Okushi Shrine > Chapter 22—Indifferent

Chapter 22—Indifferent

     "From the perspective of molecular motion, the introduction of probability and entropy into the formula, Lucian Evans's paper is a complete analysis of the formula behind The meaning of this solves the problem that plagues the Arcanists. It has the law of thermal radiation with arcane meaning. It is the achievement of breaking the surname and plays an important role in improving the related magic of the thermal system. It is of great value." Br />
    Writing here, the action of Chloe’s pen paused, and then could not help but write: “But the premise of this paper has not been confirmed. It is best not to think deeply about the arcane meaning of the Evans constant when using the Arcanists. Just use it as a normal constant for this, and solve the problem through it. It is possible to explain it otherwise. Panic, this is just a hypothesis."

    The first half of the sentence is the standard arcane auditory tone, while the emphasis on scribbled and unwritten language is exposed. The fear hidden in the heart of Loy.

     "Integrating the above evaluation, I suggest: rewarding forty-five arcane points and four hundred arcane points."

    This kind of reward exceeds Lucian's paper on brainwave, which reflects the importance of the arcane masters to the establishment of the formula, at least before the other analysis, this is the only answer that can explain the problem. However, compared with the periodic table and synthetic urea, the rewards appear to be too small, which appropriately shows the fear, disgust and disregard of the orthodox hypothesis of the orthodox archaeologists such as Chloe, especially in it. Confirmed case.

    If the theory that does not explain this formula is Chloe's own, this assessment may be much lower.

    ............ An office belonging to the Arcane Review Board, decorated with luxurious luxury, with brown carpets on the ground and opposite the mainland. Magic lights, the walls are engraved with fine reliefs, and the corners of the rooms are private bars. On the wine rack behind the bar is a bottle of precious aged wine, Les Wines from the Vatican Principality, Bernese wines, gold rums from the ancient kingdom of Syrah, and black plums from the Shahran Empire. Wine, Jin Laijia.

     Behind the desk, a lady with a burgundy hair, while drinking a golden spirit, she arbitrarily flipped through the title of the paper to decide herself. Which one is assessed and which is handed over to the student and the coordinator for review.

    She looks beautiful, sipping her spirits, the more she drinks her eyes, the brighter she is, the less drunk.

    ""The distribution of energy in the blackbody spectrum?"" The seven-level arcane division of the Palmera Lodge, the eight-ring magician Sonya used a little hoarse The voice of the voice, while contemplating to himself, "is the interpretation of the blackbody radiation formula in the latest issue of "Arcane"?"

    As a snow and ice The authority of the magic field, Sonya is very important to the formula of heat radiation, not only the high temperature magic is involved in heat radiation, ice and snow magic is related to heat radiation, and she has enough arcane level to explore the hidden behind the formula The law of inclusion, so this time has been entangled in this puzzle, did not return to the North.

     At the same time, she also initially found the direction, which is based on the theory of Chloe.

    But in the absence of Lucien’s complete story, she needs to overcome the difficulties and solve many problems, at least one or two weeks to complete. This hard work, at this time, after seeing the title of this paper, she subconsciously associates her own research.

    So, Sonya opened the paper and saw that the author was a "five-level arcian, five-ring magician Lucien Evans? X" More certain.

    "He solved a few problems that you are bothered by so quickly?" Sonya muttered herself and curiously read it and saw After the beginning of the same angle as she thought, she smacked her whistle and poured a sip of spirits. "What is this? Every wise man of the Arcane always has the same opinion!" "

    Reading and reading, the smug smile on Sonya's face gradually solidified.

     "If the formula is to be established, it must be assumed that the emission and absorption of energy are discontinuous, but one copy."

    "It’s really a hypothetical hypothesis that the Archaic Masters speculate... Lucien Evans, he really dares to think..." Sonya’s lips are squatting, and countless thoughts are ups and downs, I don’t know if it’s angry, ironic, or Vague fear.

    The extreme cold, the cognitive world where countless black spots are slow, set off a more intense blizzard.

    However, Sonya’s repeated emphasis on the five major arcans in the Arcane Journal is not completely unacceptable, anyway, it’s just one Assumptions, so continue reading.

     Gradually, the temperature in the office has dropped a lot, and a thin layer of condensed on the carpet, on the table, and in any place without magical array protection. Frost.

     On the wine rack, the surface of the bottle of gold rum, black mers, etc. is covered with a dense layer of water droplets, and quickly whitened and solidified.

     "There is a complete explanation of the arcane meaning of the formula!" Sonya failed to restrain herself, and said the surprise in her heart, the voice is very resounding.

    With a strong fear, she looks back at the line of text:

    "If you want the formula To be established, it must be assumed that the emission and absorption of energy are discontinuous, but one copy."

    She muttered in her mouth: "That is Say, this assumption may hold!"

    "No! How could energy be discontinuous!" Sonya grabbed the quill, according to the angle provided by Lucien And the method begins to derive itself.

    With the deepening of the derivation process, there was heavy snow in the room, and the cold wind was blowing. Sonya, which is close to the 9th Ring, is in the cognitive world. When the situation is shaken and the mental strength is slightly out of control, it has already initially affected the surrounding environment, but it is not enough scary and the scope is not big enough.

    "Devil!" Sonya jerked up and threw the quill far away, screaming, full of fear.

    啪啪啪, a bottle of wine on the wine rack is all smashed, or golden, or dark red, or dark black, or pure wine Splashing around, it is a good match with the blizzard.

    Sonya sat down and repeated, "This is just a hypothesis...this is just a hypothesis..."

    She’s bright and beautiful black pupils seem to have a layer of ice-blue crystals, as do the white skin.

    Although it’s not from her theory, it’s ridiculous to violate her other theory, although under the suggestion of the Arcanists, she has been subversive The hypothesis is psychologically prepared, but Lu Xi's hypothesis is too subversive. If you admit it, you must admit that the foundation of the entire arcane system is "wrong", which is a negation of the whole life.

    So, Sonya still inevitably hurts the soul in the censored world, but fortunately, it does not know that the world is broken and solidified, and there is no hope for further. Order.

     "Fortunately, it’s just a hypothesis..."

    Sit quietly, don’t know how long, Sonya Come back, look around with a slight confusion, then whisper:

    "My wine!"

     The bottle of aged wine that has been painstakingly collected has not yet had time to taste and it is full of rooms!

    A deep sigh, Sonya shook her head with a smile: "The members of the Arcane Review Committee are really a very dangerous job, I have to let the committee compensate me." Loss. Unfortunately, I can't claim from Lucien Evans, otherwise I want him to know my 'pain'!""

    Speaking of pain, Sonya subconsciously Looking at the paper, there was still a faint fear in his eyes, as if the pile of parchment was sealed with a demon that could destroy the world, and it would be released without any attention.
