Okushi Shrine > Chapter 100 Roaring Lucien

Chapter 100 Roaring Lucien

    The sun's rays pass through the thick clouds, over the bright glass, and shine on the astrological picture hanging from the study, leaving a pale yellow light. Halo, and bright.

    Nesica’s young female student Samantha is still the look that you owe me 10,000 arcane points: "Teacher, you want to participate Is there a small discussion tomorrow morning?"

     "Of course, why not? I want to defame Levski and Lucien Evans, I want the committee to stop accepting this worthless paper!" Nesika said angrily and sharply.

    Samantha nodded lightly, completely disregarding the teacher’s anger: "Then I told your coachman to be ready tomorrow morning, don't be late again." Br />
    When she finished, she turned around with a stack of documents, leaving Nesika to look at the paper herself.


    In the villa surrounded by flowers, Milina stood in front of the mirror. Looking at the corners of the eyebrows, I was angered, and there were a few shredded papers lying under my feet, and I lowered my voice and said: "Lu Xien? Evans..."

   ;   In her view, the tower geometry is the only geometry, there is no new geometry that is essentially different from it. Levsky’s paper is full of shallow and can be seen at a glance because it The real world is against, and such a paper has got Lucien? Evans is so highly appraised, what genomic revolution in the geometric field, what creates a surname, breaks the surname, popularizes the surname, and has a discussion of the surname, will play an important role, is simply nonsense, upside down black and white, trying to put a pile of cow dung Disguised as a cream.

    This is undoubtedly playing his own face, playing all the towers to study the face of the arcane masters of mathematics, the field of mathematics, the result of this evaluation There are only a handful! Even if I got the result of the Arcane Scepter, I didn't get such a high rating!

    When leaving the mirror, Mirina walked to the bookshelf, took out several papers she had published, and combined the ideas in it, and wrote a new one. paper.

     After writing, she wrote the topic at the front of the paper: "On Parallel Lines."

    As a rigorous mathematician and astrologer, she never engages in unprepared battles!

    Others have received the alchemy life to send past papers and assessment results in the field of mathematical domain, after reading about it, there are similar to Nesika and Miri Na's emotions and reactions, when accused of criticizing Levski's thesis also had their contribution, they still held a negative attitude towards this reasoning and interpretation of the reasoning.


    In the morning, the haze disappears for several days, and the sky is transparent and clear. .

    Lu Xien leisurely arranged his black double-breasted long dress, white shirt and light yellow vest in front of the mirror. After tens of seconds, carefully look at it. Confirm that you are dressed properly and meticulously, just smile and look at yourself in the mirror: "Today, I have to change my style of acting."

    When finished, Lucy En took out the Holm crown ring "element", "electronic", "origin", methodically placed on the right thumb, middle finger, little finger, lavender, azure, clear and radiant radiance, like a dream, Unusually eye-catching.

     Then, Lucien took out the night sky as deep, six silver stars with an arcade badge, holding the auditor's badge of the feather pen, and wearing it on the left chest.

    At the same time, the position of the right chest of the black double-breasted long dress, which was transformed from the immortal throne magic weapon, highlights a vivid mark, which is supported by a white bone. Gorgeous throne.

    Almost all members of the Arcane Review Board have received the highest honors in their best areas, but like Lucien, they have won three awards in the field. Many of the rings still belong to a minority. Today, in addition to the teacher Fernando, the only ones who have participated in the small-scale mathematics conference are the two fields, which have won two awards, so even if they don’t take out the Ice and Snow Medal, they can overwhelm them. The only problem is that there is no "Arcane Scepter" that symbolizes the authority of mathematics. It seems that it is a bit professional.

    All the way through the street quietly, enter the magic tower of the parliament headquarters, board the lift, to the fifteenth floor, Lu Xien walked to the scheduled meeting room without hesitation.

     "Evans Commissioner?" Just about to push the conference room door, Lucien heard a hoarse male voice.

