Okushi Shrine > Chapter 49—The elegy of the night watchman

Chapter 49—The elegy of the night watchman

    Alto Viola District is a seemingly ordinary civilian house.

    The clown leaned against the old big wardrobe and used a left hand to take a tube of medicine from the night robes.

    The little half of the clown who has no body on the right side can't even breathe. It can only rely on the mighty vitality of the big knight to escape to this secret hiding place. After that, he finally exhausted, and he did not even have the strength to reach the secret room. He had to fall down in the closet and tried to stabilize the injury by treating the medicine.

    The pure and holy liquid is poured into the throat, the viscera and the flesh of the clown are exposed to creep, no matter how they increase, they will collapse when they hit the break. It seems that there is an invisible crack that blocks all efforts to recover, allowing life to pass firmly and quickly.

     "Is it going to die here?" The clown sighed a little slyly, and for the first time experienced the horror of the top blood.

    蹬蹬蹬, a few footsteps approached, the clown was unable and helplessly opened his eyes, only to watch the night watchman catch up.

    The door was pushed open, but Juliana and Lund and Minsk, who were not included in the mission, came in.

    Seeing them, the clown raised hopes of survival, and struggled to spit out the heart’s unwilling words: “No... I... ...killed...is the professor...the conspiracy."

    I don’t think I’m cautious, I’m still in the middle of the professor’s plan, I’m the most I am not willing to understand the purpose of the professor. Just because the purpose is wrong, I fell to such a point!

    He is madly planning what it is all about? !

    Julianna saw the miserable appearance of the clown, even if she was used to death and killing, her eyes could not help but redden: "Captain, I believe you, must It’s the damn professor, no matter how crazy you are, you can’t kill Lucien Evans in the face of Natasha. You hold on, I will treat you!”

   ;  Although the clown did say that he would grab or kill Lucien in front of Natasha? Evans's words, but that is the case with definite evidence, the promise now seems to have been achieved, but the premise is not correct, and it must be said that it is a great irony.

    After listening to Juliana’s words, Lund’s serious old-fashioned face was a bit unbearable, and seemed to have foreseen something, but he did not stop. It is as if looking forward to miraculously watching Juliana performing the magic.

    The battle priest is also a pastor. Juliana is no worse than other people in healing the gods, but regardless of her own display or the healing the magic of the magical items, The light of different levels of light shines and disappears, but it can't make the huge wounds a little better. The "invisible crack" swallows and divides everything.

    "Captain Lund..." Juliana stunned to see Lund, only his rank is close to high-level, if he can't even have a way Then, basically declare the death of the clown.

    Lend took a deep breath and converges all kinds of weaknesses and sorrows. The whole person calmly raises his sword and rises slowly. Calm and deep light, then the light blends with the strange darkness of the black gloves and stains the sword.

    He shouted, stepping forward, the sword slammed into the clown's wound, as if to open the invisible twisted gap.

     Eliminate the blood and eliminate all supernatural forces beyond the true God!

    In the invisible gap between the swords and the clown's wounds, a burst of strange fluctuations, Juliana suddenly felt something disappearing.

    But the gap is still tenacious, there is no weakening, it seems that the sense of disappearance is just the illusion of everyone.

    Lend is still not dying, a sword squats, provokes a fierce strong wind, but nothing remains unchanged, the clown's flesh and blood still can not be bridged.

    "Captain, you..." Juliana snorted.

    As a player who followed the Joker for seven or eight years, she was rescued by the clown many times in times of danger, and in the face of the evil of terror, the captain clown is their The whole team is the strongest backing, so even though many night watchmen condemned the clowns for being arrogant and arrogant, the surnames were violently distorted. She still trusted and loved the captain. I couldn’t think of meeting the professor twice, and the teammates around me could not be spared. Die.

    The clown seems to have a persevering presupposition: "Not me...kill...is a professor...conspiracy."

  ;    "I know, Captain, I know. If it is not the head of the referee who has delayed the time, we will definitely arrive in time, so that you will not be framed by the professor, attacked by Natasha." Juliana showed strong dissatisfaction with the church and the referee. Although she repeatedly asked to leave as soon as possible and could not let go of the professor, they still continued to discuss whether this was a conspiracy for the professor to lead the night watcher to remove the traitor, wasting a lot of time. Only make a decision. And if it wasn't for the church and the referee's previous retreat under the pressure of the nobility, how could everything go so irreparable? !

    Lund was not included in the team of chasing professors until he heard that the clown was in a hurry to find a possible place to hide, and then met with Juliana nearby. .

    At this time, he said the latest information: "Morning star is dead, killed by the professor, leaving the 'end of the betrayal'." The tone is cold and there is endless anger. If the professor appears in front of him, he can't help but tear the professor into pieces.

     "Is it?" The anger of the clown seems to be gradually igniting, and it is hard to say: "It is the church that is too depraved... too weak, if it was before... How can we... be taught like... cats teasing mice... same... playing twice...”

    “Yes, I think a lot of people in the church Losing the devout faith, compromising the nobility and compromising the darkness with excuses and obstacles!” An angry Minsk had a red flame, a little irrational.

    The spirit of the clown has become more exciting, and the speech is no longer as intermittent as it was just now: "Although I provoked the blood, I couldn’t control my own madness and committed it. Many crimes have killed many innocent people, and therefore they are complacent, like a real clown, but after being influenced by the monk, I wholeheartedly believe in the Lord, remembering that the night watchman vows, abandons enjoyment, and is willing to live in the dark forever. Protecting the light and justice, and working hard to fight evil."

    "No matter how crazy and violent I am in the eyes of others, even the ordinary family of the evil ones will not let go." Yes, but everything I did was not a bit embarrassing, it was all to eradicate evil!"

    The clown seems to bloom out of the last glory of life, said here After that, the breath suddenly became weak, looking at Lund, Juliana and Minsk: "Hope...you...don't...forget...the night watchman...the oath...do not compromise with darkness and evil... ...not... let go ... Professor ...... "

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;". Yes, captain, "Juliana tears were unusually firmly replied.

    And Lund’s eyes are reddishly painted on the chest, facing the clowns and seriously:

   ;   "The night is approaching, I will guard from now until the Lord is called. I will give up the other, keep the darkness, not marry a wife, have no children, be free from the land, not wealth. I will stay away from glory, Stay away from praise, loyalty, and death. I am the opposite of evil, the fallen enemy. I am resisting the cold flame and piercing the darkness. I dedicate my life and glory to the Lord, guarding the darkness for Him, tonight. "Night and night."

     Juliana and Minsk have repeated tears with the night watchman vows: "...I will give life and glory to the Lord, for He guards the darkness, tonight, and night and night."

    The clown struggled to reach out his left hand and painted the cross in front of the heart that had not broken: "I... Give...the life and the glory...to the Lord...for him...guard...the darkness...tonight...so...the night ... so ...... "

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; With voice trailed low, clown eyes slowly closed. His eyes have been scattered, and Juliana’s expression of grief and sorrow has become blurred.