Okushi Shrine > Chapter 51—Gossip

Chapter 51—Gossip

    Natsuma’s Natasha is wearing a plain all-black dress with purple long hair and a black veil that reveals a long, smooth neck. The whole person looks sad and solemn.

    She walked past Franz and walked straight down the stairs, indifferent to everything.

     "What happened?" Franz asked himself again with a little worry and looked around.

    There are several people in the hall including the girl Poli, who is responsible for the reception, all of them are stunned. It is not clear what is the future of the female grandfather, now The Countess of Violet is so sad.

     Is Dagong suddenly called by the Lord?

    No, then she should immediately sue all the nobles, then Fuling went to the Golden Cathedral, accepting the coronation of the Pope Sergeant on behalf of the Pope, and waiting for the funeral At the end of the day, I have to go to the holy city of Lans to worship the Pope. It is impossible to have a free time to the Musicians Association.

    The Northern heresy broke the fortress and is about to enter Alto?

    No, she is known as the "real knight" and she should be the first big aristocrat to lead the remaining Violet Knights, instead of hiding from the Musicians Association. Music paralyzes your own weak!

    Which famous musician passed away?

    No, except for Christopher, the master who taught Natasha, no musician is qualified to let her take such a stance and solemn attitude. Come to the association personally.


    All people seem to think of something, the talented musician who just ended a brilliant, seemingly unbeatable concert, began to be secretly called by everyone. For the master's music legend, is it something that happened to him?

    Although after the concert, the Royal Highness sent a guard to announce Lucien? Mr. Evans was only seriously ill and excited to faint. There was a Cardinal Cossack, he was cured, but his body was still weak and he needed a long period of rest, but two days after that, except A small number of friends of Mr. Evans visited him, and everyone else was blocked outside the villa. He did not know whether his condition was good or bad.

    Under this weak state, there is a sudden illness and can’t wait for the pastor and the bishop to come to the hospital. There are countless deaths in just a few minutes. precedent!

    If it is him, with the concert that just ended, with the shocking and touching d minor symphony "Ode to Joy", with that great The work is indeed qualified to let the future Dagong personally go to the association to announce the bad news. More importantly, his close relationship with His Royal Highness Princess Natasha has been recognized and considered by many to be the future Duke of Tilan. In the Principality of Vaoli, if the surname is a female surname, her husband will receive a title of Duke of Tiran without real power that cannot be inherited. If it is him, Princess Natasha's dressing and uncontrollable sadness are normal!

     "Lord, Mr. Evans is not yet twenty-one years old..." Polly stunned and stunned her mouth, her eyes were crystal clear. The water shines, and then she tries to stop her own cranky thoughts. "Absolutely not Mr. Evans, Lord, don't be him..."

     return concert Later, she has regarded Mr. Evans as the angel of music and joy, and is the most admired object.

    The Alto Weekly in the hands of Franz slowly fell, and after visiting Mr. Evans on the first morning and confirming that his condition was fairly stable, I was caught in the passion of creating music. The inspiration inspired by "Ode to Joy" echoed in my mind all the time. It seems that there is a theme melody of the symphony, so in the next few hours, I am locked in the piano room. Think about anything else.

    Leaving the piano room today and coming to the association, Franz is not specifically collecting the Aalto Weekly, but thinking of the music library to find some information, and then Visit Mr. Evans, ask him and discuss his ideas.

    ............Christopher's exclusive lounge.

    Othello looked helplessly at the white-haired sparse master: "Mr. President, has your music review been written yet? This issue of Music Review "The "Symphony Guide" has been postponed for two days." Even though he has served as the president, he is still used to calling Christopher as he used to. Victor next to

     gaze at the paper in front of Christopher.

    Because of the "returned concert" in June, "Music Review" and "Symphonal Herald" were postponed until June 2nd, which is convenient The first time will be this very extraordinary concert and definitely excellent Lucien? Evans' new work is published on it.

    The results, concerts and new works not only did not live up to expectations, the response is beyond imagination, so the two journals can not wait to be released. The shocked and moved musicians broke out with passionately writing comments. In just one night, the number of eligible manuscripts exceeded the needs of the two issues, so they had to add additional supplements, but in the process, it was originally intended as a "head." The commentary of the article headline "Christopher Master" has not been handed over for two days, so that the published period is postponed day by day.

    Christopher did not have a little bit of embarrassment, hehe smiled: "Because "Ode to Joy" hit my heart, whether it is the value of the theme, or Its rigorous and innovative structure as a symphony has reached an unattainable level, which makes me want to comment with the most sincere and beautiful words, so I have been repeatedly modified several times and are not satisfied."
< Br />     "Maybe without thinking, the comments written in one breath are closer to the soul." Victor sneaked the manuscript with philosophical rhetoric.

    Christopher nodded slightly: "Victor, you are a bit reasonable, can you help me see how this is written?"
< Br />     While saying that he handed Victor a few papers with scribbled words...

    Victor got it, I whispered it out: "This is an unimaginable masterpiece of art. It is the most valuable asset of all music-loving human beings. It is the most unparalleled work of the symphony hall. I seem to have produced such a belief. For a long, long period of time, there will be no music in the symphony field that can match it."

    "This is not a regrettable thing, but a A memory worthy of excitement and happiness, because we are in such a glorious moment, and we have experienced the indescribable beauty of music, which is remembered by history. Please let us leave the seat and go to Lucien Evans. The gentleman pays the highest respect, this is his greatest Creation..."

    "He is enough to enter the music hall, compared with the one who shines with the light, and compared to other masters, he runs through In all works, the spirit of never giving up, never giving in, and the struggle with the darkness emphasized in the final of "Ode to Joy", the joy, unity and fraternity that have been experienced through suffering are the perfect blend of music and thought. Regardless of the era and the development of music, his music is immortal, because these spirits are destined to immortal!"

    There is a commentary on the structure and connotation of the symphony, Othello After hearing it, the old-fashioned serious face could not help but smile: "Mr. President, your evaluation is too high. But I think it is very appropriate, because no symphony has made me so fascinated." Brd/>
    Christopher has not answered yet, the door knocked at the door, slow and powerful.

    "Who?" asked Othello instead of Christopher.

    The voice of a soldier came in: "It’s the princess."

    Othello hurry Stand up and meet Christopher and Victor to the door.

    The door opened, they saw Natasha as if they were attending a funeral-like dress, feeling the sad and painful emotions, and asked in surprise: " What happened to His Royal Highness Princess?"

    Natasha bowed slightly and painted a cross on her chest. The tone said gently: "Lusien Evans In the early hours of the night, the Lord was called."