     Turn around and see that a magical robe is quite old, or a middle-aged man of a style more than a decade ago is standing in a nearby balcony with a bit of uncertainty. On top of it, a gray-white ordinary cigarette was caught in the hand, and a few cigarettes appeared.

    "Mr. Levsky?" Lucian probably guessed who he was. "How didn't you go in?"

     Levsky's yellow bird's nest-like hair was slightly trimmed, making himself look so stupid and decadent. He smiled bitterly: "I will be accused by six members of the irony as soon as I enter, so still Waiting outside for the meeting, and I was a little nervous, just taking the smoke to calm down."

    Because of the abdomen of the previous period, he was affirmed It seems a little easier, and I can express my meaning smoothly.

    Lu Xien understands his situation and gently smiles: "So are you ready? Ready to face their indifference, slander and attack, to them Show your new geometry?"

    Levsky has a bit of pain in his face, not confident: "I am ready, but they ...... I once talked about my thesis in front of all the arcane masters who are good at mathematics in the tower. It was the first time to propose a new geometric concept. Unfortunately, they did not respond, did not discuss, did not believe, except indifference and scorn. , ridicule and sniper, or indifference, scorn, ridicule and sniper, I am afraid that I will be tired of Evans committee members."

    "My new geometry for you I am very confident in learning, so I am not afraid of any attack." Lucien used his own attitude to give Levs a gas.

    Levsky is excited again. The hardest thing in life is to understand yourself and understand who you insist on and understand your results: "Thank you, Evans." Commissioner, you are the first person to accept my new geometry, and I have given such a high rating directly. Even I have not described my paper so much. Thank you, thank you..."
< Br />    He is a magician who is addicted to the arcane world. He is not good at words, and he only has a thank you and a slight trembling.

    At this time, Fernando, who was dragging the red magic robe to the ground, went to the conference room and signaled the two to go in.

     "Good morning, teacher, you are still here." After seeing Levsky sit down, Lucien greeted Fernando at the door of the conference room.

    Fernando is a serious expression of serious things: "I read his paper, although it violated the intuitive experience and understanding, but a little interesting, a bit interesting."

    Sure enough, it never dominates the storm of the people.

    In the conference room, in addition to Lucien, there are six members, fifteen or six people who held similar seminars in other large fields, and the field of mathematics There are fewer committee members.

    Although many members are good at multiple fields, they can attend different discussion meetings. For example, Lucien can participate in elements and heat, but mathematics is just a tool. It does not directly bring about changes in the cognitive world and the improvement of magical power. There are not many members who are willing to delve into this field and become an authority. Even if various reasons are not given, the entire committee is qualified to examine only the mathematical papers. Nine.

    "Commission of Evans, I am Nesika." Nesika wearing a gray top hat greeted Lucien without a smile, only However, after seeing the three rings of Lucien’s right hand and the immortal throne of the right chest, his white long eyebrows moved slightly, and the subconscious swayed the black scepter in his hand, deep in the right to contain countless mysteries. Rod.

    Mirina and others also got up and met with Lucien, and the attitude was not good, but it was not bad. After all, the special adviser who presided over and supervised the meeting today was a storm. Dominating Fernando, arrogantly picking the wrong, not sympathetic, and most importantly, he is the teacher of Lucien! No one wants to scream like a storm outside of academics!

    "This kind of hat is really not suitable for the female surname." Lucien sighed, deliberately sat on the other side of the long table, opposite the six members.

    Fernando hates nonsense the most, straightforwardly: "For Levski's paper "Geometric Principles and Strict Proof of Parallel Line Theorem", Nesica Commissioner Mr. Milina and Evans have the opposite assessment results, so we convened this small seminar to make a final ruling on Levsky's paper. Next, Levsky explained his paper, everyone. Members can raise their hands and ask questions."

    Levsky silently picked up the paper and walked to the magic platform in front of the conference room, just stepping out a few steps, suddenly When I got to the chair, I made a loud voice and stumbled and fell almost.

