Okushi Shrine > Chapter 81—Time flies

Chapter 81—Time flies

    In April 827, the Rantart Breeze and 煦, ** bright. .

    Heidi imitates her idol, Her Majesty Natasha, dressed in a neat female costume, sitting in the black teahouse on the street of Rose Avenue. Admire the soothing piano music while watching the Arcane and Magic Guide on the table.

     After the Southern Church was expelled, the terms of arcane, magic, alchemy and so on were getting deeper and deeper into the people, and many people could not understand the profound arcane theory. There is no outstanding magical talent, but also curious about this mysterious field with infinite charm.

    And, with the increasing number of general schools and Buffalo schools, with the growing number of ordinary people who know the words, "The Voice of Mystery" Some people who are eager to learn more deeply can't satisfy the "World Reality" channel. They have a lot of interesting things about the Arcane and the Magic World. For the famous Arcanists and magicians, there are musicians and playwrights. worship.

    In their lives, whoever can discuss the most cutting-edge arcane realms will be considered very fashionable and very cool, even if it’s just hanging on the mouth Those words that make people dizzy and do not understand the specific meaning at all.

    So, the popular version of "Ariel and Impressions" such as "Ariel and Magic Herald" came into being, the circulation was unexpectedly good, according to The news of several aristocratic friends of Heidi, many aristocrats want to follow the style of the newspaper.

    The Piaget black tea took a sip, and Heidi looked at the newspaper leisurely:

     "After the 'Atomic Control', Lord Lucien Evans proposed a method to quantify the electromagnetic field to solve the radiation problem, Mr. Annick and Sprint called it "secondary quantization" and applied it. Promoted to the electronic system, and achieved excellent results, the two very young people who got the Holm Crown Ring and the Silver Moon Medal for the electronic spin model once again showed their talents."

    Seeing this article that did not involve any specific theory, Heidi licked his lips, although he could keep up with Annick and Sprint in the microscopic field. Progress can also understand these complicated theories, but there is no way to be as outstanding as them. Only a few can't talk about the shocking results, but the research in the field of "artificial intelligence" is very effective.

    In many conversations with teachers, in countless thoughts and experiments, myself and Cherie, Lovi, and Ophelia on "artificial intelligence" The preliminary design direction has a general plan, which was dubbed by the teacher as "Heidi-Celi's artificial intelligence system."

    The corresponding alchemy products are prepared with the help of Katrina and Reyia’s material knowledge, and the magic crystallography established by Hathaway and Helen Under the guidance of the teacher, under the influence of the teacher's "thinical thinking", with the help of many magical magics, under the joint research of hundreds of other similar field arcane masters, after more than a year of hard work, there is already The most basic thing is to turn the previously designed tube into a smaller and simpler transistor.

    "But the current arcane theory can't completely explain the principle of the transistor. It can only be manufactured and applied by magic. The requirements for the magic level are very high. There is no way to popularize and apply. Is it possible to continue the tube for the time being?" Heidi lifted his right hand and pinched his hair, deeply troubled by this problem.

    Thinking of yourself is because of this problem, I just picked up a task and went to Renttat. Heidi decided not to indulge for a while, so he forced his thoughts back and continued. Looking at the contents of the Arcane and Magic Guide:

    " 'The Arcane Emperor', Douglas, published two solutions to the Evans Gravitational Field Equation, which One solution describes a large number of substances concentrated in a special celestial state formed by space. It will form a 'vision' around it. Once it enters, even light can't escape. It is the most terrifying celestial phenomenon, which can swallow everything. It is a 'black hole'."

    "And another solution is a supplement to this solution, describing a charged black hole formed by a charged substance, and the previous 'black hole' 'It’s neither charged nor rotated...”

    “Black hole?” Heidi talked to himself as a close to a high-level Arcanist. As a student of the Arcanist, she knows more than this newspaper, "President It is also believed that the main star of destiny corresponding to the black hole is the reason why the fateless people appear. They are not really unmarked. They can be determined through indirect observation of the phenomenon... The secret of the teacher’s fate seems to be because of this? He has the main star of ordinary destiny. And a binary system consisting of black holes?"

