Okushi Shrine > Chapter 113—Piano solo

Chapter 113—Piano solo

    In an era of so few popular entertainment activities, the explosive and infectious performance just now has had a huge impact on everyone, regardless of nobles or civilians. It’s like being lit by it and getting crazy.

     "I just thought that I couldn’t breathe, my brother." Lilith was very excited and very excited about Sarah Road. "I heard it before." "Destiny" and "Destiny" under the command of Mr. Evans are really too much."

     Sarah answered with great excitement: "Yes, only Ivan Mr. Si has thoroughly revealed the spirit and will of this music that never gives up and overcomes difficulties, and makes my mind baptized again."

     "Because this is Mr. Evans' own work, and his command is really passionate, like the whole person is integrated into the music." Lily did not hide her worship of Lucian.

     "Mr. Evans’s command is unique, so he can command this way! The former conductors were too quiet.” Sarah said that everyone around is Repeated conclusions.

    Compared with those gentlemen with high musical literacy, they who like music but don’t know much about it are the best way to accept Lucien’s command. The change quickly became like the passionate command style.

    ............ "Lusien just acted like a madman, and here is an elegant music hall!" After marveling that he could be so commanded, Earl Verdi first criticized Lucien’s command.

    This is the common idea of ​​many old-fashioned musicians. It is difficult for them to accept Lucien’s command, which is completely contrary to the music education they have received in the past. He is crazy!

     It is foreseeable that there will be many critical articles on the second day of the "Music Review" "Symphony Guide".

    Natasha shook his head with a little excitement: "No, Verdi, cousin, I think this is the best way to command the symphony of fate, just now I have heard the most perfect "Destiny". Don't you think so?"

    In front of Dagong and Cardinal, Verdi can't ignore his face Nonsense, he frowned. "This is indeed the best symphony of fate, but I think it is the band's credit. Lucian's command did not interfere with the band's play, only that the band has a good chief. "

    " Lord Earl, I think that the conductor of Lucien ignited the mood of the band and made them resonate with the music, in order to play such a perfect The effect has to be acknowledged that this kind of command is very suitable for the theme music, it will be popular with the development of the theme music.” Christopher commented with the most authoritative identity.

    And then he smiled and pointed out the problem with Lucien: "But the reason that Lucine’s command was just too hard, almost went from the front to the opposite, he needs Knowing control is not as good as a madman. Of course, as a musician who is on the stage for the first time, and he is trying to command an unprecedented command, these small flaws can be tolerated and accepted. For young people, we To be inclusive."

    In addition to the knowledge of music development and melody, this world is not a true musical genius. At most, the sense of music is better than normal people. Therefore, the command style formed in a few months is still very immature. There are still many problems, such as making the commander seem too crazy and losing the beauty, but as Christopher said, It is not easy to do this for the first time. Lucien himself is quite satisfied. After all, this is his own thing.

    The most authoritative master of the music industry, Christopher, made a positive evaluation. Verdi didn’t say much, and turned his face away from Natasha. A smug smile, while the Grand Duke of Ouolette took a list of tracks and smiled and said: "In fact, I personally like the way that Lucien just commanded. He is like the epitome of all of us there and evil. Difficult to fight, so it seems so crazy and embarrassing. Hey, Lucien is behind a piano solo?"

    He said this, the nobles have Pick up the list of tracks.

    "Before I just looked at it roughly, I knew which tracks, didn't pay attention to the order, and thought that Mr. Evans would use the symphony of destiny as the last one. "The Prince of Syracuse, the Duke of Tria, Michelle said in confusion.

    Christopher woke up and was a little surprised: "There are piano solo behind, so the concert arrangement is a bit heavy and light."

    Saar Bishop Duan closed his eyes and smiled and said: "This young man is not an idiot. Since he dares to arrange this, he is confident that he has a piano solo. There may be changes similar to the previous command changes. Let us be patient. Wait. The Lord tells us, never think that others are fools, or you are a real fool."

     "Sure, Lucien must have prepared a new one." Something.” Natasha agreed.

    The band on the stage has been withdrawn, and a piano has been moved in, but its position is not facing the audience, but the side is outward.

    "It looks like there is a change..."

    just just the adjustment of the position of the piano The aristocrats and musicians in the Hall of the Holy Grail have a strong sense of expectation.

    ............A few minutes after the end of the Symphony of Destiny, Piola and others on the Municipal Square are the same as other audiences around, and have been eagerly discussing Every detail of the music and the conductor was excited and excited.

    When the piano was placed, they quieted down, waiting for Lucien to appear with a slight confusion: "How does the piano face us?"

    Unexpectedly, I haven’t had time to ask, the black tuxedo, the pretty and handsome Lu Xien came out calmly from the background, first deeply against the stage, then Sit in front of the piano.

    He pressed his hands on the keys, and a series of beautiful and melodious melody came out.

    "It was the D major Canon, and Mr. Evans adapted it into a piano piece." Sharon recognized the familiar melody as soon as he heard it. Which piece of music.

    Although simple, but the first major majorist in D major, Cannon is a classic in all music, and is widely circulated and has different instruments. Adapted to the arranger.

    The reciprocating melody is displayed in different parts, chasing each other, imitating each other, beautifully like an angel singing, inspiring the audience just because of fate Tired, impetuous and deeply exhausted, so that they can relax and enjoy the beauty of music.

    And Lucien’s statue-like lines and the hands that walked briskly on the keys left a deep impression on the audience. It seems that there is a hard time. The elegant feeling of words.

    The seven-point piano melody is over, the applause sounds like a wave, although not as crazy as it was before, but it reveals the joy from the heart.

    Piola recalls the piano piece just now: "Mr. Evans seems to have made minor changes to the melody, making this D major Kannon more beautiful, Moreover, the feeling of playing the piano is completely different from that of the violin and harp."

    "Well, the D major of the piano played by Cannon is not as melodious as the violin and harp. But it is purer and more full, and every beating note is like a round and innocent drop of water.” Grace looked at the crystal wall obsessively, and secretly said, “And Mr. Evans’s playing the piano is really attractive.” Br />

    In the box, Natasha looked at the rhythmic push of Lucien’s fingers, and did not mean to smile a little bit: “The original look when playing the piano and The hands are so attractive, it's no wonder that Lucien wants to put the piano on the side, so that the audience can see it directly. If I did this when I played Sylvia last time, the effect would be better, Lucien The bastard didn't even tell me!"

   ;   "It’s just a change in position to see Lucien’s intentions for the concert.” Christopher sighed softly. “The piano music adapted from the D major Canon is very good, simple and beautiful. It will definitely become a very popular classic."

     After the end of the major Kannon, Lucien did not get up and pay tribute, but continued to sit on the bench On, like what is brewing.

    In less than two minutes, in everyone's discussion, Lucien moved his hands gently.