    "Oh." "Hey." Nesika, Milina and other people laughed and sneered, and Levsky quickly Red.

    Efforts to calm down their own confusion, Levsky used the magic array to magnify and project his own papers, and began to explain his own publicity, reasoning and deduction.

     "Mr. Nesika, what's the problem?" Levsky said after a deductive conclusion, was interrupted by Nesika.

    Nessica holds his deep black scepter's scepter, indifference and anger: "You tell me why the three inner corners of the triangle are smaller than One hundred and eighty degrees?"

     "This is based on the previous axioms and public deductions." Levsky pointed to the deductions that had been said before.

     Nesika coldly said: "Then you find a triangle model like this."

     "This..." Levsky said that it is a logical derivation of pure mathematics, not dependent on the real thing.

    Nessica spits out a word and a word, and seems to want to express the anger in his heart: "If you can't find it, contrary to reality, then prove your paper." No value, completely wrong!"

    When he finished, he sat down directly and did not give Levsky an opportunity to explain.

    Levsky has been beaten by the frost, but he still tried to raise his head, with an unfriendly look below Confronted, then inspired by Lucien’s smiling nod.

    Fernando raised his hand: "Continue to explain."

    So Levski took a deep breath Tone, explain below, after a while, Milina raised her hand.

    "Ms. Milina, do you have any questions?" Levsky found himself trembled, and after so many years of experience, let him guess that Milina wanted What to ask.

    Mirina is an arcane scepter with many stars-like gems in her hand, she sneered: "Levsky, tell me why the same line Vertical lines and slashes do not necessarily intersect."

    "This is the previous director who came..." Levsky was somewhat powerless, and he saw Lucy. I couldn't help but shake my head. This time I need momentum and I need to overwhelm others' confidence.

    Mirina picks up a stack of papers in front of him, smiles converging, with a touch of anger: "Please make such a line, or find it Realistic model!"

    "I haven't found it yet..." Levsky replied honestly and in a blow, "From the premise and logic, it doesn't Question."

    "This is your problem, you forgot that we live in the real world, not imagined!" Milina relentlessly Blame, then read his own thesis, discussing the inconsistent surnames of Levski's geometry and reality experience and intuitive understanding.

     Each of her arguments seems to be like a dagger who is thrown at Levsky, and he is "bloody", his face turned white and "shaky."

     "My opinion is over." Mirina said indifferently, no longer looking at Levsky, as if he was a clown, deliberately making exaggerations A clown that eccentric papers draw attention to others.

    Levski got the enthusiasm of Lucien, and the voice weakened and talked about the latter.

    One member raised his hand from time to time to ask questions, some distorted Levski’s meaning to prove his fallacy, and some used the method of Milina et al. Refuted on the basis of reality, because this problem has lasted for more than ten years, their tone is involuntarily brought with a bitter and faint malicious, which makes Levsky's face more and more pale.

     However, in such a harsh environment, Levsky still insisted on explaining his thesis, without giving up, no anger.

    Returning to the seat, Levsky closed his eyes and seemed to be able to foresee the final final ruling. His paper still lacked a strong model proof. Open your eyes, look at Lucien, give him a sorry look, and hurt you, Evans committee.

    "When Levsky explained, members such as Nesika and Milina have already questioned and given their opinions and arguments. The Evans committee member who has not spoken yet tells why he gave high praise.” Fernando turned to Lucian and signaled him to come on stage to explain.

    Lu Xien sorted out the collar and took a stack of documents to the podium. The pace was steady and he was not busy.

    "Evans Committee, if I were you, I would not insist, I understand your love for subversion, but still respect the basics. Reality.” Nesika suddenly said, if Lucian’s teacher is not dominated by the storm, he will never be so polite.

    Lu Xien smiled and looked at him: "I only respect the truth."

    No matter the expression or In tone, the committee members can see that the truth in his mouth refers to Levsky's thesis, so Milina smiled softly, but without a slight smile, cold and cold like the cold wind in the depths of the North:" Committee member Evans, I don’t think you know that if an audit committee makes an obvious, intentional, and unreasonable mistake in reviewing the paper, he will be disqualified."

