Okushi Shrine > Chapter 44—Harvest

Chapter 44—Harvest

    The broken pieces of wood are scattered everywhere, and the traces of burning and electric coke are everywhere. At first glance, a fierce spell battle is carried out instead of the road to steal. The attack killed the fishman mage.

    "Does Evans have any powerful magic items, or extreme special magic?" Tom thought of all sorts of explanations, "It is impossible for him." Is it a twenty-two-year-old magician who is less than twenty years old? Although the genius who received the Arcane teachings from the parliament can do this, even if he is 20 years old, he will break through to the middle class, but the magician who accepts the ancient inheritance will not be spiritually talented. It has reached the level of extreme horror, otherwise it will never be possible! And Evans has no signs of mental metamorphosis!"

    Thinking, this race against time At the unusual moment, the experienced Tom didn't waste time expressing his doubts and surprises. He said straightforwardly: "Twenty seconds, deal with it, the upper layer, the rest I come."

      Less than two seconds, four or five words were pulled out from the mouth of Tom, and then he did not hesitate to turn to the main cabin where the goods were stacked. There was a sound of broken wood, which seemed to be Tao Tao. The fisher did not intend to the original road Back, direct break open wooden cabin escape.

    These words are completely unsent, but Lucien still understands Tom's meaning. The fisherman's mage was killed by himself, and the things in it were of course vested in himself. This is a spoils without any doubt, so Tom let himself handle the body himself. Then you must do it in twenty seconds, and hide in the upper level of the sailor cabin, otherwise it will be discovered by the knights and knight attendants who came later, and other traces will be given to Tom.

    The red light on the fisherman's scales has solidified, and the silver-gray scales are stained with a layer of blood red. Lucien knows that this is a good material for refining armor or magic robe. It can enhance the defense and enhance the ability and speed of underwater freedom of action. Unfortunately, time is tight and there is no time to peel off the scales. The same is true of the stinky fish.

    The coral wand was taken in the hand, and the gray-white "money bag" hidden behind a large scale of the fisherman's waist was taken out. Lucien turned around. The thoughts of the "force field wave", an invisible air wave pushed the body of the fisherman's mage to the outside storm.

    Following, Lucien ran back to the cabin where he had lived before, parked under the broken ceiling, and looked around calmly.

    Seeing that they have become ruined by themselves and the "magic warfare" of the fisher mage, all traces of life have been erased, and Lucien’s hand is supported. The foot turned to the upper sailor's room.

     Quickly but not flustered to find the iron planks that they deliberately hit from the sailor’s room, and Lucien put them together in the original position, one side Spiritual shocks, no spells cast.

    A little shimmer, the gap between the iron boards slowly disappears. Apprentice magic "repair"!

    Although it can't be made out of nothing, but after becoming a formal magician, Lucien has been able to repair relatively large cracks.

    The twenty-second limit that Tom mentioned was approaching a second, and the iron board recovered very slowly under the effect of “repair”.

    At this time, a violent sound broke out in the cabin below, it seems that the battle between Tom and the squid fish has entered a stage of white-hot, and there is still a larger The magical fluctuations came out, covering up the movement of "repair" here.

    The magical volatility flashed away, and the fierce weapon collision suddenly disappeared. The heavy and rushing footsteps sounded, and dozens of people rushed down to the main cabin where the cargo was loaded. There was no interest in seeing the broken cabin without enemies at first glance.

    The repair is finally over, the iron planks are restored, and Lucien gets up and is ready to hide in another room.

     "If Tom is not concealed by greed and sorrow, then it will certainly not stop the squid who holds the sea bream, but let They fled, and they concentrated on killing other fishermen and dealing with those who have not been stolen."

    "It’s just that, Granny’s losses are heavy. At least, it is equivalent to the value of twenty or thirty good manors. I don’t know how many sea stones have been stolen by the fisherman..."

    "Mr. Evans, come in." The voices of Annick, Reyia and Heidi sounded at the same time, with strong joy and relaxation.

    Lu Xien flashed in, locked the door and gently nodded to the three apprentices: "Good job, especially Annick, you can calm down so quickly, I am very satisfied."

    With Mr. Evans’s praise, Annick was embarrassed to scratch his head: “I’m used to it when I’m afraid.”

    " Mr. Evans, we brought your suitcase up." Heidi prayed for the black suitcase around him, and Lei Yi Liya Standing quietly behind her, her eyes are burning and she seems to be looking forward to it.

    Lu Xien smiled and said: "You have done a good job, not pulling each other. But the danger has not passed, you must keep it. Right, Don't bother me for a while."

    After the talk, Lucien sat on the dilapidated bed of the sailor, listening carefully to the sound of the battle below, while using the identification technique My own analysis cracks the fishman's coral staff.

    Because I don’t know if Viscount and the bishop can repel the sea monsters outside, I don’t know if the sailboat will sink, I don’t know if Tom can cover up the traces. Without revealing his identity, Lucien can only seize all opportunities at all times to enhance his own strength. Maybe it is time to rely on this magic wand to escape from birth?

    Annick three people solemnly nodded and acted. Heidi hid by the door and listened to the outside movement. Annick squatted on the ground, his ears touched the wooden board, and noticed the situation under the battle. Lei Yi Liya squatted on the blanket next to Lu Xien while mastering other cabins. The situation of the apprentice, while concerned about the increasingly fierce battle in the storm outside.

    Time flies a little, the lightning thunder slowly becomes smaller, and suddenly, the battle in the storm stops, only the wind whistling, the waves roaring. The battle inside the cabin was also nearing the end, and a fisher who could not escape was screaming and killed.

     "Is the Viscount Wright, the bishop won or lost?" Lucien opened his eyes and was very concerned.

    Because Lucien has analyzed several second-ring magics, it took no time to identify and crack the Coral Staff and incorporate it into himself. Mastery.

    "Second high-level magic item, Ambola Staff. The person holding this magic wand will have the ability to breathe underwater, and can play the second ring every day. Magic 'Electric Explosive Ball' three times, 'strong acid water polo' three times. In addition, it can condense mental power at the moment of magic, help the magician to lock the enemy, especially when exerting magic that affects the mind, spirit, and soul state." Br />
    "It is made of coral near the Apollo altar of the Sea Lord and is a common staff of the squid."

    "The person who has the protection of the Lord of the Sea will dominate the water."

    Lu Xien holds the magic wand in his hand, I found that my "spiritual field" really condensed a little, so I smiled in my heart: "When the magician has been so long, there is finally a magic wand with a magician..."

  ;   "But with this magic wand, even if the sailboat sinks, I have hopes of life."

  & Nbsp; The idea has just risen, the loud voice came from above the deck and passed into the ears of every knight and sailor: "The hateful sea monster has been repulsed by us, and the heroic knights and soldiers don't let go of any A fisherman, and pay attention to the trainee to repair the vessel."

    This is the voice of Viscount Wright, who told all the news of his victory in the first place. The crew, to settle the hearts of the people. Of course, it is only the sea monster who sees the sea scorpion to take the initiative to evacuate, or to be repulsed by them, only he and the bishop are clear.

    Sure enough, Annick, Heidi, and Reyia had a long sigh of relief and a relaxed expression.

    And Lucien also opened the gray pocket of the fishman mage in good mood, because even if he holds the Ambro's staff, he can breathe underwater, but The strength will also be greatly reduced, and it may be difficult to escape the encounter with a slightly fierce sea monster.