Sin City > Chapter 36 Revenge

Chapter 36 Revenge


    When the sand came out of the forest, Richard was already full of fighting spirit, and then I don't think that the main color of this plane always has a lingering ashes. However, he thought about it, but he felt that the relationship with the sand was full of accidents and accidents.

    Returning to Noland and the eve, that is, the promise made by Richard is also an agreement with Liusha.

    However, how come this step?

    Along the way, Richard has been thinking, but he has not been able to get the results. It seems that even his wisdom talent is not enough to answer this question, so that the mother’s nest is passed back. The message did not attract his attention.

    "There has been a sneak peek in the valley, and the food ran away two-thirds." This was news ten minutes ago.

     "The third batch of fast beasts will continue to follow me to improve predation efficiency." Five minutes ago.

    "Found the white-backed demon bear nest." A minute ago the news.

    He did not notice that the efficiency of the nest’s foraging seems to have increased significantly, and that Richard will only be notified when there are a large number of difficult targets to deal with. The news. Perhaps as the mother's nest said, this mountainous area does not have its natural enemies.

    After returning to his own camp, Richard finally put out the fire that was too low. However, this feeling is very uncomfortable, making him sleepy, simply continue to study the map. After a small twist this night, Richard suddenly felt that his ideas were broadened, and his eyes began to move back and forth on a series of small towns on the map.

    Times flow quietly, although Richard and quicksand are doing nothing, but Oral seems to be aware of something, no longer in the next few days. I was entangled with Gao’s mistress, but occasionally he used his chance to pay for it, giving her more food, and Richard only saw it.

    At noon on the third day, Marvin returned to the lakeside camp, and the structure of the Baron Castle of Fossa was an unexpected achievement for Richard. Even if this fallen priest is a bad pastor, it seems that it is not useless at this time. Obviously, it is a good hand in conspiracy and communication negotiations. After thinking for a moment, Richard decided to ask him to bring a letter of introduction from Sir Cokat to the Baron Fontaine to test whether he could get in touch with the Duke of the Wolf and to seek further contact.

     On the fourth day, Gangde brought back a message that Richard had been waiting for. Baron Fossa not only refused to pay the ransom for the family of the High Jazz, but also hanged a descendant of the sentiment sent by Richard to the public. The corpse was hung high at the entrance of Jovan Town, and a prominent bulletin board was set up next to it. The warning was written in the blood of the blush: the person on the gallows was the end of all those who dared to collude with the ectopic face devil. .

    This news was spread in the temporary camp in a blink of an eye, and the women and children who were imprisoned immediately cried, and several knights screamed and screamed. Let them calm down. The descendants all had different faces, but they were mostly silent and silent. Few people whispered, and their place was filled with a desperate repressive atmosphere. They are not brave and fearless people, or they will not be in front of the enemy. But now there is no way to retreat. At this time, I think of the baron and the terrorist forces of the Count of Galleon. They are naturally unmanned.

    "Head, what should I do now?" Gangde asked casually, not minding that his volume could be spread throughout the camp.

    "What should I do? What can I do?" Richard laughed and said, "Of course, it is a lesson for Fossa that he can't stand it! By the way. Then give us some noble and beautiful ladies to find some companions!"

    He immediately assigned the task, leaving only two stepping knights and ten descendants The soldiers guarded the prisoners of the human nature, and the rest of the people took them and left the camp. The first destination is the town of Jovan, the oldest soldier who is the most familiar with the terrain. As the march progressed, the team was surprisingly silent, and almost everyone felt the unusual determination and murder of Richard.

    But the person who knows Richard knows that he is definitely not angry because of the death of the descendant, because Richard sent it when he sent the soldiers to send the letter. Foreseeing this possible outcome. Then where did his change start?

    This is almost an unsolved question.

    Follow the team, there are a total of nine fast beasts. Looking at these awkward World of Warcraft silently marching around, it is just that Gangde has some unnaturally collapsed muscles. The most casual thing is the sand and water. The sands know the origin of the nest, and the splashes don't feel hostile from these beasts.

    At 9 o'clock in the evening, it is the time when most residents of remote towns go to sleep. The pub restaurant in the town of Jovan is still very lively, but most of the houses have been turned off. Some people who do not have a good night's sleep habits, these days also close the door early to turn off the lights.

     Now in the town of Jovan, there are nearly 100 warriors in the baron. These over-extended fighters are incompetent in dealing with the ectopic devil, but they are particularly proficient in bullying the people. Now the owner of the town of Jovan is not only missing, but even his family has been robbed. So in fact, the town of Jovan has no lords, and everyone who has become a block can take a bite of fat.

     The core of the aristocratic system is that the people need to do their duty to the lord, and the lord also has the responsibility to protect the people.

    When the killing and screams resounded again, more than one person in the town of Jovan remembered the words of Richard: "When I come back again Don't let me down. "The sound is still in the ear, but no one thinks that Richard will come back so fast. However, unlike when he first arrived, some people felt a little relaxed this time. If they didn't feel too arrogant, maybe some people would feel happy, at least see the soldiers who have got a bad lesson.

     Nearly a hundred soldiers still pose some threats to Richard in terms of quantity, although they are just ordinary warriors, not even a sealed knight, the captain also It is only six levels, but the arms are still relatively complete. Archers and infantry. If you can play the role of the town's defense facilities, it will cause some trouble to the intruders. However, in fact, even this little obstacle does not exist, they did not seriously guard, more than half of them in the town's bar restaurant indifference to drink, when Richard took his murderous rush into the town of Jovan, this A small part of the batch of soldiers did not even have the ability to escape.

    A massacre.

    After a while, one hundredth of the soldiers were captured, one third were killed, and the other third were scattered, just as Richard issued an attack order. As expected. Now he feels more and more fluent about the battlefield. As long as the amount of information is sufficient, the trend will never deviate too far.