  ;    "This sentence is what I want to say to you." Lucien stood on the podium, his smile was dull, but his words were never soft.

    Boom, as if there is something in the heart, a member of the field of digits is full of anger, is this accusing us of attacking us?

    Fernando blinked and wondered that his elegant and courteous student would say such a provocative discourse. He was secretly a bit abnormal. It seems that some people are in trouble...

    "Evans Commissioner, you still want to think about how to transform the imaginary geometry into reality. Another female surnamed member, Marpel, ridiculed that she looks ordinary, old-fashioned, with a gray top hat, like the old nun of the church.

    Black hair is messy, it seems that I don’t really like to take care of my middle-aged man Sarguero’s left thumb and index finger to pinch his face, the voice is low and quiet: I would like to know why you, Evans, why you refer to Levsky's paper as the calculus revolution in the field of geometry. What is your reason? Can you prove that he is correct?"

   ;   "You have no results in the field of mathematics, I seriously doubt your ability to review this paper." The first to speak Nesika directly questioned Lucien's mathematical standards.

    I was irritated by the words of Lucien, and one of the members became a fighting cock.

    Lu Xien raised his hand and pressed his voice, and his voice was loud: "For my questioning of mathematics, please submit it to the committee after I have explained it."

    Then he snarled and said: "From now on, everything except the paper disappears. You are an audit committee member, not a child!"

    There was a sudden roar and the meeting room briefly became quiet.

    Lu Xien looked around the conference room and nodded to Levsky, then screamed: "When I tell the reason, I don't allow questions, not allowed. Interrupted, all the questions have been told and put together, but when I tell, I will ask questions, please answer honestly, the badge of the committee and the starry sky above your chest!"

    "Since everyone has no objections, then it is agreed." Lu Xien looked at the teacher to dominate the storm.

    Fernando said with a face: "The next step is to follow the Evans committee."

     Then Lucien turned and smashed the magical array, so that only the original axioms and public works were shown on the projection::

    "Nessica Commissioner, I Ask you, are these axioms and public wrong?"

    Nesica Conditional Reflex: "This is different from the real world."

    "Nesika Committee, forget the sunshine outside, forget the world outside, forget the content behind this paper, you honestly answer, are these axioms and public mistakes? Lu Xien screamed.

    Nesica was suppressed by Lucien’s momentum and looked carefully. This is not the five axioms, four public buildings, and columns of the tower geometry. The hypothesis proposed by Kasper, then nodded and replied: "The axioms and public works in front have no errors, but the last one is ridiculous."

    "This is a counter-evidence law, you Don't you know the counter-evidence?" Lu Xien once again shouted.

    White eyebrows shook a bit, and Nesika couldn’t make himself a foolish idiot, a fool who had never studied mathematics: "There is no problem."

    "Do you think there is a mistake? If you have the courage to stand up!" Lucien is like a class at a magic school, facing a magician apprentice. .

    How could this be wrong, the other members shook their heads.

    Therefore, Lucien once again projected a few lines of content, which is really Levsky's thesis.

     "Mr. Milina, do you think there is a premise and a logical mistake in this reasoning?" Lucien looked at Milina with stern eyes.

    Mirina got up and sneered: "This is different from reality, can't find..."

     "Forget them! I said forget them! Just consider the assumptions and logical deductions, just consider pure mathematics!" Lucien roared and interrupted Milina's words. "Tell me, this reasoning is logical." Wrong?"

    Mirina was snarled to make a decision, how to refute it, carefully deducted it, and shook his head: "There is no logical error. And loopholes, no other equivalence propositions are used as axioms."

    "Good." Lucien signaled her to sit down and then project a few more lines. "Mr. Marple, do you think there is a premise and a logical mistake in this reasoning?"

    In this way, Lu Xi’an’s inquiry, once and for all The roaring, let the committee members forget other factors again and again, only considering the simple axioms and logical deductions.