    Although there is no way to really make a black hole, Douglas can certainly simulate in his own cognitive world, and then project it to produce extraordinary effects. Lucien, as the builder of the field equation, naturally has similar benefits.

    At this time, a few young people who looked like the students of the nearby Fifth General School read the newspaper whispered: "The storm dominates Lord Fernando." Revealing his own findings, the electronic curse rays in the decay of elements have signs of energy non-conservation, and the spectrum is continuous, not quantized..."

    " Based on this, he speculated that in the process, accompanied by the electronic curse ray, there is also an uncharged tiny particle, which is a new particle different from other elementary particles. He is called a neutrino and conjectures the possible state of the atomic nucleus decay. , pointing out that the last of the four fundamental forces that have not yet been discovered should be contained in this process..."

    "It's really amazing, just through some experimental phenomena I dare to boldly predict a new substance, the arcane master is so cool..." The students whispered about this matter, and the arcane masters seemed to them to be the gods who controlled the laws of the world, and through these Nature's surname regular guidance and pre- Everything.

    Heidi smiles and looks at them, just like watching himself when he was fourteen or five years old. At that time, he also felt that the magician was very mysterious and powerful, so he was very yearning. Into the endless ocean of arcane research, turned her head, she looked at the watch and found that there was still some time, so she continued to look at the "Arcane and Magic Guide."

    " 'Elemental Dominator' Lord Hathaway and 'The Storm Master', Fernando, announced their initial decay of elements combined with current micro-domain research and reverse cracking Theory, of course, only a rough theory, no detailed magical structure... They shared the third Evans Arcane Award and the Holm Crown Award for this outstanding contribution... This has found a new energy direction for us, too Deep into the mystery of creation."

    " 'Iceland Witch' Helen and the 'Elemental Dominator' Heather Wei once again published their research paper on crystal Their in-depth research in this field over the past two years has established an excellent system... It is expected to receive the fourth Evans Arcane Award..."

    " Lord Ravendi, Lord Morris, Mr. Gaston and other arcans have a double breakthrough in the study of the synthesis of living matter...

    " Mr. Dieppe, Mr. Larry and Mr. Yurisian each The relativistic treatment of the Oliver-Brook wave equations was made, but they also admitted that their attempts failed, neither meeting the current experiments nor deducing the strange results of negative energy..."

    " Mr. Felipe submitted standard textbooks in the field of human anatomy, which laid a good foundation for the emerging hospital system..."

  ;   The "Arcane and Magic Guide" is almost the introduction of some of the most cutting-edge research results, but even so, it is full of several editions, which makes people look dazzling, fully illustrating the years of Olympics. The leaps and bounds of the development of technology have shown the golden age of the results, reflecting the madness of the rhythm of the era that makes the magicians breathless.

    " Twenty legendary magicians, and finally surpassed the previous one..." Heidi read the newspaper, but inexplicably remembered this matter, the development of the microscopic field, the study of general relativity, began to bear fruit, "silver gray The miser, Morris and the "astrologer" Annonis both promoted.

    Heidi folded the newspaper and put it in front of him, shaking his head in secret: "Only good News? Over the past year, there have been many arcane divisions who have been stagnant due to the principle of probability interpretation and uncertainty, just like Lord Donald..."

     I didn’t think about the meaning behind “quantum” for the time being. During this time, most of the arcane masters treated Lucien’s “Quantum Mechanics and New Alchemy Foundation” with pragmatism. Unbelievable, because it not only explains most of the experiments in the past, but also promotes the development of the micro-domain, accurately predicts a lot of things, and the attitude of many arcans has changed.

    The debate about these three principles, in the journals, has been constant in various meetings, Douglas, Brooke, Fernando, Oliver and others continue to put forward the idea of ​​verifying the false, and continue to be Lucy En pointed out the mistakes and places that were not considered well. Later, the Arcanists who supported the three principles of Lucien also joined the debate.