given has created a record. And if it is not under the support of His Royal Highness, where is the Archimonde family or Gordon, so powerful sacrifices? What we have done in the past, etc. The most proud student of His Royal Highness is pushing in a desperate situation! Don't forget, we have not only changed the low-level coordinates that Richard was supposed to go, but also disturbed Gordon's search for Richard's sacrifice twice!" The priest of Joseph only sighed deeply and said bitterly: "In fact, if we didn't move the investigation, it might be better." After paying so much, but still have not been able to Richard is not dead set "

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;".!! Richard must not die, "Raymond is surprisingly strong. "He is not a genius in the ordinary sense, but a person who can change the whole situation of war! If he is just an ordinary builder, it is not worth our price. But he is not! I have seen his work. It is an indescribable feeling! His composition is unimaginably precise, full of imagination, breaking the rules, but in line with the rules. In short, his composition is soul, and his own soul, then It’s the volcano in the ice!”

    The more excited Raymond said, the more swelled the face, and finally coughed fiercely and had to interrupt the words. After all, he recovered and said: "If you let him grow up, we may even be expelled from Faust. In the history of Noland, in the history of Noland, who is the right person to do with the Holy Builder? "

    The Duke of Joseph frowned and said: "Licha should not come back. We have consumed the stock of sacrifices. But there is also Mensa..." Br />
    Speaking of this, the Duke of Joseph remembered something and suddenly stopped talking.

    "Menza..." Raymond sighed and said for a long time: "Father, we must be careful about Mensa. The Duke of Mensa is one of the few people I can't see through." One, but I know that his ambition is very big! If we think that he is older, his ambition will converge, that is a big mistake. So the war with Archimonde also needs to be restrained. So as not to be taken in by the Duke of Mensa. He...he is the most embarrassing wolf."

    The Duke of Joseph nodded.

    Raymond suddenly remembered something and said, "Yes, I almost forgot, how is the trap prepared for Gotton? Does his army have a departure? Counting time, it should be almost the same."

    The Duke of Joseph hesitated and said: "Just yesterday, Gotton led eight knights. With the Cavaliers' main force and the 40,000th army, they entered the Qiqi plane."

    Raymond was surprised and happy: "What about his portal?"

     "Fastly blown up. It's the same as the plan you've conceived." The Duke said calmly, but couldn't see much joy.

    "Great!" Raymond jumped up excitedly and said loudly: "Even if Gordon is more powerful, he can make a miracle again. Ten years! This decade is a crucial tenth for us! I hope that I can persist for so long. Of course, the bigger possibility is that he will never come back, and he will die in the ectopic face. After all, Qi Qi has now It is equivalent to a plane that has no eternal dragon temple and has not been discovered by Noland. Since this is the case, then I am not in a hurry to go back. There are many difficult guys in Archimonde, I stayed to deal with it. They, lest their dogs jump into the wall."