    Being roaring, listening to the questions, answering the mistakes, the faces of members such as Nesika gradually became a little blue, and the forehead seemed to have a little bit of cold sweat. Levsky was rejuvenated, as if Lu Xi's every roar, every reply of the committee members was giving him confidence and joy, and Fernando nodded thoughtfully.

    With the last few lines of the paper projected, Lucien looked to Nesika, and his voice was low: "Nessica, there is no logic in this paragraph." Deductive loopholes, there are no errors in the assumptions."

    Nesika clasped his hands, faintly feeling the wetness of his palm, he swallowed a spit, no Dare to mention the reality, a little trembling: "No loopholes, no mistakes."

    "Good, no loopholes, no errors." Lucien looked at six A committee member seems to be talking to himself.

    Suddenly, he growled with the loudest sound, as if the storm was coming:

     There is no error in the place, then you tell me where this paper is wrong?!"

    Milina was shocked and subconsciously replied: "With our intuitive understanding and practical experience..."

    "Throw them out of your mind!" Lucien snarled and interrupted. "Tell me, from a purely mathematical point of view, from the assumptions and logical deductions, where is it wrong?"

     "Where is the fault?"

    Nesica, Milina and others are silent, I don't know how to answer, not to mention reality, not to mention experience, lack No preconditions and logical errors were found.

    Levsky clenched his hands tightly, his head slightly lifted, his eyes closed, his face full of complex emotions, joyful and sad, painful and hopeful .

     "The roar of Lucien Evans is really dominated by the storm, and it is worthy of his students."

      "Is it a storm master?"

    I don’t know why, Mirina’s head is not thinking about refutation, but suddenly These thoughts came out.

    Fernando shook his head and said to himself with a funny voice: "I don't have an illegitimate child."

     Lucien saw his momentum so that they could not organize the counterattack for a while, so they pursued the victory, put another paper in the hand into the magic array, and then adjusted the magic array to show it together with Levsky's thesis.

    " "An attempt to explain the geometry of non-towers"..." Milina saw the title of the paper and then read it.

    Thesis page shows, but instead of replacing the previous content, it is around the conference room, and the sheets are displayed side by side.

    Nesika licked his brow and wondered: "The differential geometry used..."

    Mr. Marper, Salgueiro and other members also read it, read and read, their faces became pale, a drop of cold sweat slipped from their foreheads, and their hands almost got unstable feather pens.

    "This is..." Levski jumped up as if to see the magic goddess appear in front of himself, this is his new geometric model! This is a "hyperbolic" model that exceeds normal imagination and intuitive understanding! This is the most powerful proof!

    He cried silently, and truly saw the rise of the sun, the darkness faded, and the hope came!

    Suddenly, another paper appeared, quite simple, it proved the Levski geometry and the tower geometry on the unit circle with the concept of projection. Compatible, if the tower geometry is established, Levski geometry is also established!

    Concise deduction, wonderful proof, full of mathematical beauty, no more than it is more impressive than the evidence of Nesika and other members!

    I am not wrong, I have been on the right path! Levsky screamed in his heart.

    At this time, Lucien’s voice whispered softly in their ears: “As we all know, we can only see light in a certain frequency range, beyond this. Scope, we can not directly feel, can only rely on other tools to judge, and other tools also have limits."

    Because of the need for pre-mathematics Some of the results did not come out. Lucien was self-derived and gave it by himself. It was a bit more complicated than the original one, but it did not prevent Milina and other members from understanding. They watched and heard the words of Lucien, full of doubts. What does he say about this now?

     "So, in a specially arranged scene, our eyes will be deceived due to their own limitations, creating hallucinations, which is the principle of partial illusion."

    Although doubts, Nesika, Levski and others all nodded, which is correct.

    Lu Xien continued to voice softly and said: "The same, our ears are the same, beyond a certain range of sound waves can not be heard, will be disturbed, It will produce auditory hallucinations."